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Doom II At The CPL

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Guest JMX

Yes about time...I'm map25
Thanks judges!

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Guest MadCommunist

Help!!!!! I dont know where to go in level 11 ! I dont know how to open those doors. I keep open them and they seem to go down endlessly. Somebody tell me what to do.

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Ignore the misaligned crate textures in my level :) They are not there. Got that???

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Guest MadCommunist

i dont understand how to open the doors to get the keys though.

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Guest Fanatic

Mine is MAP15. Giddey up. :)

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The 10 sectors contest concentrated on editing skills, and there have been a number of demo recording contests. I don't think there have been any contests for that other part of doom editing - graphics.

What I suggest is a "new clothes" contest where those with appropriate talent (not me) provide a new set of textures to breathe new life into an old map. A fairly simple map like MAP01 (or a custom one if that meant copyright issues) would be ideal. I do not mean that the author would provide a map, just a wad of original textures and flats (with a sky too) to revamp the level in question. Perhaps not even allowing a texture and pnames lump, but just replacing existing graphics and how they sit in their various textures would be a way to consider this.

The object would be to provide a set of textures that look good together and compliment the map, and which fit the existing architecture of a map, totally replacing all wall, floor and ceiling graphics.

What do people think? Too clumsy? Too much work? Just too damn silly?

BTW I thought that MAP07 in 10 sectors 2 (the big tall base with high level platforms) was very original. It had a kind of dark forces games feel to it, but in a doom environment.

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That would be a good idea for a another contest Enjay. I would be able to particapate in this one this time. If it actually comes to pass.

Waded didn't allow building multiple sectors like the ones in the 10 sectors content. And WadAuthor has been giving me fits. AARRGGHH!!

I grabbed DCK to late to even get a decent wad out.


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Guest IconOfSin

I like your idea, Enjay. How about a thing like that where you can redress all the graphics and sounds in a classic level (Map01 would be perfect because it has indoor and outdoor, and its a fairly small level) And you try to make a theme for the level that is original and cool. With new weapon graphics and sounds, monster graphics and sounds, plus the new textures, flats, and skies, and inanimate objects, so it's like a TC theme, and they would rate the best looking, most creative, etc. God what a run-on sentence. I need to get off that AOL instant messenger...

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Guest IconOfSin

Yeah and a new marine outfit too. Make the player look cool. What do ya'll think? I don't know if it's any good, but it might be fun to see what people think up.

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How about something that I belive PlanetHalfLife did with TFC.
They had a contest awhile ago to see who could make the best flag room.
So instead, with Doom who could make the best exit room!!!!
Sounds good me.

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Guest IconOfSin

Hey that's actually a kinda neat idea! Because it doesn't mean just making it *look*
nice, you could have it be challenging, puzzeling, creative, or some fancy thing you do with a couple sectors to make it more interesting then just "push the button and finish the level" Good idea...

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Man, I still haven't completed all of the levels in the first WAD!

{performs a quick check...}

Alright! The other level I submitted is MAP12!

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Waded is very nice with the whole sector binding thing. Just click on sec define, right click on a pre-existing sector, and then left-click on the magenta lines that you want to make part of that sector.

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I'm liking these. :) Mine was even in this batch too! (Map 20). Kind of surprising, seeing as it is my first wad i've ever completed.


Paul L. Ming

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Well prower, I've tried it and it works.
I did get to work once but can't get it working again.

Any suggestions or tips on getting this to work right.

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Sailor's Chord series has some of the very best exit rooms...

10S. Map11 -- MadCommunist -- I think you are crossing the sector lines too quickly. I, personally, have not been able to exit the level either. Others have. The sectors are not lowering all the way.
Play it again. This time move slower????

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I think a texture/flat contest is a good idea, but replacing all the sprites in a level is going a bit too far.

There are very few people in this community capable of making sprites, so it would heavily restrict the entries.

There are lots of people capable of doing good looking textures though.

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Can you possibly include any relevant TXT files in future links to downloadable files?

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Guest space-dog

Bah-humbug, still didn't make it in, i guess somebody noticed the mistakes that i thought nobody would notice.

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There's at least five levels in this WAD that are way better than some of the levels in the first WAD...

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Guest Deertag

At the risk of sounding like sour grapes, I can't believe my map didn't make the second set of 32. I've played the first 12 maps of 10secto2 and it's unbelievable what crap some of these maps are. Even the comments in the text file basically said the same thing. WTF! JFC, I didn't think mine was a winner or even a guareenteed top 32, but to be told my map is in the slop pile is just too much. :(

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I feel the same way deertag!!!!

Mine aint there either! i think it actually belongs in the second megawad!!!!

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I agree with Nightmare.
many of these are at least good maps.
whether or not they deserved to be in the first one is subjective.
However, looking in reverse; no offense to anyone, but...
Map21 -- I can respect it that it is a different kind of level than I like, and that's fine. but I don't think it belongs.
Map31 -- what is this? January, 1995??? _well_ below the other 31, IMO.

glad to see the second see light though...

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AndrewB said:

This is a nice level. I really think it is. Not all that much in the way of detail, but it's not bad. I like the open areas, the dark areas.. Really impressive for ten sectors, I think. It should have an outside chance at the megawad.

Mordeth said:

350 monsters in this level. Not too interesting.

Dunno what to tell you, no one put it in their top 32...

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The 'screening' for this one was if the map earned a top32 listing for one of the reviewers. as it says in the textfile. not a perfect system, but certainly a valid judgement for qualification.

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There's at least five levels in this WAD that are way better than some of the levels in the first WAD...

I've played through the second megawad all the way up to level 19. Unless some of the later ones are much better than the ones so far I haven't seen any. I think the judges did an excellent job. Sure, there is bound to be some disagreement. After all we are talking about personal taste here.

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Guest dickie

I'd just like to thank DW & all those doomaholic map authors for 10 sectors. I was taken aback by the quality & invention of the contributions. A real inspiration, in fact!

Although I've only played a few so far, I tend to agree with the choice of winner. This was very reminiscent of the original E4M6 which, to this day, is by far and away my favourite doom level of all time.

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Guest The Gemini

Map21 (of 10secto2) is one of my very favourties, counting the first megawad (10sector) too. Too bad it was in 10secto2 instead of, say HR2:). Map23 was also very cool, both should be in the first megawad. What the hell was the deal with Map31, Map32, and Map01 in 10sector anyway? Map31 did feel like more then 10 sectors but it was ugly like fuck, map32 was way too simple, cool though, and map01 would be a fuckin joke.

Also, if anyone's interested in makin a demopack for 10sector (Opulent?), mail me at post2000@c2i.net.

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