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BFG Lamers


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hehehe... nearly laughed my brains out (would that be a bad thing anyways?), but seriously. If you really dislike the bfg that much play on levels that have none placed in them.. its just so simple...

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...or when i think about it even more, why not make a deh file that replaces all ENARGY weapons with other stuff and then make all other players use that...?

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Guest Grul!

That site does not only get nominated for the Ugliest and Most Worthless Site Ever contest, it wins it on KO.

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As silly as that page is it brings up a topic...if you are one of those who play csdoom on a regular basis, then you'll know why. It seems like the majority of the players can't handle or understand the BFG, so they get more and more pissed for every green bulbe, until they eventually quit the server cursing and swearing :) Its actually quite funny when you get these lines "quit using the bfg - or I'll quit!!". Nothing is more satisfying than squeezing a glittering, green killer-bulb up the azz of one (or more?) of these lamers and then having them quit in total anger. Oooh..it just makes it all worth the time.

Alot of csdoom players apperantly havn't played the real way yet (which indisputable is IPX play over the regular exe). Players who have done this for a number of years will of course have a hughe advantage over the "csdoom-only players", cus they know how to handle and avoid the BFG. In reality, its a weapon thats very hard to use efficiently in 1on1's over ipx with two good players in the game. The weapon of choice for any serious player would be SSG.

It just seems to me that not pretending the BFG is there in a game - just so the lesser skilled player(s) will have a "better chanse" is way beyond lame. The BFG is part of what makes the gameplay interesting and "on the edge". If you know how to use it efficiently (and _not_ many csdoomers do), and you earn alot of frags with it - then great! keep it going, its working god damnit.

The problem is not the bfg in itselfe really, its players who can't handle takign a beating. They should shut the fuck up and go play cards or something.
Cya in csdoom, behind the BFG pillar...

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Guest weberto

amen for that

besides the REAL skilled player should
defeat the guy with the BFG, not cry
about it

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Hehehe that was cool to read. Of course this is just a joke. But seriously: there are some lamers, who don't want to use the BFG, and whining the whole day why they got fragged in every three seconds. My recommendation is to frag them only with BFG, so they will never join a server again. I think they should play some Daikatana, or Quake, where there's no such a great weapon, like the BFG.


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Guest Retter

Well, I'll say this, there is no better feeling taking a BFG/Plasma user with the SSG...I get a sort of personal satisfaction out of that.


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Guest zokum

This was one damn crappy site. I hate people like DOOMpizza and Nightwank. I'll bet they operate under false names. Sounds sort of familiar though......

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BFG sometimes is ok, sometimes too ridiculous

and Where to play deathmatch game beside csdoom ????????

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999COP: Find a local, who can teach you. BFG is the best weapon in Doom, it worths to learn how to use it. But some 10 years old guys simply don't have enough patience to learn, and they are just crying about the BFG all day.
"BFG sometimes is ok, sometimes too ridiculous" - believe me, it is ok all the time :)

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Heh. Personally I don't like the BFG in CsDoom sine I'm usually fairly lagged. This means I about50% of the time when I meet someone with a BFG (usually Tarin) die before I even hear the loadup sound.

In a IPX game over Vanilla Doom on the other hand I don't mind it.

Plasmagun for the people.

/me love the plasmagun.

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I understand sometimes BFG is cheap , but u know, in the game, me and u , u saw me use BFG a lot, so i think it's ok, ....but someone is really cheap in the game who always use BFG,...it's chewy(ping)... always use BFG....well, u'll know when u meet him.

Also, beside cslauncher ,..is there other ways to play deathmatch with the launcher like cs....tellme if u know

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If using the BFG in csdoom makes the game unplayable, there's something wrong with csdoom, not the BFG.

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In a 1 on 1 game against a skilled player the BFG is a liabilty. On a full server (6 or more players) the person who can grab and use the BFG the most will win regardless of their skill. The lesson here is, don't whine. Grab that BFG and use it if the circumstances are right. Avoid using it when they are not. Simple.

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Using the BFG is not a lamer's occupation, it's an art form. When I play against any of the greats, no matter what weapon they use, I try to appreciate their skills, because they are well-rounded opponents in deathmatch who are equally at ease with the BFG, the shotgun, hell even the chainsaw.

Now, a Doomer's Assocation against the use of jumping and freelook in csDoom Deathmatch, I would support. (I purposefully exclude Skull Tag, Doom Legacy, etc., from this proscription)

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The hypocritical lie called 'cheap' exists in all kinds of games. If there is truly a problem with a game, the only two options are to adapt (and possibly discover that there is no flaw after all) or quit playing. Anything else is just poor sportsmanship.

Also, players who won't pick anything but the simplest and most reliable path to victory, and who won't even try to win unless they have the most favorable possible circumstances are not doing anything unfair. They may have no style, but they are not 'cheap.' Those people are often trying to get something out of a game they should look for elsewhere.

I personally believe that the definition of skill is anything that actually leads to or increases your chance of victory. Thus, I would classify calling the phone or cable company and getting a better modem as 'skill.'

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Jumping and looking up and down in csdoom is so pointless. It is just more fun to grab the plasma on map01 iso jumping for it. Jumping screws up all maps design.

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Guest q.pixel[rex]

I fully understand the bfg, yet, I have lots of trouble using/avoiding it ;-(. Playing on a 56k, I often see the other players skip around...and that's a REAL pain in the ass when you're trying to get behind the "cone". Same with using the bfg. If I fire while running, the big green ball would come out from where I was 2 seconds ago ;-( SSG or RL seems to be the only weapons I can use effectively on 56k but when I play on my local USB connection, I become a shotgun demon. I suppose the guy who made this page has a 28.8 or something lol. Because if you're on cable, the bfg should be no problem.

Jon: It's more of the "CS" part. Lots of players are on dial up and like I said, it's a real pain ;-(

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"please no bfg, don't use plasma rifle either, rockets are too violent, chainguns are for quakers, super shotgun is lowpingish, shotgun is evil, don't use pistol it sucks, chainsaw is for barabric, fist is ok but not too close"

(old #nightmare quote by Ethh)

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Guest anonymous_user

Go get doomserv www.doomserv2000.com

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Guest Viper

Geez, that's one strange page. The fool, he things Hissy is a Pain Elemental! It truly was good for a laugh though, JeffK style.

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very strange way around you have it..i'm on a fast lan connect here at cambridge (and loving every fucking minute, heh) but on a modem at home i find ssg very difficult to use and tend to rely on BFG and plasma an awful lot. sure the BFG comes from "behind" you (in fact you have to remember that in real terms, a more accurate description is that YOU are behind where you look like you are) but this is easy to adjust to for BFG since you aren't actually trying to *hit* anyone. using the SSG with lag, in contrast, is (imo) a real damn pain :).

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It all really depends on just how much lag you are talking about. If it's 400 or above, you are pretty much screwed no matter what weapon you are trying to use. Unless of course everyone else has a lousy ping too. If your ping is say between 250 - 300 you can usually compensate fairly well by giving yourself a little more distance and leading your target. There will still be a couple of minutes of adjustment, but once you figure it out you should be fine.

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