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There's only three days left in our 10 Sectors Contest! You have until midnight on Sept. 22 to get those entries in -- so start wrapping up those decisector masterpieces and send them in. Voodoo 5 5500, prestige, fame and beautiful women, blah blah blah. You only have to listen to me pimp this contest once more, so send in those entries or you might force me to extend the contest and keep writing these things.


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I can't help but wonder what levels submitted were totally worthless. I keep hearing about the good ones. There has to be some bad ones out there.

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Cool, judging from those screenshots this level is even worse than the one I sent in today.

No, wait, this IS the level I sent in today.

No, wait again, it's not. It's worse :-)

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Guest q.pixel[rex]

The best comes last right Jon?

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Mmm. there's some really nice maps in this contest. this doesn't seem to be one of them ;)

/me gives benefit of a doubt.

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Oh great, I'm not even half done with my level, with 3 days left. Dang I hope I really get cracking in these next three days, or I'm just going to leave out part of the level. That actually might not be such a bad idea. Why am I even going to Doomworld when I should be working on my level? That's a good question, which I prefer to keep unanswered.

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Guest Cephaler

noooooo don't extend the contest i wanna see that megawad dammit. i know that the contest ends the 22nd, but it's gonna be a while for the results to be tabulated and for the wad to be compiled and whatnot, and that is already far enough away from now. --Ceph

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That would be pretty weak... seeing as its already been a month, and you already have what, 80 maps or so?

Would not be nice for the ppl that have already entered too...

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Guest Skarj

eeeehhhhhh, crap, i'm not sure if i'm gonna be done, we'll see though. DON'T extend the deadline though, i cant wait to play the megawad.

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If you are proud, not extend the dead line.
The time limit make this exciting, and I can´t wait to see the megawad.

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Guest MaNMoWeR

You really shouldn't extend the deadline.
I would have liked to do a level, but realised this to late, but i think it would not be a sign of integrity if you would extend it.

A better thing would be perhaps to start a new contest next year at this time.

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Guest cocoon

Who ever said that the 10 sector contest will move the date forward a bit?
Wasn't it just a wish from someone?

It sounds like Linguica decided to move it... I think he has more integrity than that or whatever it was you said he would have... bah. stupid.

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Guest _Dimiter_

I wonder... If I send my level in on Friday at noon, how long will it take to transfer a 200 kb zip from Europe to the USA? And, how much is the difference between my time and that PST of yours (I am at GMT + 2)... HEY!!! My windoze says PST is GMT -8 great, that makes 10 more hours to get this thing finished. phew!

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Guest Lt. Taggart

Edge fucking rocks. I just started a complete overhaul of the Hacx resources. Within one day of installing Edge i started upgrading Hacx. I have managed to code the Uzi propely so that it does reload. Slowley each weapons is being added. I will be redoing most of the resources in Edge. If anyone wants to contribute anything to the project please e-mail me.

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thats it im done, around 700k including small DM area. No uber detail, but it'll run on weak machines :)

unlikely to win, but definately not poop. It doesn't like opengl ports, especially zdoomgl (2fps!!).

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Guest o-langh

How big is you level, mine is pretty detailed, mine has about 1000 lindefs, and only 103kb...

I`m almost finished, just working on weapon placement and difficultsettings.

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Guest o-langh

How big is you level, mine is pretty detailed, mine has about 1000 lindefs, and only 103kb...

I`m almost finished, just working on weapon placement and difficultsettings.

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Mine has 1304 linedefs, 127 kb, 216 things and well, about 10 sectors, I guess :-)

It's 3008 units wide and 2412 units high, which is not that much.

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5500 linedefs +.

Ling said yesterday that the biggest he received was on 1.5 M. I'm very curious about this one :)

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Mine's almost exactly twice the size of TheProphet's. I'm not sure it's Voodoo material, but it's good stuff. I don't really want the card much anyway, I love my TNT2 Ultra too much. One of those CDs might be nice, but hey, I already have a freaking autographed DoomII box, so let someone else have the stuff. Just put me in the MegaWAD, okay? Finishing it up today... By the way, why don't the cookies save the passwords correctly?

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According to the HTML code, my passoword is saved correctly, but there are some NewLine's before and afer it:

<input type="password" name="password" size="16" maxlength="16" tabindex="2" value="



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