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Guest Wyvern

Heh... Someone needs a nap, REAL bad. ;)

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Guest Wim Vanrie

Hey, if that's a good map, then i'm sure my map's a good one too. These rooms are so empty!

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Heh, it's pretty obvious this is my map as it's clearly based on classic4. Anyway, the rooms are NOT empty, it just seems that way in the screenshots 'cos most of the baddies are already dead in 'em :)

And trust me, the map is pretty hard too :)

BTW, I might re-submit this with a few changes, such as the sky sector being brighter and lower down, etc.

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Thanks to the comments, the map is now MUCH better :) As well as the aforementioned changes, I've made the level much less "flat" in general, and used more flats to make it more interesting.

I'v also made it so that the bosses for the yellow and red keys are swapped over and...
well, just play it on both easy and hard and you'll see that it makes a big difference :)

Oh, and only people on easy get the SSG now, everyone else is stuck with just the shotgun and chaingun <evil grin>

Trust me, this map may not look like much, but it it has pretty fast and frantic gameplay. I've been quite careful with the ammo too...

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if its going to be part of a megawad, there is a 99% chance they have the SSG already.

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I think most maps are going to be a little flatter than your typical Doom level. If you want things like windows, doors(with door jambs), sourcelights, ceiling lights, outdoor areas, damaging areas, and floor and ceiling details, that just doesn't leave you with a whole lot of extra sectors for height variation. Remember, making the level look cool is not going to be enough. It has to play well too. You have expressed some interesting ideas in previous posts, but to do what you suggest would mean making a very linear level because you would have to block off sections of the level the player has already visited to reuse the sectors in the new area.

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Guest Wim Vanrie

Hey nightmare, i didn't mean to insult you. Anyway, i hope your map looks a little better now.

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Guest cocoon

So this is why the maps won't be distributed to the judges with the name of the author. Maybe some of you haven't thought twice about that part of the rules, but now you see why they are there.

Too poster: How come you came back to apologize just because the author was well-known?

1st post
"Hey, if that's a good map, then i'm sure my map's a good one too. These rooms are so empty!"

||here there were some replies, read 'em||

2nd post
"Hey nightmare, i didn't mean to insult you. Anyway, i hope your map looks a little better now."

So if you thought you were disrespectful in your first post, how come it is ok to be so if the author is not wellknown (my own conclusion)?

((No offense Nick, but this was a perfect opportunity to see what replies I will get on a topic I've been thinking about for a long time.))

Something I dislike is when ppl are being hypocritical.

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You're absolutely right: Linearity was the major problem I had. I dislike linear levels, but on the other hand, I wanted to have all these things you mentioned (lighting, doors, elevators and so on) to have a good gameplay.

Possibly one of the most challenging aspects of the contest is to find a compromise.

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Don't worry, I didn't take any offence from anyone. In fact, you've actually helped me make the map better :)

BTW, TheProphet, the level is quite non-linear (at first, anyway)

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Guest Wim Vanrie

First of all, i don't quite understand what you're trying to say. I apologized because i realised you can't judge a map by seeing just 3 screenshots. My first comment was put directly after i saw the screenshots and that was a mistake.

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Guest cocoon

but it sure looks suspicious.

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Guest Wim Vanrie

By the way, i'm a bit new in the community. I know Nick but i didn't now his nickname was nightmare. But i think you're right. The judges shouldn't now who the author is.

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Howdy all! I was wondering if you can submit
more than one map? I'm guessing that you can,
but I was wondering.

Sgt Crispy

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Guest Kinoshkana

(1) Gee, thanks for spoiling the anonyminity of the maps, Nick.
(2) Even if my map wins, I don't want it at the beginning for two reasons: (a) too damn hard to start off on and (b) it works better as, say, map29 or so [do you really want to have to deal with almost 900 monsters on map01? didn't think so!].
(3) If someone bases a game off of the music video of "Californication", I want to beta-test the game.

stuck in a hole with my mind in the sky

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From my first post in this thrad:

"Heh, it's pretty obvious this is my map as it's clearly based on classic4. "

Anyone who's ever played classic4 will have recognised this map, so I'm not really "spoiling the anonyminity" at all.

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<b>Dia Psalma</b> - They love you. They all love you, Yeah we love you, when you're dead.

Eventhough it's very annoying not knowing who made the maps in the screenshots I still think that people who see their creations in the DWBS posts, should keep it to themselfes.

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Ummm. 900 monsters? Have you considered the kind of slow performance that many monsters can cause. A reject table is useless too because of all the sector referencing....

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Guest Retter

I can't wait to see the end result of this wad! Once the megawad is compiled, will new sounds, music and graphics be used ? Maybe the winner of the contest should have some input on that ?

Just an idea...

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Guest cocoon

A big part of the term mapdesign is using the right textures. If you just replace the orig ones I think it will ruin pretty much everything for those authors that gets into the megawad.

Just my two cents...

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