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New Skulltag


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Carnevil sent word that the Skulltag homepage has been updated with beta 8.1 of the ZDoom-based multiplayer mod. What's new, you ask?

  • Client/server now works. It's certainly not perfect, and I encourage you guys out there to let me know about any problems you have with it.
  • d2dm2 is now included in the single player map order
  • A new bot and skin have been added
  • The default player now has a taunt sound attached
  • Fixed problems with Doomcrate's skin
  • The grenade bouncing sound now plays

It's not without its bugs, as Carnevil says: "Try to refrain from using the menus for now for creating/joining multiplayer games. Just use the '-host' and '-connect (ip)' commands at the prompt and you should be fine. Using the menus seems be creating this weird lag problem for now... ugh. It will be fixed."

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What was the point of releasing this "patch" if you still have bugs and errors?

Espically if they are caused through the menu?

oh yeah...I am retarded!

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Mostly because the wad had to be updated. Now that all the wad problems are taken care of, I'll be able to release smaller .exe patches more frequently.

And yes, there are still problems, but there's always going to be things to fix up. Plus, that's part of the point of a beta release... to help to find as many problems as possible, so you can fix them.

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that there's also a new cl_maxcorpses var. That'll limit the number of bodies on the level to whatever you have that set to. Just put it to "0" to turn it off. Now you can have massive games without having the corpses slow things down! :)

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Well, finally I won't kill Brad, because of giving the Doomcommunity Skulltag! But I'm going to download the Version 8.1 and if this fat "Chubbs" has still this death frames from one of those SchoolDoom teachers, then I will be very angry :-)

*hiss* *rowr* is Cacodemonish and means: "I'm Linguica and I really love this poor Innocent Cacodemon, though everybody thinks I will hurt him" ...is that right? I asked some other Cacodemon about this :-)

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There wouldn't happen to be a new secret bot or two in this version, would there? Nah!!

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Guest Captain Napalm

Why does Doomworld have censorship in the
Comments system?
I am refering to the remark made by "Doomsucks" and the two followup posts,which were deleted. Does Ling just have the right to delete anything he doesn´t agree with? If yes that a tryanny we cannot accept. I mean he is keeping Hissy captive for God´s sake!
Free speech for all.

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Guest AFADoomer

This new one just doesn't look right, somehow . . . . .

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Guest space-dog

what's that pole that sometimes appears in the top left hand corner?

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It's a reload problem with the railgun. We know about it, we'll be fixing that.

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Why does Doomworld have censorship in the
Comments system?
I am refering to the remark made by "Doomsucks" and the two followup posts,which were deleted. Does Ling just have the right to delete anything he doesn´t agree with? If yes that a tryanny we cannot accept.

I am fucking sick and tired of people trying to tell me how I should run my own website. First off, AndrewB deleted those posts, not me. Seems that whenever people don't like something on Doomworld it's immediately my fault. Secondly, this is not a democracy, and we do have the right to delete anything we want, since it's our site and all.

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Yeah Ling!

Thats what i love doomworld for! People just gotta remember Doomworld is a site like everything else. Ling and Company has every right to do what the FUCK they want!

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Captain Napalm: I think that anyone complaining about their first amendment rights being violated should be forced to learn exactly what those rights are... Freedom of speech doesn't apply to the internet. It's only meant to prevent the government from quieting the opinion of the masses, for all the good it does...

Linguica didn't delete those posts, I did. And I connoted that quite clearly. I suppose you didn't read it thoroughly. So if you have a problem with what happened, deal with me. Leave Linguica alone you unappreciative dolt(s).

One final note: On Doomworld, we respect free speech. We don't worship it. If you don't like it, that's your problem.

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You guys are doing a great job. I missed those posts but I trust that they were something I don't care to read anyway. Keep brining me up-to-date news without all the useless crap and I'm one happy guy. Thank you, Doomworld, for doing it well - and in your own free time.

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Guest ferret121

First, you need the rocket launcher to use the grenade launcher at all.

Now, you can use it without the rocket launcher, but you only get one chance. So if you pick up another weapon you can't use it without the rocket launcher.

What's up with that?

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The grenade launcher switches off with the rocket launcher as weapon #5, just like the shotgun and super shotgun switch off as #3. Just hit "5" and the GL should come up, even if you don't have thr RL.

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it looks like i got your mail all wrong Ferret121!

Do you have ICQ so we could talk about your Storylining propersition!

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Guest Excalibur_Z

This is really starting to piss me off now. Every time I start to do well in Skulltag Single Player, the game either crashes or freezes. Just this last time I was playing on Some Secret Level and was 9 frags away from the win, when the game freezes. I had to restart the computer.

This is probably related, but how do you unlock secret bots without revealing them prematurely? I mean, I still haven't unlocked any secret bots! Does it depend on the skill level you play on? how often you play the game? when you play the game? what weapons you use most often? how many bots there are? what the fraglimit is set to? whether you're playing a Skirmish or not? what DM settings are enabled? I'm SO lost!

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Guest Battle_Zealot

Well, i have been playin the skulltag bete 8.1 and it´s realy great, but where are some major bugs,for example:the game crashes, and fresez,så the crew have many bugs to fix....

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