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Glow Damn You


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The Afterglow has a minor four-word update with four screenshots of what appears to be a new single-player level by Aggie. Unless "dmdsp.gif" doesn't mean single-player, or something.

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It looks to me like a modified version of MAP01 of doom II, with better detail and lighting. Looks good!

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I seem to have lost my ability to get excited about screenshots of levels. There have been too many 'looks good, plays bad' levels :| Good luck 'g.

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Please do not get excited by screenshots on Afterglow's page. He is the king of releasing screenshots of levels he will never release.

Vorpal: I don't know where people get a MAP01 clone either (unless maybeye texturing?) but this is definately not an episode 1 clone. Your idea of what an ep1 clone looks like is just whack. =)

Jon: I agree with you on parts there. Especially of that screenshot in the lower left corner. What is that supposed to prove AG - your a wannabe Ola Bjorling when it comes to lighting? Or is there something else about a straight brown1 hallway I am supposed to get excited about?

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Guest Mattrim.

'Glow gets his groove back! Looks sharp, my friend.

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and the map's more along the theme of J1.. and the gameplay for the first couple areas is kicking (or so I think).. I just have to figure out a way to make that open area in one of the screenshots fun to fight in because shooting at 20 imps with no cover is very fun. Also, that brown1 hallway won't be straight for very long...

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but then again I have played that game once so I have an unfair advantage. Do I win a prize?

(/me tries hard to see a map01 resemblance in there and fails miserably)

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I know what it is!!! it's glow's 10 sector map which he is releasing because he didn't get in the top 32!!!


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Each of those screenshots have more than 20 sectors each. (except the last two) ;)

Hey Afterglow? Maybe THATS why didnt get to the top 32!!!!!

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Guest Mattrim.

Anthony: my groove is on. It is simply a matter of finding the time to accomodate my creativity. Thank you for your interest. :)

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Bah those screenshots are now obsolete because I've changed each area... I hate DCK's linedef limit... map split into 3 8000 sidedefs pieces will be likely.

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Guest The Gemini

Why u try to 'speak hip-hop'? Refering to "whack" which is spelt wack and "'g" which i doubt u know the meaning of... also "slick" which ling used in an update... all of u rock to some techno shit fuckin nerds.
checkin out the screen shots now..probably look great...

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Mattrim: RE "The Groove (TM)" - We are still talking about your DOOM editing, right? Time and creativity are two things that never seem to come together at the same moment.

Afterglow: Ola's lighting is patent #223902 of subsection #3422 of paragraph #3423.

Gemini: Choke on your own bias blood, would you? I don't need some nerd telling me who I am.

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<< Refering to "whack" which is spelt wack >>

Not according to the dictionary, my friend...

<< and "'g" which i doubt u know the meaning of >>

afterglow - > 'glow -> 'g. Simple.

<< all of u rock to some techno shit fuckin nerds >>

I think you'll find that the most popular music type in the Doom community is metal, so you're very wrong there.

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Ok Gemini how about this for a deal?

Every techno shit rockin' fuckin nerd in the world has to stick to plain old fashioned English and avoid any even vaguely Hip-hop sounding words. You obviously feel you should have the monopoly on such words.

The Hip-hop set must, in reciprocation, not use any mainstream English words. That is only fair.

We could extend this so that skate dicks can only use sidewalk surfing terms, metal freaks can only communicate by thrashing their heads around in a variety of semaphore-like signals and pokemon can only say their own names.

Of course, I'm not sure what that would do for human communication, nor where a skating pokemon that likes metal, hip-hop and techno would stand in the scheme of things.

Me, I will use the words I want, when I want and because I want to. Anyone who doesn't like it can just refer themselves to the last line of the intro from Ice-T's home invasion album.

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Guest The Gemini

People got different words they use, when u use words like "slick", "g" or whatever else on the internet, on a fuckin doom homepage, it's obvious for me anyway you only try to act tough. And i doubt that other guy ment "glow" by sayin "g", and what you, Enjay, say that hiphop heads should only commincate with words they invent themselves, metal freaks communicatin by bangin they heads, you only try to come up with something with a point when you really can't argue. Bottom line you use "cool/trendy" words that u don't really use in real-life and probably was think for 2 minutes before usin one of the words. Half you will probably start sayin "sick" too. Also a time ago it was "cool" to say "word" in #doomroom, "dope" too. And Ice-T is way too WACK to waste time on, even though i like some old school, bet you reffered to him only so i could "see" that you're really down with hiphop, bitch.

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Guest The Gemini

By the way, when most of the doom community then why use "hip-hop words"? You're all like wiggers on ricki lake, just actin. Don't think i got anything personal against either of you though, but this is just stupid. Like kid's on school followin the trends and flows...1.

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