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"NewDoom.com - The Planet Quake of the Doom Revolution."

Lets see. Planet Quake sucks. Newdoom.com sucks. Yep, the quote's about right.

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Guest MetOfDooM

Newdoom is doing quite well for it's young age, might I add.

I like the Forums there, too. Busy, and if you flub, YOU CAN STILL POST THERE!

Free HissY....Yes, do so.

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Flub is when you make an unintentional mistake.

What people get banned here for is when they annoy or disgust OVER and OVER and OVER.

There is a difference.

Pound that into your skull.

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Guest warlock

now that DN is down, DW is the only doom news site I visit

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Well, Doomshack seems to be dead for the moment (and reading Doomfreak whining about the same thing over and over and over again got VERY annoying), and Doom HQ updates about once a month, so there really is very little choice anyway.

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Doomworld.com is the only choice !

THat's too boring . NewDoom .com doesn't have as many news as Doomworld.com.....Doen't always update ...and other Doom cool stuff...
gotta improve.

DoomHQ is very dead...sofar... ihaven't seen a new pic.. on that site...also improve

Doomshack is really really DEAD....where's the original Doomshack.com, huh? it's supposed to look like black background.. a pic on the fronthomepage....what's going on anyways ?

I'll try to make my Doom webpage..if i can and i know how to do it ..gotta wait!

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i wonder how this article would have developed if doomworld had snatched up doom legacy

i can only think of two ways in which it could possibly differ if that were the case

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Guest MetOfDooM

I told WMULL that he needs a news crew. That's the only not so good thing about Newdoom, I think. Everyone's entitled to their opinions.

As for the board incident. Screwing up, and having no second chances is bad administration practices. That's what's good about Newdoom. I f'd up several times there, and I can still post. They give WARNINGS! Wow. LingLing should grasp that concept.

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Why should he have to? It *is* his site you know

And the only thing I like better about newdoom.com is their web design. That's about it

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Guest Faceuk

Well no research there then. If you would like to look through our archives you will see that we update everyday. I should know I help do the news. The Other thing is personal choice.

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Guest Faceuk

Your point being what?

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Guest wmull

Glad you enjoyed the article, and also for your criticisms, as believe it or not, we know we're not perfect.
NewDoom.com does have a long way to go before we're where we want to be, but we're trying.
And if you don't want to visit our site for whatever reason, that's okay and it's your choice; we'll still keep working to make our site the best we possibly can. That's all anyone can do, really.
William 'Phoebus' Mull

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Thats funny, one of the things I don't like about newdoom is the web design.. the forum is very lively though.

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Guest mantra_

I dont care for the design much myself. DW could do with a makeover as well, as cool as it is it needs one to spice it up.

The dw forums are full of immature lamers, and the newdoom ones have select people i just dont care for personally, but if i were to choose between them newdoom definately has more than dw forums.

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Why should he have to? It *is* his site you know

Just because someone has every right to do something doesn't mean they should do it. If you were kicked out of a movie theater in the middle of the best scene for no particular reason, would you complain?

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Newdoom.com is fine. Ain't the best, ain't the worst. They are getting better all the time. They have cool forums (the moderators are doing a great job as of late) and a few quality hosted sites. They update every day, sometimes posting news before Doomworld does. The design of the site is fine too. The news section should be more prominent though. Thems the facts. Dudes.

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No I wouldn't complain.

1) I'd ask the manager why I got kicked out

2) If it was an illegitamate (I know I spelled that wrong) reason, then I'd never go there again, and make sure everyone knew that I was kicked out and for what reason.

Hyena notice that *ahem* "MetofDoom" aka Fiffy, said he fucked up many times. If I were to fuck up many times in a movie theatre, I would have gotten kicked out. The same should apply to a forum

Do you really think I want to see pictures of mutilated humans here? Even Doom has its limits

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Guest Stinger

Um, hi. I called NewDoom.com the "Planet Quake of the Doom Revolution" because it appeared to fit. After showing William the article's pre-drafts, he told me that he was once affiliated with PQ, which made me even more certain that the name fit. I have seen Doomworld. I like doomworld. But I wanted to interview NewDoom, if for no other reason then they host the two doom ports that I wanted to talk about. But also because I liked their site. Again, I like Doomworld. There is no reason to be getting upity about this.
Josh Johnson

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No sweat, many of the people in Doom get upset about practically everything. (of course there's many exeptions aswell)

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Offhand I can't think of a single "community" member who doesn't get pissed off at the slightest thing. Except maybe AndrewB.

in my pants

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Marc I've only seen pissed once.
Tawney I think take it pretty cool.
I've cooled down. ;)

well anyway.

Bah I guess most of us are edgy.

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I don't really get pissed off by much. But I do get pissed when Fiffy shows up here. Otherwise I try to be reasonable:)

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I dunno Arioch, I could name a few who don't get pissed at all the small stuff. It takes a lot to annoy me. The ones that don't get bothered by everything tend to also be the ones who don't post on every thread.

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Guest Mattrim.

[AriocH]: 'a single community member' that does not get agitated at the slightest thing? Do you mean 'single' as in not married? 'Single' as in not dating? Or 'single' as in one? Using 'single' to describe 'member', which is singular, is reduntant. ;P

There are many members of the DOOM community who do not get 'pissed off at the slightest thing'. Do not use the forums of Doomworld or Newdoom, and these comment threads, as a guide to the character of the community.

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Yeah, I definitely agree with Mattrim on that. There's a lot of people out there who don't get easily annoyed by things in the community... we just don't know about it. People usually post when they're annoyed, pissed, etc, so we're only going to know about people who DO get pissed... not people who don't necessarily.

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