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The Eternity homepage has a short news item letting us know that Eternity and Skulltag have joined forces! Well, not quite, but Quasar is going to help Carnevil iron out bugs in his upcoming multiplayer mod, and in return Carnevil is donating his bot code to the Eternity project. Sharing is a good thing.

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Bots was the one thing missing from the Eternity engine! Excellent, Quasar!

The doom community doesn't seem to care much about the Eternity project, and I'm mildly annoyed at that.

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Guest Kinoshkana

(1) Fyre, you don't even 0wn j00r 0wn 455. Shaddup.
(2) The reason it seems like nobody cares is because Quasar has (in #doomroom) said that Eternity won't be finished. Too many people take IRC seriously.
(3) /me whacks Fyrestorm for not calling I am retarded
(4) Peng rules!
(5) Third post, ppppth


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I just can't get enough of that "f irst p ost/ I am retarded". You're the best, Ling! :)

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Damnit Ling, you made me think that Skull Tag was going to get Eternity's conversation system, extended Dehacked stuff and all the other cool stuff. Bah :(

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What with all the stuff Randy's been adding to ZDoom lately (which I presume will eventually put into Skull Tag), if Quasar can be persuaded to let Skull Tag use his various Eternity enhancements, all Skull Tag will really need after that is MBF style friendly creatures and gibbing/debris :)

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I am the ultimate being in the universe! And yes, I am retarded. But retarded in a funny way. To call someone retarded though isn't nice. So suck me, because SkullTag and Eternity own your llama ass. Yes, it truely does. Yay. Go away.

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Yes Eternity has friendly monsters, but they are part of MBF (which Eternity is based on), and I'm not sure if Lee wants non-MBF based ports extracting his code.

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Um, I really don't want to do friendly monsters... co-op BOTS maybe, but not monsters. I never liked that idea. Sorry.

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Guest louis9000

SHMOO! i like skullstag

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Pity, I was looking forward to having cool, huge scale marine vs. hellspawn battles (would probably be too slow with bots). Oh well, hopefully Randy will put it in ZDoom instead.

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1. Eternity is GPL, therefore anyone can use any part of it they want. Its not been released so the source isn't available, but I am always willing to share specific enhancements with other source port authors.

2. I have never said that Eternity will not be finished. Mystican and Prower are the ones who always say that ;) Projects have rough times, sometimes you wish you could quit. With 3 years put into this now, I'm no where near it.

3. AFAIK, Lee Killough does not mind other ports using his enhancements as long as they give full credit. MBF is GPL, after all. Lee wasn't an asshole and he didn't make MBF so that it could rot on cdrom.com. His valuable contributions should be in ALL ports, IMHO

4. There will be at least one huge battle sequence in Eternity, but I will carefully monitor frame rates. If the bots put too much lag on it, they will be cut down. Bots will not appear in most stages unless you explicitly add them yourself. Their use as helper entities will naturally be limited.

That's about all I can think of :->

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