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Guest Anonymous User

" WELL my MEN, BEFORE we get dropped by spaceopter inside that archviles high temple, I BELIEVE we should address the CONCEPT of FRIENDLY FIRE. EVERYONE LISTEN UP !!!!!! get to http://doom.enemy.org/ethh/protoc1.htm AND THEN COME BACK FOR CLASS :-) " ethh

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Guest Anonymous User

"ALLRIGHT, now that you know the basis, let me go on: DO NOT, repeat DO NOT, shoot before your target is identified !! also, those ARCHVILES HERDS can CROSS BLOW UP YOU GUYS so JUST CROSSFIRE BLOW UP THEIR EVIL HEADS OR YOU'RE GONNA END IN THE ARCHVILE'S KITCHEN !!" ethh

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I wasn't trying to raise hell or anything, but that's kind of hard to avoid around here *ahem*. I wasn't offended either. It's not very well known that schizophrenia isn't a multiple personality disorder, I used to think it was too. Who says you don't learn anything in high school? :)

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Guest AWOL

"Alright, where are those two slackers, Corp. Mike and Corp. Boomhowser? What the?! Oh @#$% Men...? Turn around very slowly and prepare to fire..."<BR><BR>--AWOL

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Guest Anonymous User

"And they said cloning was garbage! Come on men, ugh, I mean come on Flynn's, let's get dem Quakers"

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Guest Anonymous User

If you refresh the page, will Linguica send this many marines to come kill you?

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Guest Anonymous User

If you refresh the page, will Linguica send this many marines to come kill you?

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Guest Anonymous User

If you refresh the page, will Linguica send this many marines to come kill you?

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Guest Anonymous User


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Guest Anonymous User

you have schizophrenia when someone slpits your head in two with a chainsaw

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Guest Anonymous User

Ok schizophrenia is the "medical" term for having a chemical imbalance in your head. There is too much of a chemical called "dopamine" (spelling is wrong) Anyways we all know how the nervous system works right? When an axon "fires" an electrical signal to another axon the extra dopamine catches the electronic impules before the axon can. In fact there are three types shizophrenacs one is paranoid were they think everyone is out to get them, and they also think they are someone else, the most common are Jesus and JFK. I can't remember what the other two are but they "hear" voices. Just go look on webmd.com I'm sure they have something on it. Oh I have a caption! Roses are red, blood is to. Deathmatch is sweet, so I gatta kill you!

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