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(thats a bitch to spell)<BR><BR>If you dont like legacy, dont say it has pointless features. Vice versa for zdoom. Each to their own. I dont use zdoom, I dont try and argue with those who do (unless provoked). If you could do the same then we'd be just fine.

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Guest Confusion

There have been far too many comments on this than there should have been, but hey. If you wonder why I seem so opposed to Doom Legacy, it's because of people like the anon who posted "blah Arioch". I mean, just read what he/she/it said. Here is a person who clearly has not got a fucking clue what he/she/it is talking about. Then there are people like Teppic who say things like "Louis I want your babies!". Sorry Teppic, but I'm afraid I can't take you seriously until you stop this Louis-worship and rejoin the real world. As for this whole goddamn source port war, let's just agree to diagree, for crying out loud.

(I love clichés.)

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I've used 1.25, 1.28, 1.29p5 up to p8. THEY SUCK! GO FUCK FROZEN GOATS LIKE ENDURA DOES!

Sorry, just had to get that out of my system. And oh, I played all the versions of zDoom from 1.14 on up.

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"Sound crackling and sound cut-out is on 1.29p8. I don't play with old-ass versions - only the latest for me! And before you say my machine is a piece of crap, it's a 337MHz Celeron with 256MB of RAM. My sound card? Sound Blaster. Eat your fucking words."

Bugger off.

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I got a 486 with old ass stuff and a Athlon 700 Mhz with Soundblaster Liveplayer with a GK Matrox G400 32 mb AGP Max 360Mhz Ram dac. and it works beatiful on both. Now we can sit here and compare computers all we want but that aint gonna help. if you got a crappy computer or just perhaps should reinstall windows (or whatever you're using) I dunno. Don't play legacy for all I care. Just stop naggin about your sound braking up. OK?

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thanks confusion. Maybe louis is the way? I personally think his off-beat humour brings me out of the depths of depression better than any prozac could do.

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Guest Daggah

If it screws up on his machine, then it screws up on his machine. And if that is so, he has every reason to bash Legacy FOR THAT REASON.

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Then that would mean they have every right to bash zDoom! Noooooooo! Bah.

Legacy sucks.

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Guest Anonymous User

fucked up and beried my organs gor kiled but i broght them back to be all better and then i kiled mewze so he cant take away my bits and bobs anymor!!!!!!!!!!!he who skrewz is a skrewed up skrewd--r

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Guest Caleb

after reading every and all entries to all of the doomworld comments page, its clear to me that none of you guys will ever agree with each other, and you guys call yourself united, yeah whatever! i'll pretend its been fun, i hope doom 3 has everything BUT what the 1st version of doom offered like horrible graphics and linearity!!!!!!!! as if the world needs more opinionated people, i thought thats what we have politians for.

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Without opinions humans are no more than drones to society.

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Guest Confusion

"i'll pretend its been fun, i hope doom 3 has everything BUT what the 1st version of doom offered like horrible graphics and linearity!!!!!!!!"

Can anyone translate this for me?

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This is soooooooo stupid. Why all the bitching? All the source ports are given to this community FREE OF CHARGE!!!! If you find that one port doesn't work for you or doesn't have the features you want then simply use another one that does. Or better yet develop one of your own. Then maybe you might have a little idea of how much work is involved. You won't make one red cent for your efforts and a bunch of goons will criticize your work. Seriously, I don't know why the coders for Legacy or ZDoom even bother.

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your missing the point and I dislike being called a goon. I am saying precicely what you are saying, and trying to defend my favourite port.

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Sorry if I offended you or anyone with the goon statement. I just get so tired of all the negative nonconstructive criticizm that is flung around so regularly in this community. The port you like works well for you. It needs no defence.

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I'm looking through Doomworld, and I see this news update. I look at the bottom and I see "75 comments". I'm like, "Why on earth could this topic generate so many topics?" I click on the link, and I find very little relevant discussion, just mindless bashing. From what I see here, about half of the Doom community can't even get along over a simple subject such as source ports! I wonder what might happen to the entire community if we just can't get along over trivial matters such as this. What kind of a person bashes people over what port they prefer? If you like a certain port, stick with it. Don't try to force it on other people. You can tell it's unique features and other things that appeal to the person, but it's their choice if they want to use it or not.

From the flaming I see people receiving here, I'm not even going to disclose my port preference. You all can just sit there wondering. And I don't care what port you're using, just as long as you're happy with it, and don't try to make me use it. Opinions are just like buttholes; everybody has one.

As Voltaire once said, "I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

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Guest Genji

Legacy is my port of choice.Same with many other doomers. Zdoom is obviously Arioch's favorite doom port. Same with several other doomers. Zdoom us my secondary port of choice. Is that a crime? Am I gonna get smacked up by my fellow legacy doomers for using a different doom port? No. It seems that most of you Zdoom users despise Legacy just because it isn't your port. It didn't work out with legacy when you tried it. Big deal. You got zdoom! That still doesn't give you many reasons for telling others that use legacy that it sucks, and zDoom is on the best doom port. Maybe Legacy is a bad source port to you, but to several others its their only reason to play doom. Its the other way around too. I use Zdoom as well. Am I saying it sucks? No! Legacy might be improving slowly, and has a few bugs, but it'll end up fine. Trust me. Heh, maybe this'll end up like one of those ugly duckling stories. All I can say is quit the arguing. If you want to say Legacy sucks, go ahead. Just make sure you don't say it to the faces of Legacy users. It pisses us off, like it pissed you off when some of us said some shit about zDoom. Thank you for reading and happy dooming! -Genji

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Can you posibly do anything but complain every single post you make you got somthing to bitch about you can't be happy can you all you do is stir things up.Your not much of a doomer if you can't except others doing thing with doom that you may not like then you should probly stop play cos you'll be in for a lot of dissapointment.

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