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Millennial Madness

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The Doom Millennium page has been updated with the small news that intermission graphics have been completed for all the levels, and some general other work has been done on the hopefully soon to be finished megawad. I don't know why it's in a Team Insanity subdir when we have a freaking directory set up for it already. Team Insanity also has a nonrelevant update which appears to be about trying to crash someone's car and then beat him up, so I'll leave it at that.

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LING!! I mailed you like 5 or 6 days ago asking to open up the Millennium directory! Nothing happened :| If you go into the subdir via FTP, you'll notice and index.html and logo sitting there waiting to be unlocked (or whatever it is you have to do to make it accessible to the public).

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He didn't get beaten up. But yeah, we did try to take his car out - only because he drove like an idiot putting my car and life at risk.

So many times I will just be driving along minding my own business and some shit driver will change lanes right into me. I've almost been killed because of that kind of thing. So yeah, don't tolerate bad driving.

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Guest David_A

So when someone endangers your life, you feel the need to drive like and idiot and endanger his (and your own)? Pff.

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Heh, don't even get me started on how many near-accidents I've caused and potential fines I owe the state... it would be at least $20,000 if they caught me for everything I did wrong.

Not that I'm bragging, just stating an abnormal fact.

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Um Lut, you uploaded the Doom Millennium stuff to your FTP space, not your web space. Try reading the docs I sent you, or failing that, make sure your FTP client is connecting to www.doomworld.com, not ftp.doomworld.com

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