m0l0t0v Posted June 18, 2002 m0l0t0v was wondering: What will happen to us DOOMers once DOOM3 is released; will we (like everyone else) forget about the classic DOOM? Will people still make wads/ mods for it? Could DOOM3 mean the end of DOOM1/2-fanaticism? Please give it some thought, since it is you people (the DOOMers) that will decide the faith of DOOM. 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted June 18, 2002 Someone ought to move this thread to the DOOM III forum. and to answer your question: I don't think DOOM III will kill DOOM I/II, but merely steal some of the attention. 0 Share this post Link to post
Little Faith Posted June 18, 2002 Doom3 will be such a different game that it really cannot be seen as a "rival" to Doom/Doom2. There will be a "pure" Doom3 community as well as a pure classic Doom community. And then there will be some "crossovers" or "general doomers". 0 Share this post Link to post
mmnpsrsoskl Posted June 18, 2002 Little Faith said:Doom3 will be such a different game that it really cannot be seen as a "rival" to Doom/Doom2. There will be a "pure" Doom3 community as well as a pure classic Doom community. And then there will be some "crossovers" or "general doomers". True. But who in there sain mind would not want to play DooM III? (a Doomer I mean) Well someone would, but hey... 0 Share this post Link to post
m0l0t0v Posted June 18, 2002 Maonth:Someone ought to move this thread to the DOOM III forum. sorry about that... Back to the topic: There will be a "pure" Doom3 community as well as a pure classic Doom community. Makes sense. But how will these communities coexist? There will be people who never played or dislike DOOM1/ 2 but love DOOMIII. Can these people be called DOOMers? (Like everything in life)it can be compaired to the Star Trek series: People who grew up with The Original Series, think they`re the true trekkies, and the "next generation" of trekkies think TOS is just corny. Perhaps DOOM shares a same faith. When DIII is relaeased maybe DOOMers will argue about which weapon/ level is better, just like trekkies argue about which captain/ ship. "After all Spock, where all Trekkies" {{>:I 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted June 18, 2002 You REALLY like those UBB tags don't you ? But anyway, good point. I suppose we'll see part of the 'community' of twelve-year old Quake3 and CS players move over to Doom. Though on the other hand, part of the Doom/Doom2 community won't like the game, or won't like the game enough to upgrade their PC's to the god-like beasts that Doom III will require. 0 Share this post Link to post
Little Faith Posted June 18, 2002 mmnpsrsoskl said:True. But who in there sain mind would not want to play DooM III? (a Doomer I mean) Well someone would, but hey... Yeah, but liking a game is not the same as belonging to a game community. I bet all doomers who can get the required hardware will buy and play Doom 3, but not all of them would join in an active community around the game. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted June 18, 2002 I'm dreading the day when the flood of newbies comes and says "LOLOLOLOL! YOU STILL PLAY OLD DOOM!? YOU LAMERS!". I'm going to have to crush some skulls and spirits ^_^ 0 Share this post Link to post
gatewatcher Posted June 18, 2002 bigbadgangsta said:I'm dreading the day when the flood of newbies comes and says "LOLOLOLOL! YOU STILL PLAY OLD DOOM!? YOU LAMERS!". I'm going to have to crush some skulls and spirits ^_^ i know, it will happen. but these kids grew up on playstation and windows 98. they never experienced the true doom feeling :( . i mean i remember when i was wicked young watching my dad make a boot disc so i could play doom2 on dos, and i always had to type on the command prompt CD\DOOM2 then DOOM2 to start the game. i mean i didnt even realize why u hadda type those commands. all i knew was thats what sarted the game. and that machine was running windows 3.1! ahh, those were the days... /me jumps back into time machine and leaves 1994 to 2003 Doom iii kicks ass! /me jumps back into time machine again and leaves 2003 to 2002 /me stops trying to be funny :\ 0 Share this post Link to post
GS-1719 Posted June 18, 2002 I remember running it on a Mac Performa 630 all those years ago. 0 Share this post Link to post
EVIL Posted June 18, 2002 I was like 9 years old when they released DOOM, my uncle got it for my birthday, I was able to play it when I was 12 because mom and dad found it a bit to violent for a 9 year old, so they promised me I could play it when i was a "big boy" (12) damn.. I loved the game, and still do.. 0 Share this post Link to post
Spike Posted June 18, 2002 I was a fourteen y/o Wolfenstein veteran when i got hold of Doom - and i can't believe it's still one of my favourite games. 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted June 18, 2002 bigbadgangsta said:I'm dreading the day when the flood of newbies comes and says "LOLOLOLOL! YOU STILL PLAY OLD DOOM!? YOU LAMERS!". I'm going to have to crush some skulls and spirits ^_^ There is an argument to give us all limited mod powers until the heinous wave of gaity is stemmed. 0 Share this post Link to post
Rellik Posted June 18, 2002 yeah, you'll need a small army of people to instantly crush the DOOM3 nancy boys as they wantder in to make trouble. I actually think that DOOM3 will be good for our commmunity as it will give us much needed attention. Ours is one of the more invisible gaming communities as compared to these other modern games. None of us is going to leave to edit D3, just as none did for Quake3. At this point we've been cleanly divided into old school tile editors and new school 3D editors. Realistically we will only gain members. The only question is how many will be utterly useless.... 0 Share this post Link to post
Amaster Posted June 18, 2002 m0l0t0v said:Maonth: sorry about that... Back to the topic: Makes sense. But how will these communities coexist? There will be people who never played or dislike DOOM1/ 2 but love DOOMIII. Can these people be called DOOMers? (Like everything in life)it can be compaired to the Star Trek series: People who grew up with The Original Series, think they`re the true trekkies, and the "next generation" of trekkies think TOS is just corny. Perhaps DOOM shares a same faith. When DIII is relaeased maybe DOOMers will argue about which weapon/ level is better, just like trekkies argue about which captain/ ship. "After all Spock, where all Trekkies" {{>:I Thats not necessarily true. I started out on Next Gen and because of it I began watching the original. Eventually I grew to like them both equally. Although I can never fully appreciate it, I at least recognize it's importance. Plus, it's neato. This situation has also happened to me with video games. Im sure that there will be a few who will start out on Doom 3 and then go back and play the first two. In fact, they might end up being a valuable addition to the community. Unlike me *sniff sniff* 0 Share this post Link to post
Tarkus Posted June 18, 2002 Regardless of what type of community the DooM community evolves into, I'm sure the old DooM will still live on... In fact, I think when DooM III comes out, it will breathe some new life into the doom community. From what I've gathered so far is the fact that the doom community is pretty small. I've seen the same faces on the servers, the same mapmakers and coders after all these years even though I've been on hiatus. For every 10 doom3'ers there will be 1 new Old Doomer in the wait, willing to build levels and willing to do all sorts of stuff. this is something I look forward to a great deal. DooM is still an incredibly fun game and has kept pace with the times with new source ports and an active community. DooM has an advantage over any new 3D game (even DooM3) is the ease of customization. There's a very short learning curve (compared to quakeX or Unreal) to actually getting your own little world going, and reveling in it. There are resident experts in the community, there are tried and tested tools for editing stuff; making it even better to work with. That's just my take on it anyways. 0 Share this post Link to post
gatewatcher Posted June 18, 2002 Doom will never die, only those who play it! btw, who said that?? i know i read it on doomworld somwhere :\ 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted June 19, 2002 bigbadgangsta said:I'm dreading the day when the flood of newbies comes and says "LOLOLOLOL! YOU STILL PLAY OLD DOOM!? YOU LAMERS!". I'm going to have to crush some skulls and spirits ^_^ I hope that I ain't in the middle of some exam period (or other busy periods), 'cause I'd derive great pleasure in squashing these morons' posts and sending their ruined corpses into the decay and fire of 'you-know-what'. I've always been an old-school doomer, but I'm looking forward to the new Doom like nothing else - I feel quite sure that I'll end up with one foot in the old-school Doom community and another in the Doom 3 community. It's the same with Wolfenstein - I'm basically an old-school wolfenstein 3d player (I don't play it often, but sometimes I fire up episode 1 map 1 again), but I love RtCW almost as much and believe that I'll still be playing RtCW a long time from now. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted June 19, 2002 Just realize that a person can be an old-skool Doomer and a new-skool Doomer. The two are not mutually exclusive. 0 Share this post Link to post
A Drowning Mind Posted June 19, 2002 this whole discussion ( doom 1,2 community vs. newbies through doom3) kinda reminds me of how people that are tied to a special kind of music react when suddenly the artists they listen to get a lot of attention and now those folks are pissed off by little kiddies not knowing left from right but saying they are "fans"... well, thats kinda common nowadays, and some people may consider it childish..but i think that just shows the community really cares a lot about what will happen to doom and themselves... i wanna have doom3 at all costs, and i won't sleep for a long time once i'll have it....and i will play it through over and over again, but i'll switch back to doom 1 or 2 sooner or later, thats for sure..even the best remake can't beat the original 0 Share this post Link to post
darknation Posted June 19, 2002 I'm hoping the great turd-nets at newdoom and planet doom will catch all the newbie scum before they float over here. 0 Share this post Link to post
AndrewB Posted June 21, 2002 The classic DOOM and DOOM 3 communities will be so insanely different, you can't reasonably compare them. First of all, the classic DOOM community is built mainly around WAD editing, and a bit around demo-recording. That's really what it's all about. From what we know, Doom 3 will likely be a very bad game for modding and map-making. In fact, I'd endeavor to bet that a year after Doom 3's release, there will be more classic DOOM modifications in production than Doom 3 mods. The two communities will be very distantly knit together. The only thing the two games will have in common is really the name, and maybe a few weapons and a couple of hard-to-recognize monsters. 0 Share this post Link to post
m0l0t0v Posted June 23, 2002 AndrewB might be right there! DOOMIII probably won`t be modifided as often as DOOM1/2. Yet it are these modifications that can keep a game alive. Without the wad/mod/lmp-builders most of us would have lost interest in the original games years ago. So maybe DOOM1 and 2 will outlive III! The "old-school" shall have the last laugh! MWUHAHAHAHAaaaaaaAH! ... well something like that... 0 Share this post Link to post
Linguica Posted June 23, 2002 AndrewB said:In fact, I'd endeavor to bet that a year after Doom 3's release, there will be more classic DOOM modifications in production than Doom 3 mods.I'll take that bet... 0 Share this post Link to post
Hellbent Posted June 24, 2002 AndrewB said:In fact, I'd endeavor to bet that a year after Doom 3's release, there will be more classic DOOM modifications in production than Doom 3 mods. Why not just bet, instead of making an endeavor out of it? =P I bet that there'll be 20 to 30 times more mods/wads happening for DOOM III than for DOOM/DOOM II 1 year after DOOM III's release. (]'ll prolly still be making DM maps, tho ;) 0 Share this post Link to post
AndrewB Posted June 24, 2002 Haven't you heard how extremely hard modding for Doom 3 is supposed to be? I got my info straight out of the horse's bum. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted June 24, 2002 It's going to be a sacrifice in quantity and a jump in quality. Which isn't necessarily a good or bad thing. I don't think any game will ever come close to the sheer amount of Doom/Doom II mods though. 0 Share this post Link to post
Mogul Posted June 24, 2002 Sure, Doom will go on. Besides the fact that most PC gamers won't even be able to RUN Doom 3, there is another classic (in my opinion, anyway) that is undergoing the type of fan testing that you're talking about. Jedi Knight, released in 1997, recieved its sequel in late March 2002. After spending considerable time around the community months before and now after the release of JKII, I can say that JK is still going very strong! In fact, it's quite arguable that JK is reciving more fan support (mods, levels, etc) than JKII is! So I think Doom will go on. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted June 24, 2002 AndrewB said:Haven't you heard how extremely hard modding for Doom 3 is supposed to be? I got my info straight out of the horse's bum. Just because it will be hard to mod for doesn't mean people can't PLAN. You said : In fact, I'd endeavor to bet that a year after Doom 3's release, there will be more classic DOOM modifications in production than Doom 3 mods. If people start PLANNING mods, that means that they are in production, so therefore, people can just start throwing out ideas without getting anything done. Doom 3 will win. You lost before you even began. 0 Share this post Link to post
AndrewB Posted June 24, 2002 Sorry, vaporware does not count as in-production material. By "in production" I mean average number of mods BEING RELEASED per week or per month or whatever. If it's talked about but never released, there's really no point in labelling it "in production" because it's just imaginary vaporware. Okay, replace the words "in production" with "released" and be done with it. 0 Share this post Link to post
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