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Strife Back In Stores?


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Matthew Williams sent word of an alt.games.abandonware post stating that the old Rogue Software Doom-engine game Strife, whose publisher Velocity went out of business long ago, "has been picked up by some budget software publisher and reshipped into stores for the $9.99 rack." If you haven't ever played Strife and manage to find a copy, pick it up; it's actually a quite excellent game with a nice plot and some very cool moments. If the publisher issue has been cleared up, this might open the door for a source code release -- I wouldn't mind some high-rez or hardware accelerated Strife action.

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Guest Firebrandt

Strife is a great game.
It was unfortunate it game out shortly after Duke3D and just before Quake or it might have sold pretty well. :/

Sorta like when Heretic2 came out 2 days after Half-Life. Ouch.

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Guest RIP

Same goes for that SiN game too. Just bad timing. Released to close to Half Life's release.

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Very nice game, easy to lose track of where you should be going in the later levels because of the hub system.

Sin on the other hand was utter shit

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Strife kicks ass. It has one of the best storylines I've seen in a FPS. Many plot twists. It is easy to get lost, but after a couple of hours of exploration and a severe headache, you'll manage to find your destination. I'm still stuck on the last boss.

- PuPz

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Guest Omniverse

What I really want is a rerelease of System Shock. I loved that game so much... *sniff*

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I dunno, I played halflife and I loved it to bits (best game I own imho), and I played heretic 2 and it rocked my world (albeit in software mode) but I didn't buy the full game for some reason... money most likely. But I did play sin also, and it didn't impress me a great deal.

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Glad to hear it is hitting the shelves again because I really hope this may lead to a source port. Strife had a whole load of cool features like interactive NPCs, a branching story with alternative endings, hubs, an inventory, guys who fight on your side, some cool enemies, spiffy animated doors....... I would love to see this updated to use new source port type features.

Was it really released so close to Duke? I remembered it being older than that.

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Guest Viper_KillerGuy

Strike is the ultimate singelplayer-game I have ever played. The plot is simply genious and the effects is much better than the games today and it's very large so you can easy use 2 mounths playing it. I can truely tell you to run down our local store and get Strife before... your boss? and you can't compare games like Half-Life with such an engienies game like Strike.

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Guest Firebrandt

I have this old CGW demo-disk here and it has demos of Duke3D and Strife on it. Judging by what it says Strife wasn't yet available in stores while Duke3D already was.
This was maybe 1/4 to 1/2 a year before Quake, during the time when the Build engine still ruled the fps genre. I remember seeing several bad reviews which stated Strife's use of the Doom engine to be it's major fault. :(

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Strife was impossible to get for me until I discovered US-ebay. Not only the story is great, also the graphics are wonderful. Sadly there are no addons on ftp.cdrom available (no editors available or wad-format not documented?)

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Guest epplegacks

Strife was just good food. I'd been playing duke3d for a while before i got strife and I seriously had a better experience. The build engine was kinda cool, but velocity was so skilled at using the doom engine that I found the enviroments really neat. And the teleportal beacon which sends in reinforcements was awesome. Good for the world that strife has been rereleased. Hopefully it generates demand for a sequel...

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I loved Strife for the time it was out but I could easily say it was on par with Duke 3D even thoe Duke Forever will kick ass... and as for SiN, SiN was a bad ass game so stfu queers. Anyhow if you disagree then your b*tch.

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All I remember is playing the demo for Strife, I remember it was better than Doom and a whoop-ass game because everything was distributed realistically and there were characters and shopkeepers and backstabbers and alarm systems and underground societies with guns attempting an overthrow. And Flamethrowers with arch-fire! And radios! All snazzy in this somewhat underrated, small game... That is the great thing about this type of game. I think that the reason it was released after Duke3d and before Quake was because the author knew you could put all the innovative whoop-ass state of the art stuff in a SIMPLE interface for even more popularity.
On a second note, I have Half-Life, I think it is the coolest, most innovative game, and in a way it was ::lol:: kind of like Doom(think about it). The military is against you and security gaurds help you and events happen and it's realistic. What is great about it's somewhat underrated release is that it IS the first game of ITS type; The whole game was a Hub, kind of, with room-to-room action instead of "levels" kind of like Strife, and people were kind of bored and dry at the time of it's release and it was a big ol' cherry soda.
Never played SiN, couldn't get it to run...

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Guest Mizzory

Strife is hella cool, I like the weapons, they are good to dm with. I only played the shareware. And I got stuck after I killed a guy and gave his ring to someone. I never thought about buying it, I couldn't find it anyways. And sIn is a piece of sh*t, it was fun the first time I played it, but it got so boring! I got sick of the characters and the sintech stuff. my favorite fps is doom, half-life is cool but it is way too hard 4 me even on the lowest difficulty setting.

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Guest BoB

you can still get system shock in the UK,its sold in a budget box with a few more games.since my 3d card aint working i might get that today.
as to the www.theunderdogs.org link it doesnt work. ne other links to strife?

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It does work. I go there all the time. The only thing about downloading Strife from an abandonware site is that it's missing the intro movie. However, it has nothing to do with the story. It's just a flashy display of the Strife logo and such. Luckily, I own strife. I got it for free. :D

- [b]PuPz

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I have a copy of the original System Shock, on CD, that I'd be more than happy to burn for whoever wanted one. Just e-mail me and we can set it up.

Also, SiN rocks pretty damn hard. I know you've never played the game, fen boi, because if you had, and you like Strife, System Shock, and other games in that vein, like Deus Ex, then you would at least appreciate it. It's an excellent blend of Action (65%), Puzzle (25%), and RPG (10%) styles.

Granted, it's a patch&play game, just like Fallout 2 and every game made with Lithtech 1.0. And Unreal, for that matter.

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...The copy of Strife at theunderdogs.com doesn't even work. I downloaded the whole thing and when I double click on Strife.exe I get "missing PlayPAL" or something. I've unzipped everything to one file, too. Go ahead and try to play the copy you download there, don't work do it?

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Guest Striker

I d/led the bugger unzipped all the junk and then unzipped al that junk and got a program to manage the arj file and when it all came together it ran pretty dern well cept for a sound problem that crept up on me but that's only because its a dos program all dos programs do that to me unless i run them in ms dos mode so that's what i did. Though i am not getting the speach to any of the conversations i gotta settle for reading text right now.

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Hmm, I guess my memory was wrong about when Strife was first released.

Striker - If you are not getting the voices do you have both WADs? Strife should have Strife1.wad and Voices.wad.

I have a full version of Strife but I can't play the intro video anymore (such as it is). It is an avi file, but it is a format that windows media player cant play (it plays the first second or two, but I know there is more). The DOS player that used to run it gives a run time error 200 when I try it. Apparently this is common with old turbo pascal progs when played on new fast machines (don't know if the player is one or not). I have a patching program that patches such old progs to work on new machines, but it doesn't work on the avi player. Anyone any ideas?

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Well, the thing didn't work for me. When I got around to unzipping the .ARJ, I ran the game but got "PlayPAL not found", do I need to run the game in DOS?

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sounds like the path to the .wads isn't setup or something, try -iwad strife.wad

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