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Tach Gibbin!!!

Ich weis ja nicht wo dieser Schezzar
aufgewachsen ist... naja... seiner Sprache
zu Urteilen nach in der Gosse odere ähnliche
ecken ;)

Bis denne sacht
Doctor DooM Grossengel der Illuminaten

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Guest Gibbin

haha - deutsch ist prima! ich kann nur ein bisschen deutsch sprechen...aber es ist jetz gut. Scheezar ist ein scheisskopf aber ich hab kein problem mit ihm...

deutsch für leben!

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Guest Graham

Who in their right mind would sully Gods own game by running it's beautiful code through the gooks eggbox ? I'm feeling quite sick...

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whatever.. I don't see a lot of other consoles with the kind of flexibility the dc has, namely running linux

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Guest Twitch

I've seen free hissy buttons all over the place, what the hell is it?

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Guest DarkWolf

I like the Dreamcast and all, but having to burn all the extra levels and stuff that make Doom great to one CD is a waste of time when I have all that stuff on a hard drive and a video card that will run it just as well. As for Linux on the DC, well I'd prefer DOS considering my 486 just kicked the bucket and I need something to play my abandonware on. One last thing, why in hell would you play a fast paced game on an LCD monitor? Yeah they're nice and skinny, saving space, but I still prefer my normal monitor for games and the like.

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Guest candyman

dont tell me that youd truthfully choose dos over linux...thats just sick

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Not worth the time and effort? BAH! I would gladly attempt to burn it on a CD for my Dreamcast anytime. I have Quake burned for DC and it kicks arse, just simply yummy.

As for the LCD, maybe thats all he had on hand at the time.

Funk ya Gemini. PS2 the best? Hardly. Sure it's more powerful than the DC, but where the freaking online support? Sony fucked up by not getting that out the door right away or even say what exact plans they have for the PS2 online.

And how many REALLY GOOD games are there for it? Not Many. Twisted Metal Black kicks ass, but thats about it.

The only reason I got a PS2 anyway is to play Silent Hill 2, plus the bragging rights I guess.

Oh and FUCK Sony, they are growing so damn big in the gaming market, there getting cocky and tyranical. I own a Playstation, a PSOne and a PS2, why the hell shouldn't I have Bleemcast? Almost everyone should have a PS by now, so why should they care, if you can play PS games on a Dreamcast? Huh?

Plus Sega is porting over its games to the PS and PS2. Sony, you should be grateful, you cocks.

The Dreamcast is no longer production, and Sega really offers no more competition in the console war anymore so who cares?

I do.

Sony is no longer the good guy in this race. They are now the evil jerks who need a ass kicking

Sorry about the rant, But I cound't hold it in anymore.



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Guest candyman

POTD: that stands for...what? uhm, 'picture of the DAY' right? hasnt this picture been up for nearly a month already??

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Guest jao2000

Please men, help me with this... I´ve been trying but nothing... what should I do?

Please write me back at: aojavierfdo@hotmail.com

Lots of thanks!

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That POTD should be changed more often... I'm getting pretty tired of seeing the same picture for weeks and weeks.
Get off your lazy ass Ling and update!

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Guest UAC PR Dept.

You can't send a pic to Doomworld via hotmail. If you read the page linked to "Send in your pictures"(or whatever it says) you will notice that it is stated that pictures sent to Doomworld via hotmail come out as crap.

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Guest DarkWolf

Both are better than Windoze, but I was merely saying if I was running an OS on the Dreamcast it would be DOS for my old abandonware games that won't run on the newer downgraded versions that are included with Windows.

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Guest DarkWolf

Merely your opinion, of course.

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Arioch is god (aka ling)'s right hand man, so when he says something, he means it...

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Guest demoness

okay, i think we're all ready for a new pic of the day.

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Guest candyman

i do believe i agree with both of you - anyone who would group dos and linux into the same category is definitely a very very sick individual - and yes, definitely time for a new picture...

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Sony and Microsoft both freaking suck. PS2 is a cheap quality but expensive piece of shit. DC is powerful enough to stand up to PS2. Sega is just horribly in debt and doesn't have the mainstream lameasses behind them that are happy to be sodomized by Sony. For such a short time DC got some wicked stuff and my bet is on GameCube for the future. It shouldn't be another N64 (lame failure), especially since Sega is making stuff like PSOv2 for it. X-Box is basically the PC equivalent of an iMac, a freaking amputee of a computer.

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Guest DarkWolf

It's not about entertainment, it's about making money, the video game industry might have once cared about their customers, but now that they just care about filling their pockets. Sony has deals with Blockbuster, and like Gokuma said, has every idiot joe following them; SEGA won't return your calls and doesn't acknowledge that their old systems even existed (except for when it came to selling their Sega Smash pack); Microsoft, we need not go there; and Nintendo, I really haven't heard anything bad about them in a while. If Game Cube is different than N64, Nintendo will probably hold the crown once again.

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