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ZanZan Released!

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Guest Cranium

Oohhh, this does look & sound awesome. Gotta try it I reckon...

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Guest Anonymous User

Sverre: it's a less a Doom TC than a small little work of art. Despite it being so short, it's just so unique, with things that hever never been seen before in Doom... I want to make an addon for it, I already have some ideas for strange new monsters and weapons just using Dehacked :)

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Guest AWOL

Dang... Certainly the most "unique" TC I've ever played, as well as one of the best. Every moment of it is awe inspiring; who cares if it's short? Definitely a work of art. Hey, give us a sequal someday! Anyone for a Zan Zan trilogy?<BR><BR>My only problem with this TC is the bugginess of ZDOOMGL. I'm not knocking ZDOOM, it's just that a *lot* more time needs to be spent on debugging the thing. The current condition of the port takes a lot away from the overall experience. Just needs to be "polished up", basically.<BR><BR>Last of all, Zan Zan ultimately proves that you can indeed do just about anything with Doom. IMO, being able to do things like this is what has kept Doom alive for so long. I really hope Zan Zan inspires others to keep stretching the limits.<BR><BR>--AWOL

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Guest MTM

I personally have no problems running Zdoom and ZdoomGL. ZanZan is a very cool TC if it could be longer. Make a sequel!!

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If it was that simple, I would have jumped my butt into the front of a moving bus. It's got bad code! Something in the code has the screen start up with a bad bit of code (for a certain type of video card ;). Someone fix the frecken thing! I neeeeeeed my GL...... =) I'd fix it myself, I just don't happen to /have/ any programing stuff. So either someone fixes the thing, or send me the programmy thing so I can. =) (I kinda hope I get the programmy thingy though... ;) And now, back to Winamp, and trying to get the plug in to work! Bah! Everything is Windows now. Were all gonna die! The world will crash, just like Windows does! :) I also know that computers will never become self aware... they never stay working long enough for it to happen! 8-) *poofs again*

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Well, I have a Voodoo 3 2000, and it was coming up with a white titlepic, and various other misc textures and graphics were white; -3dfx made it all work though. Is your card AGP? Maybe that's what it is... Remember that the current version of ZDoomGL is a beta, still it's no excuse for the amount of bugs there are. BTW, I run win '98 all the time and it hasn't crashed EVER in over a year :) Maybe I'm just lucky...

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Guest Kokistos

Do you think someone could tone down ZanZan enough to run with regular ol' ZDoom? Say, take pictures of the models and make sprites out of 'em, and and get rid of reflective floors and such? My computer is a couple years old. No 3D acceleration or cool stuff like that.

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3d models are used to make e.g. fountains in ZanZan. So someone could turn the Doom crates into models (not hard, you'd only need one polygon :) ), and allow you to have stacks of crates and stuff... you could even use models to create 3D floors and stuff.

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Guest mr_gosack

I have a problem.. Whenever I run the game the monsters or any md2 is big, chunky and is covered in black stuff..... What 3dfx driver should I get amd where is the link??? i would be most greatful... Mr_gosack

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it took a total del/reinstall and DL of the drivers (had them already, but what the hell, go for broke! :), del and reinstall of Zdoom and GL and then DLing of the MD2's and then discover that someone switched my coffee with Foldgers Crystals! and now I can finally play! BWA HA HA HA!!!! Hmmm.... in the ammount of time it took to post this, I had beaten the TC... too short! Encore! Encore! Heh heh heh. :) Oh yes, did I forget to mention... ummm... Encore!? I want more, dammit! Blood, meelee, and that blade thing was fun too. 8-)

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Guest Confusion

Yeah, very funny mewse.

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Mewse, under terms of the GPL'ed quotes.txt file I released you have to give full credit to ME BWAHAHAHA!

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What? A crate is a cube: a 3 dimensional object consisting of six sides. A single polygon would not render even one side of a crate. Since 3D accelerators use triangular polygons to create 3D scenes, the least amount of polygons required to make a crate would be twelve (two triangles per side).

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A square is a polygon but in game-terms a polygon is a triangle.

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Yes a four-sided polygon (rectangle) is indeed a polygon but no 3D accelerator besides nVidia's very first (and failed) video card supports them. That's why triangles would be used in software for a PC. So a side of a crate would require at least two polygons and twelve for the whole thing.

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Guest Risen

A work of art. Amazing. ZDoomGL runs fine on my TNT2 Ultra (there are some little white dots that show through the texture edges, but you just eventually ignore them). Sure, ZDoomGL may be buggy, but that's why it's called a beta. Sorry to all of you who can't get it to work... you're really missing out. As far as a toned-down no 3D effects version... I would strongly recommend not to bother, you'd lose a lot in the conversion. Just find a friend's computer. You won't be there that long...

My biggest congrats to edmundo for this incredible piece of work.

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I put opengl32.dll into my zanzan dir and it works not too badly but I must say, there was nothing in the documentation that said to do this.

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Not being a 3D modeller or a programmer or some kind of technical person I didn't know that.

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Guest mr_gosack

Could someone post all of the .dlls that they have in their ZanZan directory because It runs just fine on my computer except that all of the .md2s look nasty. could someone help me??? Thanks MR_GOSACK

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Wow nice work. A little- weird. :) Too short by FAR. not enough health vs. too few enemies but that boomerang weapon rocks. Batman doom IMHO is still the best TC yet. Nice one Edmund! You've been involved in at least two TCs in the top 5!

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I dunno what you heard but, in my programs that I use when I make 3d models(3d studio) an Polygon is a 2d shape you use to create a Object. and the triangulars this object is built upon is not called polygons but Faces. And if you attach two objects to eachoter it's called elements (the two together is called an object).

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Guest Fanatic

Anyone else having problems with a TNT2 video card?

I can run ZDOOMGL -width 800 -height 600 with no problems, but when I add -file zan.wad, it dies miserably.

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Taken from 3dfx's website (http://www.3dfx.com/): Polygon : The basic 2D element from which 3D objects are constructed. Most polygons in video games are triangles. Also remember from your Geometry class what a polygon is. I know what I've heard and I hate to sound overly confident, but I know what I'm talking about. In your 3D app (3DS Max) those are the terms that are designated by the programmers. That doesn't mean it is the standard term across the spectrum of PCs. A polygon is a 2D dimenional object (usually a triangle in gaming software) that is combined with other polygons to form a 3D object (this term changes depending on what software you use: in Lightwave they're objects for example). The faces are polygons. It's like how in Quake level editing faces (polygons: sometimes one or more) are combined to form a brush (substitute the word object here if that helps). Polygons are the basic unit (besides the pixel) in the construction of 3D graphics. It's not possible in a 3D video game to create a square without two triangles or more. Again I repeat that a crate would require at least twelve polygons (triangles) to form.

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Taken from 3dfx's website (http://www.3dfx.com/): Polygon : The basic 2D element from which 3D objects are constructed. Most polygons in video games are triangles. Also remember from your Geometry class what a polygon is. I know what I've heard and I hate to sound overly confident, but I know what I'm talking about. In your 3D app (3DS Max) those are the terms that are designated by the programmers. That doesn't mean it is the standard term across the spectrum of PCs. A polygon is a 2D dimenional object (usually a triangle in gaming software) that is combined with other polygons to form a 3D object (this term changes depending on what software you use: in Lightwave they're objects for example). The faces are polygons. It's like how in Quake level editing faces (polygons: sometimes one or more) are combined to form a brush (substitute the word object here if that helps). Polygons are the basic unit (besides the pixel) in the construction of 3D graphics. It's not possible in a 3D video game to create a square without two triangles or more. Again I repeat that a crate would require at least twelve polygons (triangles) to form.

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Perhaps because you click on "Add Comments" twice and/or refresh the "Do Not Refresh" page.

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Marc, I have a tnt2 card boxed in a pos computer and i've been having the same problem. Only way i can get zanzan to run is with the -nosound paramater. see it that works......... On another note, lets all go pester kokak to fix up zdoomgl instead of making fun of teppic and his critisism of the zdoom port (you natzi)

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Guest 2nd Shadow

IF U R haveing problems running ZANZAN with a TNT2 try adding -width 640 -hight 480 to the ZANAGP.BAT (I think thats what the .bat file was called, I'm not at that PC right now =) Anyway it worked on my TNT2 Vanta.

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