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Aftermath Of A NiGHTMARE

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Nick Baker, perhaps in response to the recently started series of stories from Deimos Labs, has kicked off a series of fan fiction posts of his own, which relate the stories of the survivors of the demonic invasion of the Mars bases and Earth. This little series can be found here.

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Guest Archvile46

That was actually pretty intriguing.

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Man, THAT was boring.

Unless you are going somewhere with it, then it is quite intriguing, none-the-less.

Sorry if I'm being an asshole, I think it's just because maybe this is like reading the start of a whole novel; like a prelude or flashback or flash-forward, or, I dunno. But the first few introductory pages of a novel are always boring because they are slow and you don't really understand what they mean; then as you read on into the novel it all starts to play out and make sense. I hope that is where you're going, man. 'Shows potential.

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It's such a good idea for a website is this 'Journal of the lost marine' type thing.

I reckon a better idea would be to snapshot your way through a Doom level and apply some nice effects to the images. Make them look grainy and bleached or something to give the effect of wear and tear.
You could use these images to illustrate your text as if they were shots taken by a survivor.
Infact, if you're any good at making Doom levels you could tailor the levels to your stories instead of vice versa.
The point is images liven up a page a great deal.
For maximum effect pay Freeservers the $5 they want a month to get rid of the banners!

Just a thought I had some time ago but never found time to implement it.
Good luck.

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Guest BlackTerror

Those were good. I thought Nathan was Doom, though, before I read the bios; you might want to make that a little clearer in the story. Also, the reverse chronological order is pretty wierd, you should reverse the order.

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Guest BlackTerror

It's just not a very intuitive setup for fiction.

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Guest Archvile46

Well, I'm waiting Nick...where's the next part?

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