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Guest Ike654

How about we secretly pick, say, 5-10 level designers who seem to have their own style, have them make levels, release them, then the first dude to guess the correct dudes gets a prize (3d accelerator, free anime videos, Hissy, date with Lina Inverse...)

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Actually, although at first a co-op contest sounded quite dull to me, the idea has a lot of potential if you were designing *solely* for coop and could have team-work oriented stuff in...

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Tom: I just checked in WinTex and saw that MAP05 has a smaller sector lump than the other levels. I check the number of the sectors and voila... 9 sectors! The same for MAP09! And I think some more maps in there use > 10 sectors too.

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Tom: I just checked in WinTex and saw that MAP05 has a smaller sector lump than the other levels. I check the number of the sectors and voila... 9 sectors! The same for MAP09! And I think some more maps in there use > 10 sectors too.

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When I first played MAP05, I was at first skeptical that it even used 10 sectors. I could've sworn it used at least 12. But lo and behold, not only did it not use more than 10, it only used 9!

As for MAP09, well, I made that level. ;)

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Guest Excalibur_Z

My friend and I are making co-op levels for the LANs we hold each week (4 people attending). He's already made one and mine's still under construction, so if anyone wants to give his completed level a shot, hit me on ICQ - 97747415 or AIM - Exca1iburZ, download the latest version of Legacy, and let's go. As always, fast Internet connections are preferred =)

The level's designed for 2 teams of 2 players but it's possible to win with just 2 people, just not as much fun =]

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Guest RIP

There is a newer version of IE 5.5 out that fixes all that.

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Guest Ike654

If you want a fun Co-op map to play, try playing the original "Got'ch ya!" on Doom 2 (Map 20) on Ultra-Violence! Very fun (and those 2 cyberdemons take a while!)

Hmm...tomorrow I get my Doom cd back, so I can go back to editing Kill, and get off these forums...

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Can't tell until we've seen then nightmare, but fraggle's was cool I thought.

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Guest prets

first misaligned texes (about which i do care!), now [b]HOM[b]?!? how can one of these levels have HOM?? in Aqueduct??? HOM???
(for those of u who don't believe me, and i know there will b ppl, i have a screenshot).
Once again, i don't want to say aqueduct - or any other map in there - is bad or anything - i could never make such a map with no matter how many sectors, let alone only 10. HOM????
seriously! guys,I considered that map perfect, but this, how can u make such a map, and let that damned thing slip? (probably bcause wadauthor identifies fully 1021 errors in there :)

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Guest prets

why oh why did i forget to close the [b]bold [b] area?

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Guest prets

why oh why did i forget to close the [b]bold [b] area?

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Guest Fanatic

I saw on some of those levels where you can jump thru areas the author didn't intend, but assumed we would play with BOOM (and not ZDOOM or Legacy), I saw lots of missing lower/upper textures, like outside the start courtyard in DOOM2 MAP01 (noclip there of course).

I was a little surprised to be able to jump into/thru areas where it was obvious they didn't build for it. :) No biggie.

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Nah. I only could have spend it some more detail. And believe me, I think it would have looked too overloaded with detail then.

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Guest Dense13

If you liked the first room in map 08, you should try to play CyberDreams
(http://wwww.newdoom.com/cyberdreams). In fact that room (and the last one of the level) are a kind of tribute to CyD.

Congratulations to all designers in the megawad, there are so many great ideas in the levels! And to be original, thanks for a great contest and a great wad.

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mine has a secret, but it's blatantly obvious. Also co-op and deathmatch are supported, i wouldn't run it with opengl tho.
Any comments on map28?

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Firstly, I haven't read all the comments below, so forgive me if this has already been covered...

33 of the maps got 2, 3, or 4 votes from the judges. 32 of these 33 maps should have been included in the Top32 Megawad.

Instead of using a democratic voting system, the bias of individual judges was given more
weighting than the average across all four judges. Hence, some maps which were liked by several judges didn't make it into the Top32 Megawad, and were beaten by maps which only a single judge liked.

I've come up with a completely different list based on the scores of the judges, and here's my conclusions:

These 6 maps only got one vote each and shouldn't have been included (0 votes in one case!):
Map Author votes judge high
02 Øystein Langhelle 1 Cocnn top3
16 Michael Niggel 0 - -
19 Sami Mäki-Mantila 1 Mord top10
24 Qingshuo Wang 1 Cocnn top10
31 Kevin Nadolski 1 AndrB top10
32 Aardappel 1 AndrB top32

These seven maps all got 2 votes each, so 6
of them should have been included in the Top32 Megawad instead of the 6 listed above:
01/02 01/07 02/01 02/08
02/16 03/02 05/17

The authors of these 7 maps have been robbed
of their "15 minutes of fame".

Does anyone know the names of these maps, and who created them?

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