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Weird Dreams

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Ever had one of those dreams that is SO completely fucked up that it makes you doubt your mental health and sanity?

If so post here. I could do with a giggle.

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Let's see. I had another dream that merged time periods from my life. First i was leaving work (my last job), but to leave it i had to cross my old school field. Then, i went to Lime Street Station in Liverpool, but to get there i had to go to Blackpool (my grandparents owned a hotel there). Figure that one out.

Besides that, my dreams usually involve my descent from a large building to the pavement below, or crashing in a car and smashing thru the windscreen, waking up when i hit the ground.

So, am i crazy, normal or just bloody morbid?

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All my dreams last about 3 "hours", and they're obnoxious just like the scripts of those movies that you can't just stop watching no matter how ugly it is and when you recall some scenes of it you feel like if a fever struck you down. And no I don't mean ugly like cheap chinese movies but those mediocre, insipid flics that haven't changed my life in any way whatsoever.

Worse yet, I have about 5 or 6 "templates" that keep recurring to me, each time archieving a whole new level of nothingness.

If I was a bit more bored I would translate the exact ocurrences of my latest piece of junk, which I entitled "Boring kidnapping down by the cascade". Imagine a movie with an undercover "agent" (me) in a band visiting a cascade in a PerĂº-like scenario, while they hold hostage my family and for some ridiculously reason that ashames me to the point I escape to some 50's dinner place who knows where. It also includes a completely boring sex scene with the female bandit.

Other masterpieces include "Oh no my grandfather's house is haunted!" (I used to dream this like once per year) and "I am a God and I can change the Universe in any way I want, so I'm gonna turn it into a giant parking lot at night and chase a friend for some gay reason while staying out of random people's sight".

Goddamnit I hate my dreams. Boring shit.

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My dreams are usually about war, or it sometimes deals with the ocassional Hong Kong Blood Operas. They're pretty cool. Another dream I had was when I went to school, i realized that everyone dissapeared because I made them. I said they were all idiots and should disapeared, and that's what they did, oh wait, that's what I day dreamed about during spanish. Man I hate spanish. It's such a boring class.

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sometimes i can just mysteriously see future and past through dreams, i'm not sure how I can do it, but sometimes some of the events from my dreams do come true in reality, magic, huh?

My dreams are usually about war, or it sometimes deals with the ocassional Hong Kong Blood Operas

don't understand why they have so many such violent operas from where im from showing to foreign countries, i've seen a lot more different side of it from that

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All I can ever remember about my dreams is that they're totally fucked up.

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I used to hae the weirdest fucking dreams, but for the last year or so, not many have actualy ben at all memorable. THe bits and pieces I do remeber seem to be just bits of my normal life.

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I might have something interesting pertaining to this subject in my diary *if* I can find it amongst all the junk on my hardrive and *if* I can be bothered cleaning up the shitty english for public consumption.

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darknation said:

Ever had one of those dreams that is SO completely fucked up that it makes you doubt your mental health and sanity?

If so post here. I could do with a giggle.

/me raises hand.

Laugh away.

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Jesus fuck, a new one.

Last night's dream :

I arrive to my old highschool in a cab, only to get magically teleported to the interior while holding my bike. Instead of leaving it down there I take it with me all the way up to the last floor (third). All I know is that the front wheel is busted, so I'm not gonna ride it (regardless of the fact that I was climbing stairs). Some random janitor pops in and asks me to leave the bike down his place, where he will fix it. I pay no attention and keep going up, hence the guy starts following me. So I get there and there's like 3 guys I know and about 4 random people sitting in the chairs. I think one of them was the guy from GTA3. My friend sees me trying to fix the wheel with my hands, so he asks me if he can help. I say sure, and after careful inspection, we arrive to the conclusion that we need the WinZip source code to fix it.


The dream kinda ends there. Oh God I hate sleeping, what a great way to waste perfectly good restoring time.

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Zaldron said:


And in this sort of a dream I know that (while you were asleep) you thought it made perfect sense.

I had a dream about a week ago... I was an American soldier in WWII and I was to hold a bridge or die trying. Anyhow, I get in position with what was supposed to be a BAR (browning automatic rifle) and some lame butt moron had stuck the cartridges in the clip vertically instead of horizontally. I fix that, look up, and see a few nazi trucks pull up. I take cover by a bridge guard rail and the rest of the platoon is in the thick trees to the right of the bridge. The trucks start to unload and my platoon fires on the nazis. I open fire at this point too. My rifle seems really big and heavy so I pull the clip to find out what's wrong. (I know, why pull the clip.) Anyway, I pull the clip and look at the rounds in the magazine -THEY'RE HUGE- about 3" long and 3/4" wide. I thought to myself, "Oh well, more power." Smack the clip back in, got a few nazis, and they surrender. After that we load them up into a train car and start passing their weapons back. I say, "What the Hell!?!" and the nazis just put their guns under their seats. All but one. I jump at him but I've already been shot in the chest, so he dodges and I fly right through the car and land in a thorn shrub. They cheer, pull out their guns and waste my platoon. I die.


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firt off I'm a lucid dreamer. I used to have recurring nightmare where I had my own personal freddy kruger-type guy. he would tourture and kill my friends and family. he kept changing and getting worse. finally I got some "help" in my dreams. I guess they were other facets of me, trying to deal with the growing cancer in my psyche. it all eventually spilled out into my waking life for a few years. then I got my mental shit together. every once in a while I hear or see him in my dreams, but it's something I can deal with.

I did have a really weird dream totally unrealted to the above. It was a circus held in a large basement gym, and there was a guy in the ring dressed like darth vader with no sleeves. everyone laughed at him till he said "don't underestimate the powers of darkness". everyone shut up and sat except for me. I still laughed at him. he ran away and I flew after him outside. there was a forest outside and he lost the outfit. we were flying through the trees glaring at each other. we landed and he began throwing punches and kicks which went thru me. I said " you can't hurt what you can't hit." I went to strike him but my arm was not working. finally with great effort I grabbed at his face, only to grab the backpack sitting next to my bed in reality. what a way to wake up.

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My nightmares always involves the feeling of guilt. When someone close to me dies in one of my dreams I am always the one to blame. The one who miserably fails to rescue him/her. The one who meekly watches on while I could do something. I have never feared for my own life in a dream. Only the lives of others.

Most of my dreams, however, are rather pleasant. They usually involves me roving around in big wondrous buildings. I once dreamed an entire Doom1 megawad up. Maybe i'm going to realise it someday.

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I'd hate to hear what your dreams are like when you guys are on crack.

Jokes aside, I have had strange and bizzare dreams before, and even I don't understand many of them. I think that's a good thing actually.

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Ok, I remember *one* dream (I rarely dream anything anymore - or at least I never remember what I dreamed when I wake up) which I dreamt eons ago.

There was this girl which I was 'interested in' during my middle teenage years. Well, I had a really odd dream that I for some fucked up reason badly wanted to kill her, yet in my mind I didn't really wanted to and I struggled to win the mind battle so that I could avoid killing her, but I lost and ultimately drowned the girl in a swimming pool. After she lay lifeless in the water, I got so upset that I tied a large rock to my own leg and drowned myself.

Just before I died in the dream, I suddenly saw that the girl apparently wasn't dead after all, she was shaken, but alive....and then I died.

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I had the weirdest dream about a year ago. I dreamed I was on a concrete plain, surrounded by Barons of Hell and acid barrels (the ones from Doom). The Barons and barrels were so close to me I couldn't move. If I fired a shot, the Barons would turn around and I would mutilated in less than second. If I shot the barrels, well, you figure it out.
Quite possibly the scariest dream I've ever had.

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My God this is getting awful.

Last Night's Dream :

So I'm in my best friend's house, which is downright weird because he lives in England now. We're watching what appears to be some kind of last episode of Frasier, where Niles is dead and of course everyone is grieving. Now, my friend used to live with his grandmother, but she was replaced by some old lady I saw yesterday in the street that reminded me of a ER patient. So we're watching TV while having dinner, and this chapter of Frasier is nothing more but first planes of Frasier half-crying, melting into first-planes of some ugly chick masturbating. Yeah, don't ask me.
Meanwhile, we're having dinner, and supposedly it's pasta, but now that I realize they were little triangles of the same material as the gummy bears, but covered in sugar and cream.
Ok so the buzz rangs, it's my other friend. We go and open the door for him, and for some reason the elevators room turned into...wait, now I know what was it, it's part of a SoF2 level.
Ok so we sit down again, only to be teleported to my grandfather's living room. I ask my friend when was the last time he printed something, cause I was holding some paper with really ugly ink patterns. I can't remember what was it. He said "2 months, otherwise the spring would have broken".

Goddamnit why can't I just have wet dreams like everyone else.

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DooMBoy said:

I had the weirdest dream about a year ago. I dreamed I was on a concrete plain, surrounded by Barons of Hell and acid barrels (the ones from Doom). The Barons and barrels were so close to me I couldn't move. If I fired a shot, the Barons would turn around and I would mutilated in less than second. If I shot the barrels, well, you figure it out.
Quite possibly the scariest dream I've ever had.

Jump over the barrels, in between the barons and run like Hell - easy solution.

Another dream I had (though less weird) involved me getting chased by that big robot brute (Caine, sp?) from the end of Robocop 2, through a large field of 1.90 m tall, yellow, dried grass. I couldn't see the damn bastard behind me, but the dream kept switching to third person mode, viewing this bad robot thing stomping its way through the grass, and then it'd switch back to "first person mode" (through my own eyes).
Well, that dream just ended abruptly, but I'd venture a guess that the damn freak would've caught up with me if I didn't wake up.

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dsm said:

Jump over the barrels, in between the barons and run like Hell - easy solution.

Yes, but, they were packed in like sardines next to me! Gad, that was scary. I remember plainly in my dream I held my breath for like five minutes, then I let go. Thankfully the Barons didn't hear me, but I still couldn't move.

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I actually had a dream about Doom II once.
It was pretty scary..

Do this -> Play Doom II's map 30's music and try to picture the following as dark and depressing as possible..

I was in a horses' stable and I heard these footsteps coming towards me. I kinda put myself away in a corner, hoping not to be seen by one of Doom's demons. I was looking to the left and then I saw something truly horrible. I saw a horse, lying there cut in half, yet still alive.. And moaning and screaming. I was hoping it wouldn't draw the attention of the demon too much, but unfortunately for me, it did just that. I heard the footsteps coming closer and I sneaked around the corner to be able to see it was a HellKnight or a Baron of hell (I couldn't tell it's color).

At that point, just when I could tell the Baron of hell or HK spotted me and started running towards my direction, I was taken into another 'scene'.

That scene basicly featured the end of Hell on earth.
The battle was over but city's were still burning and torn apart..

I was sitting on the cold ground with someone else against a broken brick-wall. I can't remember who the other guy/girl was.. I was looking up and the only thing I could see was thick gray smoke floating upwards towards the sun.

Then suddenly it was all over. I was really happy to have that dream cause it really captured that Doomish' atmosphere..

So.. Anyone else had Doom dreams too?

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Yeah, but I remembered all the textures and architecture instead. Going to form it into a megawad once I reckon I have the skills for it.

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I used to... I drempt the earth was covered in 60ft deep brown brick tenches mazes will the demon-man war going on all around me. Can;t remeber the details because it was soon after doom came out and I was just a kid.

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Disorder said:

So.. Anyone else had Doom dreams too?

I have a vague memory of me running about with a shotgun killing demons, but I don't remember anything else.

Oh yeah, and I've had three dreams about Doom 3 - the first one was years ago, long before the new Doom game was announced and even before Quake 2 I believe (I really wanted a Doom 3). I dreamt that I was playing a Doom 3 - it had similar graphics to the old Dooms, but much, much higher resolution. Other than that it looked almost exactly the same as the old Dooms, the grey status bar, the face, the weapons, the textures (plus some new). It had new impaled marines (these wore green combat suits and helmets and were basically a frozen dying marine animation - on their knees, head bent backwards and a spear through their chest, rammed into the ground) and the face had a number of new, creepy expressions (he could narrow his eyes further and look really spooky).
I was at what seemed like the end level - A humongous hall of terror and death, stretching on endlessly. And I faced these huge, weird floating blobs, that were at least three times as big as the cybie.

The other two dreams are more recent (both after "New Doom game" announcement): First I dreamt that id had made Doom 3 into a really crappy sidescroller of some sort, with downright crappy graphics - weird dream.
Another time I dreamt that I was playing Doom 3 being a first person shooter. It had slightly better than Q3A graphics, enormously high polycount and most of the time, you were fighting lots of demons on green fields outside - oh yeah, and the chaingun fired at the same crappy rate of fire that the old one did.

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I had a dream once where I was running down a road with a machinegun, offing people who got in my way. See, I was running down a residential road in this big huge city that was in a total state of anarchy, and people were looting, shooting, and burning things up for no apparent reason.
I just kept running along, firing shots here and there, and finally I killed everyone up and down the road. There was a car parked in the middle of this road, and I thought, "Well, here goes nothing." So I walked up to the car, filled it full of holes; it blew up and I died.
So I guess you could say I suicided.
It was an EXTREMELY cool dream.
It was almost like something out of Quake 2, with bomber jets soaring overhead and dropping bombs here and there. Plus, the city itself had buildings made out of the STARTAN, SILVER, and SHAWN textures.
Absolute coolness.

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I had a few crazy dreams lately, probably due to exams and such. Some can only be recalled at certain "Episodes"; like single Kids In The Hall sketches ...anyways here goes:

A building resembling a cross between my house and school is the first place i remember being. I walk down my cellar steps (which are much more gothic than normal) and through the door at the foot of the stairs. Beyond the door is the fairly small, burnt-out shell of a classroom. The class consists of my english class (mostly asses) and my homeroom teacher (nicest person ever). The world outside the windows is Hell Ă  la Diablo 2, with endless brimstone fields and lava rivers. I take my seat near the back of this class, which is apparently some sort of Drama class, because we are each called up one at a time to do animal impressions.
If i recall correctly, that one ended with a massive pagan orgy or something where we all danced around the room doing our animal impressions, it was almost reminiscent of the book "Where the Wild Things Are"...nuts. I woke up with a drooly pillow.

I can't recall enough of my other ones to piece together any kind of plot, but i do remember having recurring dreams where i'd try to beat the shit out of some guy who pisses me off, not that he does anything to me personally, but simply because i hate who he is and how he treats other people. I'm always way weaker than normal in these dreams, but still manage to strangle him most of the time.

...Am i losing it? I'm just glad i have been having vivid dreams lately.

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I had a dream the night before last that I was fucking a couch and then it blew up. Then I was falling and I woke up right before I hit the bottom. When I woke up, I was in the living room with my pants pulled down... Meh, that was a fucking stupid dream.

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