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As usual, MapCenter is the place:

Answer to Question 1: Only if the artists are able to convince Carmack that effects like that are necessary to their vision of the Doom environment. Generally speaking, if a feature was not a part of Carmack's short list of necessities in a game, it was either cut or never implemented (my note - that's an answer to the following question: - Does the Doom3 engine support the type of water seen in recent games such as Morrowind and the CryEngine?)

Answer to Question 2: Yes, the Doom engine is supporting higher precision, though it's still recommended practice to build most of your world geometry to easily contrable integer grid positions (my note - that's an answer to the following question: - Will the editor/engine be higher precision than Q3 when it comes to rotating multiple brushes?)

The true game-making power in Doom 3 will be in the power of its scripting code. There's a lot a lot of potential in there that's not been in any previous id-produced game. However (my opinion), like much of the other content creation aspects of D3, it may not be easily accessible to casual level designers due to its complexity

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Hmm well he probably just searches everyday on Yahoo for new D3 info, not that hard to do I'm just too lazy :p

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Please Dima , will you make a topic with al the information Youknow about Doom 3 ? You are great :-)

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Everyone's favorite whale-sized level designer said:

it may not be easily accessible to casual level designers due to its complexity

I don't think there's anything like a 'casual' level designer on Doom 3. You want to make a good map, you better be prepared to expand your skills to modelling, programming and art creation.

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Lord FlatHead said:

I don't think there's anything like a 'casual' level designer on Doom 3. You want to make a good map, you better be prepared to expand your skills to modelling, programming and art creation.

I agree with FlatHead
I would even call it beyond "expanding", but drastically changing the old ways people used to create levels, it's just going to be SO much bigger and better and everything, but will also be sensitive, like FlatHead said once, from his conversation with Fredo, that level designers from now on, will have to pay close attention to the ammount of lights they place. I mean, I have a GF4 TI4600 and in that 8 lights test in 3D MARK 2002, it runs pretty slow (by slow I mean something like 20-30 fps).

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Wow, I guess that means there will be a grand total of about six puny little mods for Doom 3. Whoop de doo.

Drastically changing the way people used to make levels for games? By making it so incredibly hard and complicated that only the most multi-talented, utterly brilliant people in the world will even have a heathen's hope at making a decent map? Let's hope to god that Doom 3 doesn't "influence" the rest of the gaming industry in this way.

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AndrewB said:

Drastically changing the way people used to make levels for games? By making it so incredibly hard and complicated that only the most multi-talented, utterly brilliant people in the world will even have a heathen's hope at making a decent map? Let's hope to god that Doom 3 doesn't "influence" the rest of the gaming industry in this way.

Meh, I kind of know how you feel. Shit, the DIP pumped out at least five levels a day (maybe more, maybe less) for Rise of the Triad. And IMFUO, RotT had some pretty descent maps...

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Andrew B you are my hero. since i forst saw that post about the 10 minute video ive been agreeing with everything youve said since.

look at how horrible the quake 3 community is turning out because of the difficulty in making maps

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Xian said:

look at how horrible the quake 3 community is turning out because of the difficulty in making maps

SO very true...

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Single-player mapping is dead anyway. When was the last time you played a SP map for any game other than Doom? I can't even remember, it's been so long. The widespread SP mapping scene died out with Quake 1.

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Linguica said:

Single-player mapping is dead anyway. When was the last time you played a SP map for any game other than Doom? I can't even remember, it's been so long. The widespread SP mapping scene died out with Quake 1.

I can't remember ever downloading an SP map.

EDIT: Other than for DooM, RotT and Quake.

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Linguica said:

Single-player mapping is dead anyway. When was the last time you played a SP map for any game other than Doom? I can't even remember, it's been so long. The widespread SP mapping scene died out with Quake 1.

Which is sad because only a minority of game players actually play multiplayer games (not counting console games). Also, with these more complex game engines comes the requirement of broadband internet access for any kind of decent multiplayer experience, and only around 20% of the people that have internet access opt for broadband instead of dial-up. Hence all these people with dial-up might try multiplayer, most will be turned off by the poor experience, and never play multiplayer again, faulting the game. I played lots of modem-modem DOOM, and quite a bit of QuakeWorld online, not so much Quake 2, and Quake 3 is usually so unplayable through dial-up that its no fun at all. There is still a HUGE demand for single player games.

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Mastaba said:

Quake 3 is usually so unplayable through dial-up that its no fun at all. There is still a HUGE demand for single player games.

Q3:A is so boring I have the CD hanging up on my rearview mirror of my car...

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AndrewB said:

Wow, I guess that means there will be a grand total of about six puny little mods for Doom 3. Whoop de doo.

Drastically changing the way people used to make levels for games? By making it so incredibly hard and complicated that only the most multi-talented, utterly brilliant people in the world will even have a heathen's hope at making a decent map? Let's hope to god that Doom 3 doesn't "influence" the rest of the gaming industry in this way.

Unfortunatly, that's the way things are :(

Just like Carmack said in one of his comments, that it would take FIVE years to make a game using the DOOM III engine, when the initial design decisions have been made!! This suggest something :(

And yes, I agree, SP mapping died together with Quake I, I mean, I only played 2-3 SP RTCW maps since it was out!!

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Single-player mapping hasn't "died," it just hasn't been seen in a really long time. All it takes is one good game with the same priorities that DOOM had to resurrect the mapping scene 100%.

But on the bright side, the original DOOM will always exist. It's not programmed to expire off the face of the planet at any certain date...

...I think...

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I downloaded a few very good SP episodes for Half-Life back in the day. True, most big games are MP-focused now but I'm certainly hoping that'll change with the return of Doom. We'll see.

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Hm? The last non-Doom sp maps I downloaded were Q2 maps, so I wouldn't say that SP mapping died with Q1 - it's still out there, but not as widespread.

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I played some Q1 single player custom maps, but I agree.. sp mapping declined and died with Q1. Luckily the original Doom wont dissappear, the DM and SP gameplay is superior to everything else out there, and hopefully some ppl care more about that than about fancy graphics and dynamic lighting.

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AndrewB said:

Wow, I guess that means there will be a grand total of about six puny little mods for Doom 3. Whoop de doo.

Drastically changing the way people used to make levels for games? By making it so incredibly hard and complicated that only the most multi-talented, utterly brilliant people in the world will even have a heathen's hope at making a decent map? Let's hope to god that Doom 3 doesn't "influence" the rest of the gaming industry in this way.

You can't deny most of the worth-downloading Doom wads come from people who knows their shit. It's universal. It will be far more noticeable in Doom III, but at least that ensures quality stuff. The Half-Life community has roughly 500 mods, where only 3 of them are well-known and well-made.
I'm looking forward for all these changes in the way we mod games. Doom III won't have only six mods once you take into consideration how this engine will leech modders from all areas, lured by the possibility of portraying believable scenery.

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Linguica said:

Single-player mapping is dead anyway. When was the last time you played a SP map for any game other than Doom? I can't even remember, it's been so long. The widespread SP mapping scene died out with Quake 1.

It must be re-vitalised in some way!

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Xian said:

Andrew B you are my hero. since i forst saw that post about the 10 minute video ive been agreeing with everything youve said since.

look at how horrible the quake 3 community is turning out because of the difficulty in making maps

With the right editor u have a quake 3 map within a sec:p

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