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Looking for a Doom/Heretic wad with enemies from both games in it

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I read something one time about a wad that had the Doom enemies and the Heretic enemies in it. Does anyone know where I can find it?

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Herian / Herian 2 have an addon WAD that replaces the Doom enemies with Heretic ones, IIRC.

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OK, I have to confess, zdoom in its current beta allows you to spawn Heretic and Hexen things into a doom/doom2 game when the wad being played has the necessary entries.

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Linguica said:

Herian / Herian 2 have an addon WAD that replaces the Doom enemies with Heretic ones, IIRC.

I remember them to have enemies from HeXen rather than Heretic, plus DooM enemies.

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Actually Herian and Herian2, while original, weren't exactly what I was looking for. I am looking for a WAD that really has the Doom and/or Heretic/HeXen monsters, not a WAD that replaces said Doom monsters.
For example, in Herian/2, the Lost Soul is replaced by the Gargoyle from Heretic. It has the same "I saw you" sound, same attack sound, and same pain sound as the Gargoyle. However, it has the Lost Soul's hit points, and its death animation.
That's not what I want. Does anyone see what I'm getting at here?

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DooMBoy said:

That's not what I want. Does anyone see what I'm getting at here?

I see exactly what you're getting at. Unfortunately, I don't know of any :P

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Doomboy, I am not kidding with my posts above. zdoom now allows doom and heretic monsters to exist together in a wad, not by replacing one another. And, I have such a wad in progress. If you want to know how to do these things, visit the zdoom editing forum, ask away and we'll help you.

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Yeah then theres the problem of the Doom & Heretic palettes being different. Are you converting all the heretic sprites to the doom palette?

Oh and whats ZDoom 2.0? I thought the next release was going to be v1.23...

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I think the answer is yes to converting the sprites palette. When I use Wintex to copy and paste the sprites from heretic.wad to my zdoom wad, they don't look right. So, at the same time as pasting the sprites (to get the names inserted) I write each sprite to a .bmp file also. Wintex will do this in a rapid fashion when a group of sprite entries is selected. Then, using wintex on my zdoom wad, I select the sprite names I've pasted there and use the "load entry from file" feature. Wintex will also do that in "group" fashion, just one strike of the enter key for each selected entry. As the .bmp files are imported, Wintex apparently corrects the palette. Everything is 100% correct at that point.

What's needed to have heretic enemies in a zdoom wad is to have the sprites, sounds, and appropriate entries in the sndinfo lump. Here's a paste of the part of my sndinfo which contains heretic ememy and weapon information:


world/watersplash dssplash
world/sludgegloop dsploosh
world/lavasizzle dslvsiz
world/drip dsdrip
world/hotsiz dshtsiz

chicken/sight chicpai
chicken/attack chicatk
chicken/peck1 chicpk1
chicken/peck2 chicpk2
chicken/peck3 chicpk3
chicken/pain chicpai
chicken/death chicdth
chicken/active chicact
$random chicken/peck { chicken/peck1 chicken/peck2 chicken/peck3 }

beast/sight bstsit
beast/attack bstatk
beast/pain bstpai
beast/death bstdth
beast/active bstact

minotaur/sight minsit
minotaur/melee stfhit
minotaur/attack1 minat1
minotaur/attack2 minat2
minotaur/attack3 minat3
minotaur/pain minpai
minotaur/death mindth
minotaur/active minact
minotaur/fx2hit phohit
minotaur/fx3hit phohit

head/attack3 hedat3

weapons/maceshoot lobsht
weapons/macebounce bounce
weapons/macehit lobhit
weapons/macestop pstop
weapons/maceexplode phohit

weapons/hornrodshoot hrnsht
weapons/hornrodhit hrnhit
weapons/hornrodpowshoot hrnpow
weapons/hornrodpowhit ramphit

world/podexplode podexp
world/podgrow newpod

misc/rain ramrain

$limit weapons/gauntletson 0
$limit weapons/gauntletshit 0
$limit weapons/gauntletspowhit 0
$limit weapons/gauntletsactivate 0
$limit weapons/gauntletsuse 0
$limit weapons/maceexplode 0
$limit weapons/phoenixhit 0
$limit weapons/phoenixpowshoot 1

$limit world/podexplode 0
$limit world/podgrow 0

$limit weapons/hornrodshoot 0
$limit weapons/hornrodhit 0
$limit weapons/maceshoot 0


Oops, left out a very important part! How to get the Heretic monsters in the wad....you need to use the "spawnspot" command, I do it in a script, not sure if it can be done as a "special" for a thing.
Same for Heretic weapons and ammo. Frankly, Doom2 weapons are superior IMO but the Heretic weapons can be quite entertaining.

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I was assuming that the next zdoom release would be 1.23 also, but recently have had an indication that Randy plans a major revision change. He may release it as 1.23, I could be wrong, but he cranked out some non-public betas at special request, such as fixing the broken network play in beta33, so it could be tested at a large LAN party. Those non-public betas had a 2.0 numbering scheme. Randy knew I'd let all of the LAN attendees have the 2.0 pre x copy, and did not ask that it be kept a secret.

Hoping Randy won't be too unhappy with me for stating the above, I thought I had better explain my comment about 2.0 so you would not think I was just "full of it". Doomboy most likely read my post and thought "Yeah, right".

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