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Guest Arch Master

Ok, here is my idea (if anyone cares):
I think that the wads should definitely be released all in one single megawad, but included will be a special doom/boom/zdoom port which allows the player to browse through each level and sort them either chronologically, by quality, by size, by name, date entered, difficulty, author, etc. included should be a feature which ends the game when each level is completed and returns the player back to the level selection screen, similar to the kind used for eternal doom. That way each level can be played like they were all designed to be played, which should be ok with everyone I think.

Oh, and the million dollars goes to: the I am retarded. Of course, this has no meaning, since posts cannot recieve money in any way, and therefore this was nothing more than a stupid joke (maybe).

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Guest Arch Master

Umm, to whoever is monitoring (or fucking around with) this forum, I believe my previous post was modified on the line that reveals who gets the million dollars (actually that was nothing, I was just being a cynical little shit). I would appreciate you, whoever you are, not pulling little stunts like that again.

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The reason I beleive that the maps were supposed to be Boom compatible was that people would be able to play it with their source of choice. That's why there can't be a little acs script that Null the player stats etc.

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Guest Archvile46

Release them all in one .zip (or .arj) file, but have all the levels by themselves, and provide a front-end for sorting through the chaos.

However it'll be done, make it done soon, I wanna play it.

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Guest Arch Master

I know, I should be putting these all in one post, but anyway, because of my excess in available time (temporarily of course), I thought that maybe there should be a poll on doomworld about the theme for the next level contest (if there will be another one, and I am certainly looking forward to there being another one). I think everyone can spend some time coming up with some choices and then people can vote on their favorites after they have all been narrowed down. Since this is my post, I would like to suggest there be a level contest for one that has the best sense of humor (with some restrictions, of course). This time I think new textures, sounds, music, flats, etc. should be allowed (no deh though). As for the prize, well, I think there should be a vote on that one as well.

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138 WADs are going to be a bit too much to release individually. I think all the levels should be put into megawads. You could have a listing on the site describing each one (Rank 1-32, etc..), so that we can decide which ones we want to download. This would also make things easier for those who want to actually play all 138 WADs (not me, for sure, each WAD I download - like Classic6 and 7 yesterday - takes a lot of time to play, explore and enjoy).

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I think they should definitely be in 32 map sized megawads, in ranking order. And yes, all but the first can wait.

In random order? wtf... can I decide for myself I don't want to play a so-so map?

more than 32 in a wad: this is not gonna be very compatible... I think a previous post showed this. No reason for it too.

Maps seperately: you gotta be joking. I think its only legacy that has a "map" command that can load in wads on the fly, but even that is not as solid as quake's map command. I am supposed to quit and restart doom 138 times?

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Well I've never had any problem with the addfile command in Legacy but it should have a listfile command or something.

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Zdoom has a map changing console command. Try 'map'. Also, I think 'changemap' works, too.

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Guest IconOfSin

I mostly agree with Aard. 2 32 level megawads would be best (in ranking order) then the rest either stuff in a couple other megawads in no important order, or have them available for single download.

Release them soon! I'd like to see what some of the people did with 10 sectors...

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Since everyone seems to be chiming in, here is my take on the "should the megawads be released in ranked order" controversy. In short, I think they should, and I have some actual reasoning behind why I think that (some of this has been mentioned before):
1) People unwilling to form there own opinions will be satiated: meaning, I am going to play every single level, no matter what anyone else might have said about it, because I am perfectly capable of deciding what I think is cool and what I think sucks. However, some people are fine with what others think, and don't want to play what someone else labeled as crap. I don't think anyone should make it hard for someone to have easy access to good levels.
2) All the levels will be released: Granted, I understand that there is a general idea of what is a "great" level versus what is a "crappy" level, but still, the ugliest, most unplayable level in the world might have some pretty neat (attempted) tricks/scenes/features/battles which could be explored and improved upon. If they are released in ranked order, at least they will all be released and those of us who don't mind digging for gold in a pile of coal can do so if we desire.
3) Quite frankly, as a contestant, I want to see who beat me (since, though my level is pretty sweet, I doubt it will claim the gold) and know where I stood in the rankings. I may disagree with the judges in the end, but it will help me (as a level designer) learn what other people are looking for in a level.
There you go; my vote is that you release them in ranked order.

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Guest Caleb

just give us the damn wads Ling, dont worry we dont care what you think. too many people have put in too much effort for this, and we dont care for your fucking reservations. meet me in planetunreal or planetblood server sometime. and i'll meet you pallie

my UIN is 7301495

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Guest Retter

138 levels of mayhem by many talented designers is going to be tough to sort through. I think that everyone that met the deadline should absolutely have their map accessible. Make the first 32 maps in the order of their ranking. Throw the other together in megawads or just post them or whatever because trying to sort through 138 wads from best to worst will take way to damn long.

I just hope Ling gets the first wad assembled quickly as I am looking forward to seeing the finished product.

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Ling said at the beggining of the contest that the top 32 wads will go into a megawad right? Well, why not put the top 32 wads in a megawad which would be in ranking order and put the rest in megawads but in random order. This way, the wad can be made faster and the idclev cheat can be used to wade through all the maps

Just my 0.02

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I think at least the top 32 levels should be in order, but definately NOT best to worst. I would much rather start off with crappy levels and have them get progressively better than start off with the winner and gradually see the levels get worse.

Also, the total WAD count is not going to be 138, because some people (including me) submitted multiple versions of the same level.

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The recipe:

2 megawads... composed of the best 64 levels arranged according to a) playability and b) style. Not just packing them up ranking-style. Duh, we're supposed to play these, not "list" them. Also, is one WAD gonna be good to excellent and the other pretty good to good? They should both be good... and combining the levels appropriately helps a lot and makes the difference. All one really need s to know is which are the prize-winning levels, and, possibly, a list of the best 10 or 20 maps... you'll spend ages ranking them all. What can be done though, is to rate them in a general manner (poor, fair, good, excellent, or whatever). Only the better ones making it into the megawads. The rest of the WADs should be released as well, of course, in a big ZIP.

Last but not least, both megawads should include BEX files with the approprate level names, plus graphics for the level names on the in-between-leves screens. I volunteer to work on this, but think that it would be best if more than one person worked on it. Also, a title screen would not be a bad idea.

I'd suggest releasing everything in a month... enough time to carefully construct 2 good megawads by combining the best levels intelligently, and adding the titles and names.

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Guest _Dimiter_

put the worst in megawads. release the best standalone.

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Guest Retter

Maybe we should have a small little contest to choose a cool Title Screen ?

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Dude, if I win the Voodoo5 I'd gladly donate my Voodoo3 twords a second contest...and I won't enter that one because why would I want a Voodoo3 anyway if I have a Voodoo5? That way it's gaurenteed I won't win and whip all your sorry asses (muhahaha).

Of course I'm joking...you know, in case you're a little slow.

in my pants

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Guest Xanadu

For the offical megawads I think it would be cool if you replaced the music too :)

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Guest space-dog

I definitly think a .deh file with the correct level names is a good idea, Boom and a few other ports won't pick up on it, but it won't do any harm

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