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Freedoom Update


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Fraggle here with the weekly FreeDoom update.
This week has been fairly busy. We have had texture submissions fromEspi, KMan, Hyena, AirRaid and cph. Of particular interest are this patchand this patch which are replacements for the marble demon face textures.Credit goes to Espi for submitting them :). Our status on the wall patchespassed 70% this week - there are now only around a hundred patches leftuntil we have a complete texture wad.
On the sprites front, we have Techlamps from Sir Fragsalot and Plasmafrom Hyena, as well as bullet puffs from Pickle_hammer. Espi alsosubmitted a pistol replacement and Fredrik submitted his replacementfor the BFG - the S.K.A.G. (which I believe stands for Super KickAss Gun :).
Of particular interest, we received word from Saint of Killers abouthis work on the mancubus replacement. There are some interestingpreliminarysketches here.
Be sure to check out the latest wad. See you next week!

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Guest demoness

what the fuck? I downloaded it and its in .gz format! Thats for the mac! Fucking shit.

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Guest Excalibur_Z

WinZip and most other decompression utilities can handle .gz (which is for Linux).

I'm not so sure about that Mancubus though, he looks more drolling and sluggish rather than buff and heavily armed. But if nobody has any better ideas, then go with it.

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Guest Excalibur_Z

I'm sorry, I see the incredibly morbidly obese in higher regard than you do Linguica =)

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If you have trouble with that file format, you can download the wad itself by clicking the link at the bottom of the screen:

Browse deutex/wads/ manually

Also, if winzip won't accept gz you can try with winrar. That's what I do.

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Guest demoness

the replacement for the manc. looks cool if you ask me.

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.gz is not a mac format, so i have no idea why you're saying it is. WinZip and most other compression programs support it, infact recent versions of Internet Explorer uncompress it FOR YOU so you dont even need winzip.

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That was the fastest download ever, more than 13 KB/sec constantly on my 56kb modem, how is that possible?

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Guest o-tech

uhm... were those two patches linked because someone feels they're extraordinarily good, or, as I hope, because they're hillarious?

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Well, draw better ones yourself then. Shouldn't be that hard. :) It's pretty hard to draw an evil face without it looking silly instead.

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Guest Busted Corpse

uh..... I cant get my winzip to unzip .gz files (I downloaded the latest one last week)... any ideas? (apart from my own retardedness, of course ;S )

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Actually all you need to do is rename the zip and delete the .gz extention and then doom can run the file.

works for me anyway...

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I think the mancubus sketch looks awful, disgusting and putrid.

All good things, in this case. A nice, and quite horrible looking concept. I hope the full version manages to capture the feeling I get from the concept drawing.

Nice one!

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if you download the .gz using IE, 'save as' .wad instead of .wad.gz because ie auto-expands it. this also explains erroneous transfer rates in IE when grabbing the file (I myself got ~190KB/s.. yeah right)

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The download rate is the rate of uncompressed data, I think. So if the file is a 4:1 compressed file, the displayed transfer rate will be 4x the actual transfer rate.

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That and if you actually pondered where to save the file (in the save file dialog), during that time IE has already transferred part of the file, but IE does not start timing the download until you click "save", so it already has a section of the file creditted towards the total.

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Guest Excalibur_Z

Someone said that already too ;)

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