fodders Posted November 10, 2000 Why does the phrase "couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery" spring to mind? 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Excalibur_Z Posted November 10, 2000 The bad part is that the Democrats are too damn corrupt for their own good. They take away guns, and then we're left defenseless as the Democrats get on a high - Hitler felt the same high. Civilians need guns to protect ourselves from an oppressive government. Now more than ever, where the government is equipped with dangerous mobile armor vehicles. It's a shame that censorship is taking important books off the shelves that teach normal people how to disable a tank. Don't think of this the wrong way - although it's easy for people to abuse this knowledge, that's only what the liberal media will have you believe. By willingly give up a weapon to the government, you prove that you are also willing to entrust them with everything - think of it as "existence welfare". Don't become a pawn of the government. The good people outnumber the evil, and only the stupid people can become corrupt and evil. Sensible people like the rest of us know that there are consequences for breaking the law - I personally would feel much safer if I knew that a robbery attempt or hostage situation could be prevented by a random group of civilians who are armed. As it is, most people have to depend on the police. What happens if the police are unavailable, or decide not to help you because there's too much corruption? You're practically screwed! That's why Gore and Lieberman have the wrong idea. Think it an extreme case if you must, but it's still a possibility - with Gore, a strong possibility. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Niptlar Posted November 10, 2000 I'm going to make some moot points here by discussing the candidates: Abortion: Bush says wants to wants to ban abortion "when the nation is ready." Gore says he was against the particular bill regarding partial-birth abortion because the bill failed to ban ALL forms of voluntary abortion at that stage of the pregnancy. Affirmative Action: Gore is for it, and Bush is against. Crime: Bush wants long sentences, and Gore wants harsher penalties for hate crimes in particular. Decisiveness: Gore is a Democrat; he'll tell you what he wants to do, even if you don't like it. Economy: Gore seems to have the experience and results, but he is just a Vice President. For Bush, you may want to look at the tax issue. Education: I'm a Texan who felt the education system bogg down over Bush's administration, altough not drastically. Gore wants to hire more teachers, and Bush wants vouchers. (I personally don't think either move is the answer.) Environment: Gore wants more regulations than Bush. Guns: Bush a bunch of guns for the people w/o a criminal history, and Gore wants a limited amount for a few extra people. Honesty: Gore is suspect because of Clinton, but Bush lies to people over the issues. International: Gore is willing assert US interest a little more generously. Marraige penalty: Bush is removing it, and Gore is not. Media: Gore is interested in tighter regulation of material for minors, but Bush stands for a stricter regulation of material for people of all ages. Scaled-wise, the restrictions are comparable to 0 meaning completely free speech and 10 meaning complete control, with: Gore Adult: 2 Children: 6 Bush Adult: 3 Children: 5 Medicare: Gore would like to extend additional care to lower-middle income classes. Military: Bush is willing to provide additional funding, whereas Gore has not promised additional support. Religion: Bush supports prayer at football games and "moments of silence" in school, whereas Gore is against each. Social Security: Bush wants to offer investment options for social security funds, but his plan will only assume 2% returns for those who do not participate. Since the government pays around 7% on bonds, which is what the government makes on the money is does not have to allocate for Social Security investment options. Tax cuts: Bush wants to max cuts that benefit the richer, whereas Gore targets some for the middle class. Gore will be capable of paying down the debt more effectively than Bush, so Gore's plan will make the national debt easier to control during the future, particullary when the baby-boomers retire and pull more for social security and medicare moreso than normal. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Excalibur_Z Posted November 10, 2000 Famous Republican quote: "Democrats want you to feel comfortable in your poverty." Just thought I'd throw that in =] 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted November 10, 2000 In my opinion, since Bush lied to us over the issues (and his own performance in Texas), his stand on things cannot be trusted at all. I feel that existing laws against marketing of violence to children should indeed be enforced, however, net filters, a solution proposed mainly by Republicans would not be a good idea (primarily because of the hidden agendas of the filter writers). Note that during this election a large number of candidate's sites were blocked by an inordinate number of net filters. A candidate even changed his stance on filters because of this. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted November 10, 2000 Or if the Republicans have their way, you can wallow in your poverty. Keep that in mind. The general consensus is that under the Republicans, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted November 10, 2000 I don't know where this information came from, and I suspect its veracity, but apparently in this election Republicans spent about $35 per vote, while Democrats spent about $3. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest zokum Posted November 10, 2000 Go read the bible, its a bunch of awful, inconsistant nasty stories. Christianity is anything but a nice religion. That Jahve / Jehova character in these fairy-tales kills ppl left and right for the most absur reasons like "the innocent ppl were standing next to a sinner" or they were facing the wrong way and etc. Recently, scientists have found out that a certain genetic variation is a lot more common among religious people. There you have it really, christianity is often (but not always) caused by a brain-defection. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Andy Leaver Posted November 10, 2000 Gore Forever! Bush sucks! Nuff said.. *G* 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Mantastic Posted November 10, 2000 Both sides are lying sacs of shit and will always be. Just some peoples' lies are easier to spot or are discovered for what they are. Screw them all! Jaleel White for Pres!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest vh5150 Posted November 10, 2000 that no one knows or understands that the winner has been selected by the Elite 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Excalibur_Z Posted November 10, 2000 The electoral college is set up so that an electoral vote is based on the majority of the people's decisions for a candidate. Then, in most states, a winner-take-all electoral system is placed (which still seems lame to me), where a candidate holding the majority of the electoral votes gets all the votes for the state. The only time that seems easier is during news coverages. I'd hardly say that the elite make the choice - the people in power merely relay what the majority told them to say. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Excalibur_Z Posted November 10, 2000 We haven't heard a special report on the Election today... Florida was mandated to have the recount finished by 5pm closing time on Thursday (tonight). Seeing as how it's past that time, I'm starting to wonder what will happen with those votes? Florida, why must you keep us in suspense?! 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Superdude! Posted November 10, 2000 Well, this is my I made a poopie, so I'm going to try to make it a good one. For starters, just because Gore and Liebermen support putting up tougher censorship laws doesn't mean that it'll actually happen. Anything proposed by anybody in the government has to be approved by everyone else, e.g., Congress. And I believe Congress would be more likely to lean towards not changing things, so it'll all probably stay the same. I believe that it's up to the parents to protect their children from what they don't want them to see, so I support rating systems, as long as they don't stop anyone from viewing anything (well, anyone 13+, anyways. Ask me why and I'll explain later). So, again, just because Gore and Liebermen want it to happen doesn't mean it will. Another thing: the whole gun issue. I say we should get rid of them, with the exception of ones used for recreation (hunting, target ranges, no shooting other people). Come to think of it, that last sentence sounds really stupid. Oh well. Any ways, the less guns, the less violence. And gun locks, albeit good-sounding, aren't going to be very useful. Who's to say that a kid won't just pick the lock, or use a screw driver? The les guns in actual existance, the less likely they aer to hurt some one. And the first person to say someting like "Guns don't kill people, people kill people," that's true, but a gun makes it a hell of a lot easier. Well, that's my view on things. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Superdude! Posted November 10, 2000 In the begining it says, "this is why I'm retarded," while it's suposed to say, "Well, this is my I made a poopie." I have no clue why I wrote that. Sorry! 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Superdude! Posted November 10, 2000 All right, I'll try this one more time. I made a poopie. If that says "I am retarded," either something's wrong with the post script, or some one must have a personal vendeta against newbies, coupled with a lame sense of humor. Some people never change. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Ike654 Posted November 10, 2000 With all this stuff about Florida, recounts, absentee ballots, I say we ditch all the candidates and put me in charge. Or, if not me, then John Romero or John Carmack. Ok, my useless blabbing is done. I'll go back to working on Kill now... 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Confusion Posted November 10, 2000 "Civilians need guns to protect ourselves from an oppressive government." No they fucking don't. Haven't you ever wondered why the rest of the world laughs at America? Well my friend, YOU are why. Bush is why. Those fucking Republicans are why. America is a country inhabited by millions of insane inbred hillbilly Christian-fundamentalist censorship-promoting redneck motherfuckers, with a few intelligent, normal people unfortunate enough to have been born in one of the most utterly fucked-up countries existing anywhere in the world today. And that, friends, is a fact. George Bush Jr is only going to drag your unhappy country further down into the pits of death, despair, high school massacres, censorship, creationist education, and religious intolerance. I pity you. 0 Share this post Link to post
SailorScout Posted November 10, 2000 Reasons why the U.S. is so adamant on keeping guns: 1) It's a 2nd Amendment Right. 2) Prevents the government/military from taking over, since the common people could defend themselves. 3) Reduces dependance on the government as well; if I owned a store in an isolated area that was open late at night, I'd make sure I was packing a firearm for my own protection. You can argue that the criminals might get access to a gun too, but what's stopping them from using a knife? Unless you're "Bubba the Leg-Breaking Man", chances are you won't be physically stronger then the bad guy (not to be sexist, but esp. if you're a woman). 4) The woods. Try living in Pennslvania or some other state where there are a lot of damn deer, and see how bad it'd get if their werent' "redneck hillbillies" shooting them. Hitting a deer while in a car is not a pleasant experience.. assuming you live to reflect back on it. What if the 3rd situation was paired with the 4th? You want to wrestle a rabid bear with a knife, or just run away and shoot the bastard with a rifle, before he can rip your head off? I thought so.. And uhmm, comparing Europe on the gun issue is absurd. Norway; or maybe it's Sweden (sorry, not sure which country in the Scandanavian region it is..) has guns in practically every single household. Yet there are hardly any accidental deaths, or murders commited with those guns. Why? A little thing called "education". Liberals in the U.S. have this attitude that we must "save the children!", which means shielding them from ANYTHING even remotely offensive. I personally think that gun and sex education should begin at a much younger age then it does now in American public schools. Same goes for advanced math; a Polish friend of mine knew Calculus YEARS before he would get the grade here, where schools started teaching it.. Anyway, don't expect Americans to understand the situation in your country, and don't expect to understand the situtation here. Since you're not here. And if you came here, it'd be with the predisposition that "guns = bad". "Gun control means using BOTH hands" - NRA bumper sticker 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Confusion Posted November 10, 2000 Those point are, indeed, valid (except number two). As you pointed out, there are many gun-filled countries which do not suffer from crap like school shootings. I think, as you pointed out, that this has to do with education, which is something the US clearly has some serious problems with, and not just in terms of guns (creationist theories taught in schools? Classroom prayer? Who came up with these ideas?). In any case, guns are not the problem. Guns don't cause violence, but they allow violence. That's where the problem is. If you can't keep guns safely, don't keep them. If you've got fucking psycho kids running around wanting to slaughter their classmates, don't put them in a situation where they have access to firearms. Gun control means using your brain. And Bush is an arsehole anyway. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Captain Napalm Posted November 10, 2000 Confusion, I never said a word about people needing guns to defend themselves. And Superdude that´s Ling, If you type "1st Post" you will get "I am retarded". If you feel it has no place here just send an E-Mail to Ling with the following text: "FREE HISSY!" He´ll know what you mean! :) 0 Share this post Link to post
NiGHTMARE Posted November 10, 2000 Civilians having guns will protect them from the military? That is the most stupid thing I've ever heard. You're seriously suggesting that people with no armour, no decent communications equipment (imagine an army trying to use mobile phones) , only civilian vechiles, etc and who are equipped with pistols, revolvers, shotguns, uzis (which I think are probably illegal anyway) and the like would win against an extremely well organised military who have specialist communications equipment, APCs, tanks, jeeps with attached machine guns, fighter planes, aircraft carriers, gunboats, and whose soldiers are packing heavy explosives, rifles, heavy machine guns and chainguns? I think not. If you want to win against the government, the way is not through violence, its through the media. Ever heard the phrase "the pen is mightier than the sword?". Of course nowadays, it should be "the internet is mightier than the gun", although of course the nuke would win hands down :) 0 Share this post Link to post
NiGHTMARE Posted November 10, 2000 Add to that the fact that the military are highly trained and disciplined weapons experts with experienced tacticians commanding them, whereas civilians would basically just be a bunch of dis-organised, in-experienced, hyped up yobs. Maybe the army/naval reserves would be on the civilian side, but that's about it. Oh yeah, and also the fact that as well as the army, there would be the navy, airforce, marines and probably the police too. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Confusion Posted November 10, 2000 Captain Napalm: sorry. I was actually refering to the comment which has "Capt. Napalm" as its subject line, which WAS talking to you. I was NOT talking to you, rather I was talking to Excalibur_Z, who actually said that quote. Again, sorry for causing the misunderstanding. I actually agree with everything you've one hundred per cent. Guns suck. 0 Share this post Link to post
kristus Posted November 10, 2000 Is it just me or are presidents not allowed to have been drunk, be drunk or ever get drunk in america to be accepted? Same thing with sex, rebelling as a teen, be black(coloured)/woman etc etc. If you are or are planning on becoming president... aren't you alowed to have a life then? K. that's my 2 cents. Carry on. As you where. Nothing to see here. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted November 10, 2000 The education system fuck-ups can be pinned to probably one source .... the religious right. They seem to be the ones (to me anyway) trying to shield children from items like: sex education, a proper biology class, evolution (hey at least it's better than creationism). And before you say that proper education of guns to children will ensure safer usage, keep in mind that the two young children in Arkansas who shot up a Jonesboro school (who? where?!!) were educated about guns at young ages. They went hunting. Education on guns without the proper safety and morality education is useless. I just wish they didn't have to be so damned intolerant when they teach morality. "Killing people = bad" "Killing niggers = good" etc. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted November 10, 2000 Erm, that post wasn't directed at Confusion. 0 Share this post Link to post
Hellbent Posted November 10, 2000 Guns to defend against corrupt goverment[aa--aaa-HEM] right... very good reason for people to have guns. (sorry, got something caught in my throat) A prediction poll on who will come out on top and when: I think ... hmm... this is tough - I think .. uhh.. let's see... I think G- hmm... I think -- damnit, well we all know who should win. I predict Gore wins and it isn't final - really final until November 21st. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Confusion Posted November 10, 2000 1. Get rid of fundamentalists (or at least teach them to keep their ideas to themselves.) 2. Revamp education system. 3. Limit access to firearms. 4. Throw out nuclear weapons. 5. Abolish censorship. 6. Free hissy. Das ende. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Confusion Posted November 10, 2000 7. Stop making dodgy sitcoms. 8. Learn to pronounce twenty-sixth letter of alphabet. "Zed", not "zee". 0 Share this post Link to post
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