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Orbit Interactive

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The Perforated Entrails site has updated with a few new screenshots. This SkullTag project is apparantly doing well. They have also launched Orbit Interactive, featuring Legacy multiplayer demos for download and info on their projects. One of their new projects is called 'Back To Hell', which aims to be a 32-level megawad.

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Guest Mattrim.

The project name "Back To Hell" is being used by Tomi Rajala. Please refer to http://www.algonet.se/~rajala/tomppa/wads_projects.htm#bth for details. Also, why cite TeamTNT's 'failure' with Ragarok (re: http://www.geocities.com/orbitint2/BackToHell/menu.htm) and not their numerous successes, such as the two Final DOOM episodes, their legion of deathmatch-related sets, Icarus, Eternal DOOM III, etc etc etc? All that said, best of luck with your project(s).

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Yes, TeamTNT is known as one of the greatest DoomTeams in the community BUT Ragnarok was a failure! It hasn't been (yet) what it was supposed to be :-)

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