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the zip doesn't include the r_mingl.dll, which is the only GL that works for me with doom legacy (r_opengl.dll just gives me a black screen). Where can I download it? (old versions won't work with 1.31).

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Coronas only distract from the gameplay... ever play Perfect Dark for N64? Those coronas are so fucking annoying, there's like 5 every room... doesn't make up for the fact pretty much every room is a cube.

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Guest ozh

Just realized I've got that 1.666 stamped german version and then can't upgrade to 1.9
Where did I got it and what can I do ?

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Guest Gorc

Space-dog has a point, about the glasses thing. As does [Arioch], as indeed the Doom Marine is always wearing his standered issue helmet (except on the cover of Doom II, and the end game screen on Ultimate Doom. But these two pictures don't look even half as good as the title/cover of Doom I. Any Comments on the subject?). Tawney brings up a good point about movies always having coronas, so game are just imitating. Yes Ike654, those are coronas around street lights at night. And to everyone... if you also bother to look up at the moon of a night, I think you will notice three or so rings surrounding it. Coronas perhaps?

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Go to the OpenGl menu in the options and turn them off.

Personally I think the coronas give a sort of realistic effect. Since most of the places in Doom is dark or are supposed to be sort of foggy (in my mind anyway). Adds to the Atmosphear.


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Guest JudgeDooM

Damn, when I run the version 1.31 of DL, it halts to a black screen and a fuckin "Segment Violation" message appears!
Anyone knows what to do to fix this?

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.. he can.... i'm 100% certain that i've seen a link for such a patch (and nope, i'm not stupid, i know everytghing about the german 1.666 version that was declared pirated and has a date stamp of 25'th of something, but i'm still 100% sure, someone here has indeed mentioned such a patch, a patched patch perhaps :)

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Ebola, have you only just seen the matrix?

Man perfect dark sucked. I mean, I prefer Goldeneye to it by miles, all the machine guns are almost one shot kill, its just stupid.

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Bah Golden Eye. I'm so fed up with Bond that you wouldn't beleive. I like the swedish bird Isabel though ;)

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Guest Striker

You are not the only one aradappel. I need taht dern minigl driver as well =P i've set several sites upside down already no dice =P

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Guest The_Goop

The only reason that i could see for coronas was to emphasize the idea of glowing balls... The effect is ruined when you dont then have the glow reflected from every angle, as opposed to (in zdoom and legacy) just reflected from walls directly opposite it and the floor and ceiling directly above and below it...)

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Lame joke that it is. On coronas: I think they occasionally make for decent screenshots. Same with lens flares. But that is all.

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Guest Battle_Zealot

Well, i D/L this DOom legacy, and when i start the program, he say that i don´t have the 1.9 V doom2.wad but when i start ZDoom or original oom it sez Doom: Hell on earth V 1.9


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Guest vh5150

Did you tell Legacy where your doom.exe/doom2.exe and doom.wad/doom2.wad are?

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The results from the Public DANG's 14th mission-contest are in this week, with Adam Hegyi bringing in the shortest almost-pacifist run of E2M4, and Adam Williamson not far behind. Check out the contest page for the full rankings list as well as a download for the submitted demos for this mission #14. No new mission has been announced as of yet.

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