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Just in case anyone had any questions regarding my lack of intelligence, I will dispel all doubts by venturing out to go backpacking in the desert tomorrow and Friday, during the worst heat wave of the year. I plan on bringing a ton of water, but I fully expect it to all boil off at around 3 in the afternoon tomorrow, so make sure to check the papers for the account of how I was found, half-dead, by a band of aborigines, nursed back to health, and then hunted for sport in an elaborate ceremony to bring one of their man-children into full adulthood. Oh yeah, and I won't be around to update DW for the next two days, so keep your fingers crossed that Mordeth and/or Covaro show up to take the reins.

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Guest Anonymous User

G'day mate. It sounds like you're off on a shamanic quest of some sort. This is actually quite common for people who spend way too much time working in I.T., with computers or for the Internet without paying attention to their higher spiritual needs. I say god speed dude! & don't be paranoid about the locals as they would sooner show you how to find water than hunt your scrawny white/yellow ass for fun heh ;)

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Actually it's more of a "man against the elements" sort of outing, and I'm going with a friend of mine anyway. It's more of a "get out of the house for a day or two" quest than anything. White/yellow ass? WTF? Heh.

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Guest Skarj

i dont think anyone is questioning your lack of intelligence :), oh and dont worry bout the news, Mord will probably have an update an hour like he did when you left for a couple weeks.

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Guest Anonymous User

Sounds more like a "man reconnecting with the elements" outing to me. I wish I could join you but alas I have computers to install hahaha hehe <sigh>. Enjoy your weekend leave, you'll be back in your cell before you know it ;)

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Guest citrus

heh... that was funny

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Guest Anonymous User

dude if your a illegal alien trying to cross dont do it youll get shot in the face by la migra

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