stphrz Posted June 2, 2000 First off, nothing happens 'til it happens (duh). I am more troubled by the news than encouraged. A couple of members of id who happen to own more than 50% of the company are not happy with what's going on. They've just begun to retaliate. Unless EVERYONE at id is gunho for this, the game is DOOMED (pun intended). 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 Rant on. Lets hope that those id members with some common sence stop this nonsence before its too late. They realise that if they remake Doom then it is deemed to fail. id used to be cool but now they suck, like so many other once professional software companies the quality of their products have degraded. Carmack is a fool. A talented programmer who unfortunatly lost touch with reality. He dosent care about optimising his code anymore. If they were to remake Doom it would become some dissapointing Quake III Arena hybrid. They can not make single player games anymore, heck they can't even make good graphics anymore. Lets cross out fingers and hope that Doom and all that it stands for is not destroyed by some money hungry, poor developers who quite frankly are getting old and should let some younger talent work with the Doom franchise. Rant off. 0 Share this post Link to post
Bloodshedder Posted June 2, 2000 Just like Stphrz said, nothing happens till it happens. Case in point: nothing HAS happened yet. Quit your speculation about the new Doom until you see some proof that it will suck/rock. I personally believe that id will make another great game, but if it does end up sucking, what's to keep us from going back to the original? Just quit your whining everyone, and be patient. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Reaper Posted June 2, 2000 Is it just me, or am I the only one that's shocked, amazed, and unpleasantly surprised by the fact that Paul Steed was fired. If that's how sore the id guys are gonna be about it, then fuck them, fuck the new game, and I'll just keep playing good 'ol regular vanilla Doom. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 ...Stop your ranting. Id makes NOTHING but quality titles. Better then anything you'd make. A new DOOM game would be great. Hope they don't screw-it-up with bandwagon crap. Blow away at hellspawn with high-powered weapons and ranting music, baby. Welcome to the 21st century. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Pit Posted June 2, 2000 DOOM III... I bet Romero's reaction was interesting... 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 i didnt get on the net till 10 pm and I went to planetquake to see if ther were any updates for any of my favorite mods then i saw it and i soiled my pants i jsut called all my quake friends who dont like doom and laughed at em for all of 2 minutes straie 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 Damn! I´want that new Doom game. I can´t forget my free hours playing with this great game I ever played before. So I expect that the new Doom game will dethrone Doom classic engine. However, I think than ID doesn´t think to do another Doom game, because only Carmack is interesting about it, but no the others. Why will be the cause? We have to investigate. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 And here you see what this .plan file really is about. Go to Have fun. *grynne* 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 I own DOOM 1, 2, and 3. Quake 1, 2, and 3, Wolf3D and Spear of Destiny. but the only one i play ne more is DOOM. i like the feeling of going through hell and blowing away a few imps and cacodemons before bedtime:) it gives me a warm feeling deep down inside where i forgot to let the barrell cool down before i put it away. i think i have to be dreaming, the greatest thing thats ever happened has happened on my birthday:) thats the best present i've ever gotten:) i think my 18th birthday is the best birthday yet, and i haven't even gotten to go to DejaVu yet;) Everyone at ID, thank you for the greatest present ever, the announcement of a new game in the Most Unholy Trilogy ever!:) 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 I may be going completely off-base here, but I personally think that, say John Romero wants to get involved with the new Doom...Could there possibly be any way Ion Storm and iD get together on this one (because Daikatana has just taken TOO long to make...)? Just a possibility that will never happen. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 Nobody seems to have mentioned this yet. Hopefully this will help to ease some of the fears that some of you are having. I'll start with a couple of quotes from the plan: "I discussed it with some of the other guys, and we decided that it was important enough to drag the company through an unpleasant fight over it." "An ultimatum was issued to Kevin and Adrian(who control >50% of the company): We are working on DOOM for the next project unless you fire us. Notice the words "I" and "we" in the first section, and then the words "We" and "us" in the second section. It appears that John Carmack threatened to quit over this issue. Now, I could be mistaken, but if this is important enough for Carmack to almost quit over, it's probably important enough for him to do a good job on. For those of you concerned about the technology (number of monsters), I'll add an abreviated part of another quote that should help to set your minds at ease: "Several factors, including" ... "and excitement about what we can do with the latest rendering technology were making it seem more and more like we weren't going down the right path." Just some food for thought. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest LordUnum Posted June 2, 2000 SEND ME A COPY OF DOOM 3!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!! BEFORE I GET TOO OLD OR THOSE HAMSTERS GET BACK INTO THE SPINNING WHEEL IN CARMACK'S NOGGIN!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE INCLUDE THE CRACK, I'LL PAY FOR ALL POSTAGE, YOUR DELOREAN RENTAL, AND ROBERT ZEMECKIS' PERMISSION!!!!!!!!!! IF NECESSARY!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE I NEED IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! OH YEA FORGOT TO PUT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'s IN!!!!!! MY REQUEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To see more examples of such grammatical brilliance, point your Newsgroup browser to :-) 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Raptorz Posted June 2, 2000 Thats right. This new DOOM didn't surprise me. I posted a messgae a while back in the news article that said a new DOOM was doubtful. Go back and read my message if you like.... I knew ID was trying to cover up a new DOOM the entire time. The rumors were true. LONG LIVE DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Raptorz 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Daggah Posted June 2, 2000 Fucking id's determined to ruin the greatest game ever made. God damn, the current id Software SUCKS ASS. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 What the hell kind of Doom are they gonna make without Romero? Romero is so synonymous with doom.. a doom without romero just ISNT DOOM.. period. They need to put the bullshit aside and collaborate with the old crews (mcgee, romero, carmack, etc) 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Raptorz Posted June 2, 2000 DOOM set the standards. Hell, if there hadn't been a DOOM, you wouldn't have any games like you do today. DOOM set off, spreading like wildfire. Then, everything followed. After that, ID sprang forth with Quake.... which other comoanies took after since they though ID can't go wrong, due to the fact that DOOM was a great success. ID software may be having their problems between themselves. Thats none of our buisness. And yes, sadly, someone with power in the compnay allways ends up getting ticked off and starts firing people. Unfortunately, Paul Steed had to pay the price because of ID's current employee arguments. And I gurantee you at least another will be fired, too. But, are Kevin and Adrian fighting against making a new DOOM because they didn't like the original DOOM? Probably not. Logically, making a new DOOM means that they are going to have to do the best damn job they can, so the new DOOM can set standards and live up to the DOOM title. Plus, the enviorment and feeling of the orginal DOOM is going to have to be the same, or a tad bit better. And making shure the new DOOM will have to live up to its best expectations is a hectate job. Thats mainly why Adrian and Kevin are pizzed. ITs going to be a hard, very difficult job to remake the best game ever created --- DOOM. And, if ID is in a bind between themselves, then that means they really do care, and are gonna give it the best of their abilities.... Once again, Long Live DOOM!!!!! Raptorz 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 Sure, Wolf 3-d set it all off, but iD's Doom made the whole world spin on end for a while. If they put their minds to it, and work their butts off, Doom will be, again, the best game ever made. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Germs Posted June 2, 2000 I've never seen such a large group of people simultaneously get pissed off and happy at the same time.Sorta like when you ask Santa for something for several consecutive years, and finally the fat bastard puts out; Feelings of disbelief and happiness overcome you as your pulse quickens.You only have the strength to speak a few, now meaningless, words as the anger has already started to take you - 'That fat bastard, I wanted it in GREEN!!'.Santa has made your shitlist. Oh well, back to Pokémon, where I'm a master trainer in the pokémon league - Butterfree, I choose you! Use your confusion attack! 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 The initial shock was that i think about it...this might not be all that great. I love ID...but they have gone downhill since the original Quake was released. It sounds like ID is having corporate troubles, and that is never good. Paul Steed was fired, but if the spirit of the project is right, he should work on it anyway. John Carmack and crew should do this in the fashion it was done before. Fuck the whole "corporation" setting, but your heart into it because it means something to you, not for some extra money or whatever. And if John Romero is not a part of this project, I don't know if I'm buying it. Somebody said it the best below, Doom *IS NOT* Doom without Romero, and it never can be. I sincerely hope that ID or Carmack or whoever has been responsible for recent games plays a LOT of Doom before sitting down to make this project. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 Ok here I go. First off, DOOM3!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!! There, sinces thats done heres my coments. Why do think people Doom3 going to suck ass? Just because Paul got "fired" or because Romeros not at ID anymore doesn't mean they can't pull it off. As far as im concerned ID hasn't made a "bad" game yet, and I doubt that they are going to start now. They have to much at risk with a title like this, its like saying that Square going made a shitty Final Fantasy, it ain't gonna happen and never will. Now I know people complained about Q2s single player mode and how "bad" it was but really people it was quite good. "Oh, the enimies are so stupid, they aren't smart enough to even dodge well!" or "Theres only two monsters on the screen at a time, this blows!" Crank the difficulty up to hard, quit using CHEATS all the time, and quit bitching about it. I have found that most people would rather complain about a game than actully give the credit where it deserves. The multiplayer on Q2 made up for "mediocre" single player a thousand fold, plus with Quake2 there would be no Half-Life, Diakatana, and the rest of the lot. Think about that one people. And all the talk about Doom3 not going to have tons of monsters on screen at once. SO WHAT! You don't have to have 80 gazillion imps and demons in your face to get a good Doom experiance. Look at Half-Life it didn't have tons of aliens being thrown at you constatlly. Even with the fact that the engine and computer issues at hand it doesn't matter. If Valve had used the Doom engine instead of the Quake2, limitations aside, I highly doubt that the gameplay would be much different than it is now. One more thing before I go, if you are so god-damn worried that Doom3 going to run like crap on your system, upgrade it or BUY A NEW ONE! New PCs these days are getting cheaper and cheaper almost every day, plus when Doom3 actully is finished and sitting on the store shelves, a decent computer for it should be quite affordable. I have a K6-233, 128mb ram, voodoo3 200 PCI, and Q3A run quite well on my systemand since Doom3 going to use the Q3A engine Im not to worry about performance from the enimes on screen or other wise. And please quit bitching about how the gameplay gonna suck because of the game engine when your using a fucking 486 or a Pentium 1. Get a job and save some cash for a upgrade or a new one. There's my two cents on the whole matter. Its my opinion, but i could be wrong. Sgt Crispy. Doom LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 Honestly, I've about had enough of this shit. IF ID SCREW IT UP THEY SCREW IT UP, OKAY? TOO BAD! THAT'S WHAT THE ORIGINAL FUCKING DOOM IS FOR! And why does everyone seem to think that because DOOM III is going to be made by a few different people to before, it will suck? I mean why? What about all the great fucking TCs that have been made, they've all (well the good ones have) managed to create a proper 'DOOM' feeling, WITHOUT ANY INVOLVEMENT FROM ANYONE WHO ACTUALLY WORKED ON DOOM. So I think id do stand a good chance of making this game worthwhile. And if they don't...then they don't. Back to square one, back to DOOM II. Disappointing, yeah, but still...and, if you're one of those convinced that DOOM III will suck because of id's supposed downward spiral, GIVE THEM A FUCKING BREAK. Not a fucking thing has been done on the new DOOM game yet, so wait until you frigging see something before you abuse it. And one, very last thing: it is written DOOM. ALL uppercase. Doom if you like, but NOT DooM!!!!!! DooM is just stupid...completely fucking write it as DOOM. id made the game. I THINK THEY WULD HAVE SOME IDEA OF HOW IT IS FUCKING SUPPOSED TO BE WRITTEN... 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 What the hell are Adrian and Kevins problems? I mean Doom Fucking broght id out of the woodwork. If it wasnt for doom id would still be making Commander Keen. I think Kevin and Adrian are fucking assholes. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Confusion Posted June 2, 2000 Good God that's a lot of comments. Too many, surely...everyone has to have their say...bloody hell. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 Sorry, don't know what got into me there. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 What's wrong with Commander Keen? 0 Share this post Link to post
Arioch Posted June 2, 2000 If they suck so much why do the Quake games still rank in the top games played online? id has not ever let the fanbase down. I happened to like Quake singleplayer, and Quake 2 in single and multiplayer. I'm neutral on Q3 because I can't play it (yet). Really folks, stop your whining and bitching. They're smart enough to remember what made Doom great. And oh, btw, they aren't using the Q3 engine on it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Arioch Posted June 2, 2000 id merely caters to different portions of their fanbase with each game. And to all of you lamers who complain about the stupidity of Q2 monsters: Doom monsters are insanely stupid. At least the Q2 monsters dodge and run around. Q2 is harder than Doom (but only because I run out of ammo trying to hit those frickin' Icarus bots). Um ... 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Anonymous User Posted June 2, 2000 Doom rocked. Doom II rocked. Quake rocked (yes, the multiplayer side of it WAS good), Quake II rocked, Quake III Arean rcoked, so what makes you think that Doom ]I[ won't rock? You can have lots of ploygonnal onbjects on screen at once. Dungeon Keeper 2 anyone? Come to think of it, Total Annihilation used polygons, and you good push a good 200+ units active at once. The one thing I saw recently that really reminded me of Doom was the beginning intro sequence to quake II, when sarge is standing on a pile rubble mowing down people. If Doom ]I[ can have you doing that it would be great. Plus, just imagine a Q3 stlye Cyberdemon. As usually you only find one cyberdemon on screen at once, id could make it with like 15,000 polygons. Oh yes. Come on now, id have never made a game that was not loved by millions of people. Ever. Doom ]I[ will rock. Hard. Bring. It. On. 0 Share this post Link to post
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