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Trent Reznor On Doom3 ?

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Doom64's music was a good example of music that is atmospheric and still had enough to it that it was a lot more than static and breathing. Whoever did the Doom64 music did a great job, it would be nice if Id would consider them.

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Guest Gorc

I agree, Megalyth. After doing a bit of searching, I found that DooM 64s music was done by "Aubrey Hodges", who has done music for such other games as Space Quest 4, Quest for Glory 4, Doom PSX and Quake 64. Keep in mind that DooM 64s new sound effects were also done by this person. Also, the only reason Bobby Prince has faded out since DooM is because ID seemed to think Trent Reznor could do Quake better. Or maybe Bobby just wanted to do something else. Anyway, like I have said, Bobby Prince doesn't have to DO the music (after all, he is best with midi tracks), he only has to write it, and make sure the music has a good mix of atmosphere music and heavy stuff. I personally think the music in DooM 1 episodes 2 and 3 (any of the hell levels) also have a good mix of styles. Yes, I also think DooM 64s music is the way to go. I really liked the main theme on the title screen: the way it faded between grunts, gunshots and music. Listen close to it: its a masterpiece.

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Guest Anonymous User

I'd just like to say I would prefer real music in doom3.I don't feel that background noise (quake) instead of music is very good for any game; music isn't just a nicety, its an effective audio que to help enforce the game's mood.Ever notice on e1m9 you tend to move faster? on e2m4 you play slower, it makes tricks like dropping a Baron of hell in front of you much more effective.The music on e2m8 tells you to look around that corner slowly, and run like hell to the rockets after you see whats there.The music from Doom really makes a very intergral part of the game's atmosphere. Quake's 'music' is much different, its just background noise; it adds an enviorment, but that enviorment really sux.Possibly one could argue that the noise does fit with the game, but only because the original quake sucked so much ass.Was anyone really scared when that lava monster guy popped out of the lava when you pick up the rune at the end of the first episode? Why did it seem so played out when it happened? Compare this to e1m8, you know those doors are going to open and something bad is going to come out, but it doesn't matter, it still scares the crap out of you the first time. Q2, and Q3 show are more good examples of atmosphere through music, and audio ques, the music tells you how each level is going to play, and afterwords, you can take the q2 cd with you in the car because it rocks so much :) You could take the Doom music in your car also, but expect weird looks from anyone else in the car with you, they just won't get it. Anyhow, I would prefer real music to background noise, and if I had one wish, I would want Bobby Prince/Sonic Mayhem to do it.Its not as simple as 'well if you don't like it, turn it off'...no, thats just as bad, especially in single player.

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Guest Gorc

How many times have I listened to DooMs/Quake IIs music without actually playing the game? Plenty. How many times have I put Quake Is cd into any CD player? None. I never played Quake with 'music' because it sucked so much. Heck, the music was about as cruicial to Quake as the dragon appeared to be. (anyone remember all that pre-Quake BS about dragons and blunt hand-to-hand weapons? I sometimes wonder if THAT Quake would have been better) Rock on, Bobby Prince.

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First off every one go out and try to hear NIN "hersey" NIN doesn't just do "background noise" Have a listen to the quake cd on your cd player the first song kicks ass and NIN normal songs a great as well. You can't just say NIN sux because the music in quake sux. If Trent Resnor (the man!) Did actual NIN style music for DooM 3 it would work. Try this grab NIN Doward Spiral sic it in listen to hersey while playing quake it fit's it works it kicks ass!. NIN can do all sorts of music not just ambient hell Me and my girlfriend have "we're in this together" as "our" song I'm just trying to say that just cos it didn't work once doesn't mean it won't work again Also DooM three will be as void of enermy's as quake and any of those newer game for the simple fact that polygons take up more memory than sprites the only way to recreate doom's "deamons everywhere, There all around me!" feel would be to make small levels or a huge game so bad luck for anyone with a old comp. and lut trent had nothing to do with why quakes game play sux that was because of John wanting to do a medievil game not a sc-fi. also had the same throught about about fragile but the I actualy listened through the album and sudenly found that it was good but you had to be willing to sit through a long intro to get to it Caleb you met Trent? He's the man! Hey Gorc This is about the one thing we don't agree on! and no gorc ash is the guy with the gun =) Wyvern I like the Idea with using ALL the music that would work some area's of doom work well with NIN some don't.HAHA I was actualy about to point that fact out but then I saw you had (about the rammstien sound effects) mixing it to gether would be like mixing fire and dynomite a bad idea but specific song would work on specific levels teppic bobby prince may not do a good job this time ever thought of that? there are doom songs that suck there are NIN songs that suck I have heared 1 album that I like every song on and thats Fear Factory Obsolet so you can't be garented that bobby will do a good job if he did it. swedish fish You got one of the best point on the message bored it expresses exactaly how I feel about the music industry at the moment. Lau Your one of the few senceible people on this board ok well thats my reply to all the comments I deem worthy I shall leave one parting remark No matter who does the music some one will be dissapointed in the end not every one will be happy only a few things can be certain Spice girls would kill it. Not every one likes NIN and we all have differnt opinions.None of use can see the future and even if NIN,Slipkot,Rammstien,Fear Factory or Bobby prince do the music none of us know what it will be like. Debating the music will only distrac us from the main issue here DooM is BACK!

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Guest Gorc

1:If Id did something sensible, and used another method of rendering (Voxels anyone?) then DooM ]I[ could, once again have "Deamons everywhere, there all around me. 2:Several other games (like Sin) have dozens of enemies on screen at once. 3:If you actually read my posts below, you will know that I think anyone could make a good job of the new DooM music. Heck... Id could end up having someone completely unknown do the music, and they may do a better job than Bobby Prince/Trent Reznor/Sonic Mayhem. If the game has NO music however, it WILL be shit. I remember reading articles close to the realese of Quake I which indicated Id didn't want music in Quake. They thought most people switched DooMs music off. What changed their minds? The fact that a game dies without a good beat. How many big blockbuster movies would be as good without the music? I've finished ranting on this board. My final note:If I'm not the guy with the gun, then I sure am the guy with the feather duster.

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I actually think that doompsx and doom64 music is ok, but I still prefer the original score from doom and doom2. And orkface its all a matter of opinion, I personally dont think that the first quake track is all that good. Out of all them, I preferred the one that played on the intermission screen, track 4 I believe. And thats still not as good as the doom scores IMHO.

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The only use of voxels I can think of is rerendering the doomguy for DMs in GL for the various ports- it would be equally as slow as md2 I think.

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Guest bigmike57

Id will pick whoever they want to to do Doom III, weather it Sonic Mayhem, Trent Reznor, Bobby Prince, or does any one remember Jer Sypult who did a remake of "The sign of evil" which totally rocked he also did track 10 on Quake2 entitled "Climb" I think Jer Sypult would also be a good canidate for doom III.

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Guest bigmike57

Go to my site and vote.

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Guest Jamie Robertson

Nice topic of conversation people, write up my street <BR><font color="RED">http://www.bgcsoft.f9.co.uk/musician/</font><BR> Heres a remix of PS DooM and Doom 64 by me, anyone want me to flog a load of e-mails to id! I'd do it anyday as thats what i want to do! Come to think of it maybe you all should do the same, here CYB! Put that on your news!!! </P> <font color="yellow">HEHEHEHEHE!</font> <P> Later m8's<P> ~Jamie~

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Guest Daggah

He won't have anything to do with this new DOOM.

Smart guy. :)

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Guest Anonymous User

Thanks for that piece of information dagger. Now, pending further news, my current view of doom3 is 'dont buy'.

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Guest Confusion

Daggah, Daggah, Daggah. Pessimistic as always. Tsk.

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Guest Anonymous User

NIN really, really, REALLY sucks. Good think Trent Reznor won't have anything to do with the new Doom, that was a close one. He could have really fucked it up. Hell, NIN isn't even real industrial music, for that matter.

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Guest Anonymous User

TO ALL YOU BASTARDS. NIN RULES and will be DOOM 3's soundtrack (whether you like it or not)

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