fodders Posted June 18, 2002 My fingers just go numb, it's a waste of time then, can't move the mouse 0 Share this post Link to post
Smokebox Posted June 18, 2002 I don't think I have it that bad yet. My hand just hurts like hell after about an hour and a half and I have to stop and wait for the pain to go away. I have a really hard time playing in DM because of that. 0 Share this post Link to post
Livo Posted June 18, 2002 That sucks :( Well, my 4 yr old mouse is pissing me off, the damn thing is so slow and doesn't respond half the time. I hate the bloody thing. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 18, 2002 Lizardcommando said:Holy crap, I just had the scariest dream last night! When I went on the internet and went to Doomworld, it said ERROR 404, THIS SITE DOESN'T EXSIST!!! I screamed and I was hopeless. Thank god that's only a dream. But what if it DID happen?!? I'd hate that... :( Every DW member's worst nightmare comes true if this happened :-P 0 Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted June 18, 2002 Yeah, that would indeed suck heartily if Doomworld just suddenly went offline. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted June 21, 2002 One of my friends has both arthritis and Carpel Tunel (or however you spell it). I'm afraid this might happen to me as well. :( Anyway, about dreams... I had one last night that was really cool. Too bad I forgot it. God dammit. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted June 21, 2002 The only dreams I ever remember are the ones I have when I'm trying to wake up, but drift back to sleep. This morning I dreamed that I got a Game Boy Advance somehow, that my mom cast some kind of healing spell on me, and that I got some VIP killed by zombies before he arrested me and dragged me off. Then the starter on my Mazda was stuck, it got put into reverse gear somehow, and I backed the thing into a parked car in a crowded parking garage. I remember seeing the shattered rear window on my car and hearing the car alarm from the car I hit, and I was thinking "oh fuck, there goes my insurance." I did get the car stopped before I hit anything else, but it took some fancy maneuvering on my part. 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted June 21, 2002 the_Danarchist said:One of my friends has both arthritis and Carpel TunelWhat are those?? I'm sorry, but I'm Dutch, so I might have heard from those diseases, but only in my own language.. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted June 22, 2002 Arthritis, AFAIK, is inflamation of the joints. I have no idea what Carpel Tunel is exactly, but I know that many cases stem from too much video game playing. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted June 22, 2002 I have this weird, sometimes frighteningly loud clicking sound that occurs when I rotate my right wrist. I saw a doctor about it, they took some pictures and concluded I had Repetitive Stress Syndrome. The hard part is convincing the doctor it's because of using the mouse, and not from wanking twelve times a day. 0 Share this post Link to post
Svinet Posted June 22, 2002 Another funny dream: I'm in an old wooden house of some sort with a couple of friends, then I see the word 'death' written on a wall. In a vase nearby, I notice a piece of paper which reads roughly "that body has been lying here so long it's starting to smell - and I just noticed that I'm not me but someone else" ..makes me a little worried.. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted June 23, 2002 I had another dream last night that was fun, but alas I FORGOT IT AGAIN! Grr...this is pissing me off. Wait...I just remembered my friend was acting cold towards me, and had her hair dyed snot green, but thats about it. 0 Share this post Link to post
TheHighestTree Posted June 23, 2002 If i open my jaw and slide it to the right i can set it up to make a huge crack when i open it up. If anyone tries to break my neck, that is what i'm gonna do...back on the subject of dreams; have any of you ever had the dreaded urinal dream? I can explain if you'd like me to, but i think you might already know what happens in this one. 0 Share this post Link to post
Little Faith Posted June 24, 2002 Is it the one where you keep pissing until the toilet overflows? 0 Share this post Link to post
Amaster Posted June 24, 2002 I once had a DooM dream where I was running around and shooting pink demons in a dark overscaled level made mostly of concrete. During the dream I realized that I, in fact, was dreaming and so I attempted to pry my eyes open to end the dream. I succeeded in opening my eyes but the dream CONTINUED superimposed over my actual surroundings. I found myself laying in bed surrounded by miniature pink demons and the ceiling above me was made of skin and was moving around. Luckily all the creatures just sort of shrank down to nothingness and it was all over after a few seconds. By the way, what is the "urinal" dream? Explain. 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted June 24, 2002 I dreamt last night I screwed up on the forums and my title and postcount got skullfuc... aghhhhhhhhhh!!!! It's real!!!! heh, no, my first DM map came from a dream. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 24, 2002 Seems you need to watch your tongue pritchyboy ;-) 0 Share this post Link to post
TheHighestTree Posted June 24, 2002 The Urinal Dream...This is the specific one experienced by me...ok, here goes: I'm walking around in a building that resembles the rival high school in my town (typical high school...yellowish lighting, small lockers and a bit older than it should be.) After a few minutes of wandering the halls, i found that i really needed to go to the bathroom. So naturally, i walked into the nearest washroom, got to a urinal, unzipped my pants and...woke up to a warm surprise ;P ...Needless to say, i was pissed. (Pun almost intended.) 0 Share this post Link to post
darknation Posted June 24, 2002 TheHighestTree said:The Urinal Dream BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
gatewatcher Posted June 24, 2002 TheHighestTree said:...Needless to say, i was pissed. (Pun almost intended.) heh 0 Share this post Link to post
SyntherAugustus Posted June 26, 2002 i once had a dream............... It was about me and a couple of friends running into a hospital is piss off patients and then something went wrong. The lights blew up and we were running like hell. Before I came to be the last one out the door, I was knock unconsius. Later, when I woke up, the door was locked and a baron of hell was right in front of me. I ran. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted June 27, 2002 I had a wierd dream this morning... I was playing some kind of über-revamped Doom. The environment was some kind of European city alleyway and looked ultra-realistic, floor-over-floor and everything, but the enemies were sprites (very high-res sprites, but still) and were all diferent colors of Doomguy for some reason. I had some kind of targeting bracket that would sometimes lock on to one of the enemies on the walkways above me, and let me shot them. At one point I reloaded my pistol, and the reloading image was very fuzzy and indistinct (like I was farsighted or something) but very quick and well-animated. ([EDIT] Now that I think about it, it looked like the Uzi reloading anim in Shadow Warrior. Just very fuzzy.) Sometime during the "game," the map inverted like in Castlevania SotN, and I was jumping from one walkway onto another trying not to fall into the sky while still shooting these hostile Doomguys. Hmm... Inverted map... 0 Share this post Link to post
spank Posted June 28, 2002 Tonight I dreamt that the Royle family had come to visit us. 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted June 28, 2002 dsm said:Seems you need to watch your tongue pritchyboy ;-) Heh, I just need to make sure the pritchism is always ahead of the DOLTism in my ever-waging internal schizophrenic war.. :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Lizardcommando Posted June 28, 2002 This isn't a scary dream, just a scary thought. What if the forums where being taken over by ... HALF LIFE CONFORMISTS!!! AAAH!!!!!!! They'll say stuff like, "Doom sux, join half life." or "We are l33t gamers, not doomers!" If that happens, I'm heading towards the hills and hiding in some kind of bunker. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 28, 2002 Lizardcommando said:This isn't a scary dream, just a scary thought. What if the forums where being taken over by ... HALF LIFE CONFORMISTS!!! AAAH!!!!!!! They'll say stuff like, "Doom sux, join half life." or "We are l33t gamers, not doomers!" If that happens, I'm heading towards the hills and hiding in some kind of bunker. It wont happen as long as Ling runs this site - he'll ensure that his minions (Mods, Super Mods, Admins) aren't anti Doom, and they'll ensure that such bastards aren't allowed to spread their poison on THESE forums, muhahahahahaha!! 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted June 29, 2002 Lizardcommando said:This isn't a scary dream, just a scary thought. What if the forums where being taken over by ... HALF LIFE CONFORMISTS!!! AAAH!!!!!!! They'll say stuff like, "Doom sux, join half life." or "We are l33t gamers, not doomers!" If that happens, I'm heading towards the hills and hiding in some kind of bunker. Let them try. Just let them try. I need the target practice. 0 Share this post Link to post
Smokebox Posted June 29, 2002 Last night I had a really weird dream that my girlfriend and I were spending some time together (hehehe) and she turned into a Cyberdemon. The house caved in (but it wasn't my house) and the floor gave way and I was thrown into what looked very similar to the Doom presentation at E3. But I was shooting black cats with huge teeth, not demons. I found some kind of jump pad (like the ones in RotT) and stepped on it, hoping it would fling me to a safe place. It flung me up into the air, and I fell, and kept falling untill I almost hit bottom and I woke up. All of my dreams end like that... 0 Share this post Link to post
spank Posted June 29, 2002 Weird dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree? 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted June 29, 2002 Heh. That's a little like a dream i used to have a lot when I was younger. I was on this rug-slide thing like at a themepark except bewtween the rails it was sliding on I could see down for miles, some fields below. Then I would rug slide off the edge of this slide thing in the sky and fall fall fall. I have lots of dreams where I have to do something like walk across a lateral ladder at 60,000 feet up or somehting, in the most bizarre of circumstances, like crossing cloud castles. I'm not scared of heights as such, but I don't deal well with ladders or any other precarious height-based equipment. As for the doom haters, here? Heh, it'll never happen, as long as I'm here it won't happen in General that's for sure. 0 Share this post Link to post
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