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Freedoom Update


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Welcome again to the weekly FreeDoom update. Unfortunately I forgot to writelast weeks update in the wake of the tragedy in America, so this report willcover the last two weeks work.
People have been fairly busy: there have been textures submitted fromcph, Espi, AirRaid, Destruct (Jon_R), Isle, and KMan. The status ofthe wall patches is now just under 85%: it seems that it will not be longbefore we have a complete set of replacement textures! Of particularinterest is thiswork in progress graphic of the final boss, which Deathmaster213 has beenworking on. The graphic is not yet completely finished, but it is hopedthat it will soon join the rest of the textures.
We have had several sprites submitted over the past 2 weeks: Saint of Killers submitted this slug-like demon which is a replacement for the mancubus, and alsoa replacement for the player sprite. Nightfang also contributed his replacements for the Cacodemon and the imp. We have several clearly very talented artists working on the FreeDoom sprites now, but we are still in need of more to help out.If you can draw and can spare some time to help out with the FreeDoomsprites, please get in contact :).Other sprite related news includes Fredriks replacement forthe plasma rifle (featured in the slug screenshot above), and various other small sprites from Isle and geekmarine.
Several completed maps have been submitted in the past two weeks:Map05 and Map29 from Amarande and Map30 from Cacodemon_Leader.Jon Dowland has kindly hacked together a script which lets you viewthe maps through your web browser: you can find thison the statuspage. Levels are available to test from the FreeDoom site in the freedoom_levels.wad file.
Be sure to check out the latest FreeDoom wad. More FreeDoom next week!

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Guest gems

the cacodemon looked cool, should probably remove those wires though they looked stupid..or make them better. also the grafx on the cacodemon looked like crap when they fire those fireballs...

the imp was hard to see, too dark..looks like a hexen knight..

hope the player sprite grafx is like 40% done cause it looked really out of place considering the surrounding textures and weapons and stuff..

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Love the replacements - though the imp could use a little work - too dark.


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I haven't seen it in action, but I really like the way that imp replacement looks. It reminds me of the snakeman from X-Com. Good job, Nightfang.

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...well, if anyone wants the sprite, I have it. I guess we aren't supposed to send submissions anymore, so...

p.s. also got a nifty robots that replaces mancubus

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hold your horses boys, I got your boss-monster <A href="[url="http://www.rense.com/1.imagesC/laden.gif">right"]http://www.rense.com/1.imagesC/laden.gif">right[/url] here...</a>

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wavelength: there isn't any clear cut way of determining which set of sprites is better in the case of clashes, so for the time being there are no replacements for existing replaced sprites (e.g. 2nd generation replacements) thus if your chaingun sprites didn't get lost, they wouldn't be used (yet) anyway as the chaingun is already replaced. Ditto for the mancubus sprite.

I think I'm going to sit down and code a safe voting system sometime soon so we can start to manage the dupes we have.

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My medium/fair quality shotgun got replaced with a crappy quality shotgun from Covert Ops. Bah. I would prefer if the quality of the re-replaced graphics would increase not decrease.

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I personaly don't like the 2 new monsters.
And about a chainsaw replacement, if it's centered and decent, it can be included I think.

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heh I like the new monsters myself :) XCOM rocks.

But yes, replacing things is quite nasty because there's no policy, but hold still!

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Wavelength, I really havent seen any chaingun sprite at all. If you uploaded it you obviously screwed up or something. Possibly if the zip was corrupted I might have deleted it. I suggest you try uploading again.

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imo, the monsters look really good. i particularly like the cacodemon. good work and keep it up! :)

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Why does the freedoom project have replacement maps too? I though the whole point of the project was to have a free iwad with which people could play pwads.

If doom can't load iwads without maps in them, wouldn't it be best to just have some dummy maps?

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Wouldn't it also be nice to have a new batch of decent levels to play? It would give those of us who already have all the Doom games a good reason to download freedoom too. Having a free iwad so people can play pwads is the main reason, but it's not the only reason...

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The caco & imp look perfect.

The muncubus looks too light around the edges, which gives it a paper-cutout look. Darken those edges, & it will look better. Also, the mancubus' weapons are much higher than its projectiles in-game.

The player sprite looks great.

The plasma gun looks excellent now, better than the spinning-potatoe-with-red-testicles from before.

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>Wavelength, I really havent seen any >chaingun sprite at all. If you uploaded it >you obviously screwed up or something.

As if this guy being screwd up was new...who the fuck would want anything from Wanklength? Personally I hope he'll fall down some steep stairs and break something vital . bleh.

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Im glad everyone seems to be getting interested in this project, that Cacodemon has a more than slightly 'Bobic Phallic' look to it, very nice if the entrails get tidied up.
I agree with everyone else here about the Mancubus.
I think folk should leave wavelength alone now that he/she is trying to contribute something to the community.
I better get back to work on that map now.

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Aard, I initially thought the same. But remember that part of the idea is to encourage new Doom users, so I think it's a good idea to have some levels included to get them started. I'll be pushing for a decent set of skill levels (remembering how hard Ep1 seemed at first, we need to give the newbies a chance!)
Besides, it gives the rest of us something to do while sprites are being worked on.

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