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Doom 3 Forum

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I added a Doom 3 forum to the Doomworld Forums where you guys can discuss what will become of the next Doom game in the series. I figured it would make sense to focus it all in one place, instead of having it be spread out in the General forum. Naturally there isn't much to talk about yet, considering that id hasn't even started serious work on it, but here you go anyway.

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Guest Anonymous User

Isnt that what 'Ling's Ideas' is for?

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Guest Anonymous User

I look forward to playing id's new Doom game when it comes out. I have Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny, Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Quake, Quake 2, Quake 2:Ground Zero, Quake 2:The Reckoning and Quake 3 Arena. As you can see, I am a real id fan (now Quake fan...but you know). Good luck to id software in the development of their next Doom game. I hope that they make new technology that will make even Q3A look ancient to really create a real life feeling of "DOOM" environment. Seeya!

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Guest Anonymous User

If id could make DOOM so good with all the limitations of the DOOM engine, I am extremely confident they can make an out of this world awesome game with the latest engine they'll be using. Something tells me it's gonna be very very awesome - technologically and atmosphere/gameplay wise as well - that is if they go back to DOOM 1 style levels and gameplay - but with much more detail and, because of better technology, even richer and more engrossing atmosphere/gameplay. They could redo all of Bobby Prince's music to the quality it was originally evnisioned to have but couldn't quite manage due to limitations in audio quality back then. Have all the original monsters, but much more convincing. Much more advanced moving platforms, bridges - for levels like E1M3. They should include all the original DOOM levels but each slightly modified to give you something to look for in the newly rendered levels that are so familiar. Subtle changes such as improved architecture where appropriate - multi-floors where they would work well - some added secrets which would showcase some of the things to be expected in the new levels that would also be included. The new levels would have to retain the feel of the original doom - or be a "logical" porgression or evolution from episode 3. Scratch episode 4 and DOOM 2 entirely - inferior to the original and incompatible from an atmosphere point of view - either would have to choose doom2 or doom atmosphere, or, of course, a totally fresh atmosphere - but then it wouldn't be doom. A hollywood quality movie intro - id should give DOOM III special attention due to the importantness of this project - this is, afterall, the revival and recreation of the greatest classic of all time and the fact that id is going to remake it, six and a half years later, and the fact that they were willing to make such sacrifices in order to do it, is a testament of how committed they are to the project - a lot of inspiration and energy, it seems, will be going into it, which should yield, in the end, a very good product. They're doing this for themselves as much as they are for the public. I don't think making money on this project is the motivation behind it. My point being - it will rock. Unless, of course, they're envisionment of the way DOOM should have been (if it indeed will be a recreation) or as a sequel will be is far from that of the majority of true doom fans, which would be an awful shame. Keep all the monsters from the original doom and maybe include the ones from DOOM2 - but I think that'll detract from the mood/feel of the original. Plus, DOOM2 monsters don't provide the blowing monsters away effect that even the cacodemon does. I think the baron should be the only really big monster - the guardians of hell - a sort of hierarchy. One big monster - two bigger ones - the cacodemon and they could create another one in the class with the cacodemon - then medium monsters - the demon lost soul and a new one - and then dinky monsters - former humans and imps and maybe another new one. I think the limited number of monsters in doom actually added to the feel/atmosphere, adding too many detracts from the overall atmosphere. Each monster had it's own function or place in doom. Some new items could be a armor heat shield. If you blow up a barrel or fire the rocket launcher at close range - you won't incur any damage - but this would be a rare item to find and would only withstand 200 points of would be damage before being deteriorated. It would not act as a radiation suit. It would be a type of armor. There are two types of shotguns - one low powered, low buckshot and one big power and big buckshot - they should add another for use at long distance - same as the shotgun but the bullets wouldn't spray apart like the SS, but would provide even 50% less punch than the shotgun, but be more of a semi-automatic - firing 20% quicker than a shotgun. I think they should take the original story and expound on it, but keep the key elements of it the same. Make the story more present in the game. Whatever id decides to do - they better keep it DOOM. BASF - we don't make a lot of the products you buy, we make them better.

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Man, that's a long post. I'll never, ever get around to reading it. I copied it to my notepad in case Linguica wanted to delete it. :-b

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Guest Confusion

Oh dear. Someone hasn't got the faintest idea what they're talking about, and I'm sure it isn't me.

"They should include all the original DOOM levels but each slightly modified to give you something to look for in the newly rendered levels that are so familiar."

Understand this, PLEASE - this is NOT DOOM Remastered. This is a NEW GAME. Were any of the levels from DOOM in DOOM II? I think not. If any levels from DOOM are re-used in DOOM III, they should be used as secret levels - like the Wolf3D levels in DOOM II.

"Scratch episode 4 and DOOM 2 entirely"

Not as simple as that I'm afraid - you can't go ignoring things that you don't like, purely BECAUSE you don't like them. Not the way it works. And there was nothing wrong with Ep4 or DOOM II, anyway - they just didn't appeal to you. Big difference. I happen to know that a lot of people preferred DOOM II to DOOM, so id must have been doing something right.

"I think the baron should be the only really big monster - the guardians of hell - a sort of hierarchy. One big monster - two bigger ones - the cacodemon and they could create another one in the class with the cacodemon - then medium monsters - the demon lost soul and a new one - and then dinky monsters - former humans and imps and maybe another new one."

Well, if you want to throw out the Cyberdemon and the Spider Mastermind, fine, but I don't think you'll find anyone else who does. And what do you mean by the "demon lost soul" being a "medium" monster? "Medium"? A little flaming skull which bites people? "Small" is the word I think you're after, friend. And cacodemons are not exactly what I'd call "big". Or even barons, for that matter - a Cyberdemon is what I'd call big, and I'm fairly sure I'm not alone.

As much as yu may want a DOOM remake, it's probably not going to happen. And I, for one, see that as a good thing. An expansion is what we want, a furtherment of DOOM - not a rehash.

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Guest Confusion

Something I left out - "A hollywood quality movie intro"??? Hollywood has yet to make an intro which isn't crap. Look at the Blizzard game cinematics - that's what game intros should be like. Wow...

And one last thing - I'd like you to look up the phrase "paragraph break". Quite a handy little thing to know that it...jeez.

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Guest Anonymous User

Okay, maybe not "hollywood" but one which is of very high quality, is what I meant to convey. I agree, Blizzard intros are pretty good. You're right, it wouldn't make sense to include doom 1 levels in doom2 since doom 2 is the same game engine. But with a new game engine, it could be fun, especially slightly modified to make the original much better - this wouldn't be the main game. That would blow big time, naturally - added for oldtime's sake - so we can play the original the way it wanted to be played. And these are just my opinions - what I want - obviously other people may want doom 2 over doom and monsters that take forever to kill that aren't bosses. I don't. I thought toiling over mancubuses, cyberdemons and spyderdemons as regular monsters, well, tedious and not that fun. Mowing down small baddies most of the time and taking down large foe occasionally is better, imHo. Sorry about the unbroken up post - I haven't figured out what Ling was talking about [p] breaking up paragraphs. I'll just use spaces until I understand what he was talking about. And no reason to be so hostile - people are constantly shooting other peoples' ideas down - "dude, this person has no idea what they're taling about" etc. - great, this is helpful commentary - just say what you need to say, keep your petty, useless comments to yourself.

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