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Doom 3: The Doomers Speak Out

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We've just posted a new article entitled Doom 3: The Doomers Speak Out which was conducted by our good friend Matt Dixon. As he writes, "featured within this article, this informal interview, are several high-profile individuals within the DOOM community as well as prominent ex-members of the DOOM community who now operate within the gaming industry." Those individuals would be Ola Björling, Mattrim Dixon, Martin Friberg, Sverre Kvernmo, Marc Pullen, Eric James Roberts, John Romero, and myself. It's quite lengthy, but quite entertaining. Check it out.

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Guest David_A

Ola's last comment was soooooo right....

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I think that Trent R and Bobby P should team up with eachother and Doom community talents such as Kniggit Paul Corfiatis and Fanatic to make really cool music, that really work for the game. I loved Q2's music but that would probably spoil the tension in doom.

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Guest Psycho

Has anyone besides me heard Drazen's music? It has a similar 'feel' to it as the original MIDI's.

The webpage is at

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Guest Anonymous User

Ill probably buy a new computer just for this game as well. So damn right it better not suck, you hear me ID! Or you can pay for this computer. -mantra

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Guest Skitz0.X

Stick with the scary-intense feeling of the original doom. The fast-pace of the original doom, will be hard to integrate into a new engine, as well as being 3d...but I at least ask for the weapon balance of the original. The levels should be beautifully designed, to engulf the player into the game, so much, that you'll jump when a hord of monseters comes out of a secret door that you triggered. The music, I feel, should be ambient music, which can help the feel of the levels. Having an actual melody for their score, would be hard to take seriously...considering their last few failed attempts. Quake1, despite its lack of weapon balance, had a pretty nice single-player feel to it. Very dark, unique and scar monsters, and the ambient backround by Reznor, really set the mood. I mean, can you truly imagine Hard-rock music playing while your trotting through the firey depths of hell? Or, some progressive techno beats, pumping your speakers while you race through levels that are supposed to be "Scary". If the music isn't scary, and is too "happy"...then it will take away the mood of the game. Hard-rock can't be scary, I'm sorry...it just can't. Its too loud, and too fast to be scary. Techno can't be scary either. Its just fast paced dancing music, with cool samples. Ambient is a music where u can call it 'mood music'. Its not actually music, but moreso backround-sound... I just dont' want Id to go down a path, where they use the "Doom" name, but its just another Quake-ish game..

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Guest Skarj

As far as music goes, i agree with ebola (hey ebola remember me? heh) Hard rock and Metal riffs could ruin Doom3. Probably my favorite doom midi would be e1m8 (along with everything else from E1). Music like that could help create the greatest doom yet. For weapons....i'd love to see a potatoe launcher in doom3 :P....

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Guest Confusion

I'm not so sure about that. I feel that it would be best to have just one or maybe two individuals working on all the music in the game. If you start getting too many people involved, each is going to be putting together music in different styles, and there'll be no (or not much of a) sense of conformity throughout. Now this could work well - they could have different artists and styles for base levels, hell levels, etc., but it would have to be done carefully. My vote is still for Bobby Prince. It worked once, it can work again.

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Guest Anonymous User

"id are cowards for doing another DOOM game." Let's let the stupidity of that comment sink in for a moment, shall we?

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Guest David_A

And you know it. Doom3 could be worse than Diakatana and SiN combined and it would still sell loads of copies.

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Guest Anonymous User

You all can't forget the Playstation and N64 music, can you? the playstation version was only good because of the music and who the hell made it? nobody took credit (if anyone can inform me, please do...). anyway the ambience of the Playstation version was best and most scary. in my opinion. (C) PI

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Guest Tawney

The way things are going with iD they could make anything that would end up shitty and it would sell. I think this game will be their opportunity to either reclaim their name as king of FPS, or they can ruin themselves with this. I have a question. If this next Doom game turned out as shitty as Daikatana, would you buy it?

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""id are cowards for doing another DOOM game." Let's let the stupidity of that comment sink in for a moment, shall we?" Erm, what Ola said made perfect sense. Quick Quotes: Mattrim Dixon: I am sick of the alterna-rock cliches that have plagued id Software's recent releases. Ola Björling: All I know is that I DON'T want to hear any more metal music in a game. Sverre Kvernmo: ...with entries from Bobby Prince and Ministry Eric Roberts: It would be kind of cool if Bobby Prince did the theme music to the game... John Romero: ...with a nice variety of mood types, just like the original DOOM. Andrew Stine: ...I hope that the new Doom game retains the same style of music found in the original... Confusion: My vote is still for Bobby Prince. Nice to see some people agree with me :)

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Guest silverflesh

I agree with Ola in concept...what he said is *essentially* true, and not stupid at all; id's return to an established series makes more sense marketing-wise than in an ideological, creative sense... From a slightly cynical viewpoint, it seems from all indications that id's hedging a few bets here. What could be more attractive (and profitable) than returning to a tried and true formula -- Doom -- as a sort of "homecoming"? On the other hand, in a somewhat positive light, maybe Carmack just likes Doom a lot and wants to do another one. I can't fault the man for that. All that said, I'd still buy it (depending on the quality shown in the demo -- and yes, there WILL be a demo...even id's *demos* have versions), which is more than I can say for the new Wolfenstein game. Not to put a slur on that game, which looks good...but I'm not really interested. As for the music, I'd love to see Bobby Prince do the music -- e1m3 remains my favorite "atmospheric" track -- but has anyone considered Mark Klem? That'd be interesting. As long as they don't go the same route as Q2's godawful "metal" soundtrack (I've never actively hated a game's music, but there is a first time for everything). The other extreme would be the techno route...which I don't mind so much, but the analog drummer in me tends to avoid machine-made music. It's a personal idiosyncrasy. On a personal note, I didn't really care for NIN before Quake, but I thought Reznor did a great job with the soundtrack. The only way to make an "atmospheric" *metal* soundtrack is to use a LOT of minor chords, or massive layers of guitar...Bolt-Thrower would be awesome (I'm showing my age here).

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Guest David_A

No, I wouldn't buy it if it was bad, but then I wouldn't buy Deer Hunter or Myst either...

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Guest Neonwolf1

listen doom 3 will be a good game.a lot of people was asking when will there be another doom. these people got their asnwer. doom 3 will be the best seller out there no matter what. I been asking about it too before they ever said any thing about it. when that comes out , there will be so many source ports and tcs for it. come on now Q2 music sucks. heavy metal for a fps. come on. i turn the music off because how bad it sounds. thats why they should keep using midi music so if you make a tc. you can change the music in it, instead of hearing the CD music that you can't change with out make cd musics your self to listen to in the game like they did with Q2. And i'll all ways be a doom fan.

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Guest David_A

You said it, Neonwolf1, a best seller no matter what. They could probably repackage Q2 and half the people who buy it would never know the difference.

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Guest Zeku

Full damage from own explosives. Full damage from own explosives. Full damage from own explosives. Full damage from own explosives. Full damage from own explosives. Full damage from own explosives. Full damage from own explosives.

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Guest Anonymous User

I want to be scared again. I want to be peering round the edge of my monitor again. I want to be jumping around in my seat trying to dodge fireballs again. I want to fill my pants every time I hear a door open again. I want some easy cannon fodder bad guys (troops, sargeants, imps) to ambush me again as well as the big guys so that every fight doesn't have to be a David and Goliath affair only to go round the corner and have David meet goliath II. I want DOOM again. - Rude Boy

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Guest Anonymous User

Then I saw another beast coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon. He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is a man's number. His number is DooM 3. - John the Disciple

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Guest Rethcir

A lot of controversy is surrounding the music for Doom 3. I think this is a good thing since music is often overlooked in upcoming titles, whereas GFX can be hyped to rediculous levels (WOW it has colored lighting - WOW it has curved surfaces etc.). Bobby Prince's game soundtracks have all been wonderful. A great artist in his own right, Trent's forray with Q1 was adequate and in some cases great - Have you ever listened to the start map's music all the way through? plus there's the bassy military base music. Since it looks like Trent may be doing D3 anyway from that article on that mac site, i'll probably be happy with it.

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Guest Anonymous User

You have just fought off what seemed like an endless supply of troopers and imps. Sure each one went down with a shot or two, but there was loads of them. They were "coming out of the goddamn walls". Now you walk down the darkened corridor. You check your ammo. A little low, but enough if the next fight isn't too big. The lights at the end of the corridor flicker ominously as you wipe your bloodied brow - you could do with a medpack, or at least a stim pack. Ahead lies a door. You brace yourself and hit the open button - silence. Inside on a small pedestal sits a berserk pack, a solitary red light glows above it. Other than that the room is deadly quiet. Somwhere in the distance an Imp chatters, just audible. You can taste the tension in the fettid air. Casting your eyes around the empty room you try and assess whether, if you go for the berserk pack will any of the demonic symbols on the wall reveal more of the vile horde? Will you get away with it? Gingerly you step forward. The door shuts behind you. Instantly you swivel round and chek it. Ok, it's not locked. You edge one step further to grab the much needed health........ - That's what I want from DOOM III

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Guest Anonymous User

Instantly you swivel round and CHECK it.

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Guest Confusion

One thing which I think too few people have touched upon: how will DOOM III tie in with established DOOM history? Now, I understand that I sound like a sad pathetic Doctor Who fan here (which I am, by the way), but how is this new game going to fit into the "DOOM picture"? Some people have raised this point, but I think it seems to be a much neglected element. Many would say that it's irrelevant; that all this timeline bizzo doesn't matter, and that it's just a bloody game, so for Christ's sake enjoy it and shut up, Confusion, but I think it matters. There's no point in creating a fictional "universe" if you aren't going to make it a cohesive one. What will be regarded as "official" DOOM event? Just DOOM and DOOM II? Will Final DOOM count? Will DOOM 64 count? Will Mordeth count? I think someone in that interview mentioned that the only universally-accepted "episodes" are DOOM and DOOM II, and presumably id will work from them. Now, if you actually care about continuity at all, this would create problems as a large number of TCs would become impossible - Mordeth, as I mentioned, continues directly on from DOOM II, but id will disregard that totally and go off in their own way. What will they accept? What will they not? I ask you, you who is probably the only person to read this entire boring post - what do you classify as DOOM canon? Do you think it matters? Do id think it matters? Do my ridiculous suggestions matter? Is this an issue?

I now that most of you will think even less of me after reading this little essay, but it is a major concern of mine. Comes from reading too many EDAs, I would think.

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Guest David_A

I wouldn't care a bit if the story picked up after Doom][ and "ruined" the storyline of every other TC out there. I don't really think it matters...

Dr Who is 1337

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Guest Gorc

I think John Romeros comments on the story were good.... build on from the original story. The one he described sounded good to me. And hey, Confusion, I thought you were a Doctor Who fan.... When I read it, your last Quote sounded like something William Hartnell would have said... "Don't you think child...hmmmm?"

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Guest Confusion

What is 1337?

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Guest Gorc

When I said 'Quote' I meant 'Infoline'. And what IS 1337? "Of course, I should have realised, hmmm?"

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Guest David_A

1337 = script kiddie term for "elite" (no, I'm not a script kiddie)

I don't know his name, but the guy with the trenchcoat, hat, and massive scarf was the best. What was that little tool he carried around called? A hydrospanner? K9 was cool too. I think I saw episodes from the two Dr's that came directly after too, but they weren't as good (the guy with the umbrella was OK I guess).

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