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Bush <strike>Bushwhacks</strike> Neck In Neck With Gore


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Guest cybersquirrel

As an independent Limey, I'd just like to ask have you all lost your minds? I mean, come on - what possible reasons are there for voting for Bush? The guy's an &lt;insert rude word&gt;! Still, after 4 years of Bush policies they'll be begging Gore to take over....

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Us Britains are going to have to choose between Tony "Lets form the United States of Europe" Blair and William "Lets lower the amount of money we spend on health, education and public transport by half" Hague sometime in the not so distant future.

Well, there's the Liberals I suppose (who actually have a reasonably intelligence leader), but there's no way in hell they'll win.

Maybe I'll vote for the Raving Loony Monster Party instead.

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Us Britains are going to have to choose between Tony "Lets form the United States of Europe" Blair and William "Lets lower the amount of money we spend on health, education and public transport by half" Hague sometime in the not so distant future.

Well, there's the Liberals I suppose (who actually have a reasonably intelligence leader), but there's no way in hell they'll win.

Maybe I'll vote for the Raving Loony Monster Party instead.

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Guest IcarusWing

It's all a bit naff really, isn't it? No matter what the difference in people's policies, when we elect them they just ignore them all and do exactly whatever the last primeminister/president did.

At least Bush and Gore seem to be human beings... all you American's should thank God you don't have to deal with William "I appear to be the lovechild of Margret Thatcher and Marvin the Martian" Hague.

Ahh, screw it. As long as your new president doesn't nuke us, I don't care... hey, wait a minute, my Illuminati NWO cards are out of date now! Damit!

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Guest IcarusWing

The United States of Europe would be cool... French people are cool. Spanish people just tend to be loud, though... but then I'm a quiet tea drinking English type.

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Guest CocoT

Here in Belgium, we HAVE to vote. Voting is not only a right, but also a DUTY. If you don't vote and can't give good reasons for it, you're in trouble (usually you have to pay fines) ... which explains around 98% of the people go to the voting booth.
Is that good or bad ? I don't know. I'm sure most American people with their heavy stress on "individual rights" would probably find it outrageous. I don't, but, hey, I was born here ...
I don't agree with Vegeta not caring with the result, because we (non-Americans) are all aware that, if our countries don't care about the States, the States probably care about us (and as a South-American, I hope you realize the US took a HUGE interest in you, your economy and, more importantly, your political situation). Once again, I think Gore as President would have been more beneficial to the European Community than Bush and his old-fashioned conservatism ... oh well ...

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Personally I don't want to have our taxes and laws controlled by some Belgian idiots who couldn't care less about Britain and only care about Belgium.

We all know the EU love France, Germany et al and hate Britain. Imagine if they RULED us. There would be an equivalent to the English north/south divide, and its border would be in the English channel...

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Guest CocoT

Erm ... since when would Belgian people (I preferred that term to idiot, sorry) be able to control your tax ?
If you are referring to the people working in Brussels in the official buidlings of the EC, then I would like to point out that YOU elect them, dude ...

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Guest IcarusWing

That's a bit of a scary view. Europeans are okay in my opinion... the only reason the EU doesn't like Britain is because the last government was such a pain in the ass about it all.

As flaky as Tony Blair is, he's at least healing this wound.

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Guest CocoT

... oh, and, yeah ... I don't think the EU hates Britain, really. I guess you guys got a bit on our nerves always refusing to follow us at the start but, as far as I can see, things have progressed since that time. Personnaly, I view Britain as a part of the European Union as much as any other countries, be it Germany, France, Italy or whatever. As a matter of fact, Britain would probably one of the only European country I would like to move to if I had to leave Belgium (for example if some stupid Belgian people deciced to split the country to attach Wallonia to France (France? Nooooooooo ! What a nightmare)) :-)

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Guest Malice

If someone is only voting because they are being forced to, then allot of them are most likely going to be lazy about it and randomly pick people to vote. There would be allot of people who know nothing about any of it, who will just be casting in a blind vote cause they don't want to get fined. Anyways who wants a bunch of people who don't even give a shit, voting for your next present, govenor, etc...

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I was talking about if there was a United States of Europe, obviously Belgium would be the centre of it as it is the current centre of the EU.

And also, I'm not talking about the EU hating Britain, I'm talking about other European countries in general hating us (esp. France). The old racial prejudices and the like.

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Oh, and by "Belgian Idiots" I was talking about the people in the EC buildings who tell Britain things like:

"You can't call Yorkshire Pudding that unless it's made in Yorkshire"


"You can't call a Chesire cat that unless it's born in Chesire"

and other stupid things like that. They will probably try to make us drive on the right hand side of the road soon.

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Guest IcarusWing

Meeting a lot of people form different countries when moving to uni, I'd have to say French people are the coolest. What's with the prejudgice?

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Guest IcarusWing

Oh, and the forced voting thing does seem more than a little screwed up... if I want to put my head in the sand and avoid politicions, I will.

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Guest CocoT

I'll have to agree that forced voting does sometimes have its drawbacks. People not caring much and handing in blank votes is one of them, people voting for extremist parties just to annoy the people in power is another. Fortunately, you'd be astonished to see how reduced the effects of such attitudes are.

I'd like you to refer the people working in Brussels for the EU as "the idiot people working in Brussels" rather than the "Belgian idiots" ... Going to Brussels quite often, I can assure you that 90% of these people are from other parts of Europe. Again, each EU country vote for people to represent it in Brussels, so these buidlings are like a European microcosm. Sorry if I dwell on it but, as a Belgian, I don't like people confusing all this and calling us "idiots". Some quarters in Brussels simply do not belong to us anymore, they belong to the European burocracy. You wouldn't believe how many languages you'll hear spoken on the street if you wander around there ! :-)

It's funny to hear you refer to Belgium as the "possible" center of EU. As a Belgian, I never felt it like that. Of course I'm pretty proud that Brussels has become the place were most important decisions are taken, but on the other hand, it really just affects the capital-city. So, Brussels might be a "center", but Belgium certainly not.

Actually I'm pretty tired to hear people referring always to "Brussels" when what they mean is Eurocrats. I often swith to French TV (yuck) and journalists always say "Brussels decided this ... Brussels is against that ... blabla ..." ... as if it was us, the Belgian people deciding for others. Once again, it is NOT. Don't take Brussels (which is a city like any other) as the target of any anti-European frustrations ! We poor Belgian people are Europeans citizens just like you ! Our government plays NO extra role in decisions taken by the European Community.
I think it is obvious, but I wnated to clear things up ...

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Guest Niptlar

If the lines at some of the polls are so long, how are people supposed to vote, anyway?

Just a though...

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Guest Niptlar

If the lines at some of the polls are so long, how are people supposed to vote, anyway?

Just a thought...

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The fat lady won't even starting warming up her voice until next month.

We Americans actually vote for a party slate of electors pledged to support the candidate we want. These electors, appointed by their respective party, won't actually elect the president until the "Monday following the second Wednesday of December", when they go to their respective state capitals & cast their electoral votes--the votes that actually count. & these electors don't necessarily have to follow their pledged support. They can change their mind if they want.

This is one of those safeguards to theoretically prevent the WWF/Jerry Springer-watching, tractor-pull-attending popular vote from appointing the guy with the coolest TV ads.

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Guest Xanadu

Don't blame me, i voted for hissy

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This is one of those safeguards to theoretically prevent the WWF/Jerry Springer-watching, tractor-pull-attending popular vote from appointing the guy with the coolest TV ads.

Yes. I agree. Absolutely. The only people who should decide who leads the country should be white, rich, protestant males.


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A Cleening lady just found a box FULL of votes! And they are Black-people votes, and they vote for Gore!. Also 3000 votes got to the wrong guy! They should have been to Gore, but because of a new system, believe it or not, they went to Nader?!

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I hope all in here voted for Gore. I mean, it is natural: We are all Doom players, and why do we play Doom? For the action, the violence and the gore.

Otherwise, both of them seem to be about equally stupid.

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Actually, there were 3 more votes for Gore, but the counting people needed a coffee break and... :P

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The electoral college system is designed to promote equality. If it were based entirely on popular vote, candidates would only spend their time in big cities and ignore small states. Not only that, policies would always benefit the big cities and forget about the suburbs and rural areas.

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