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Since you didn't put up a suggestions forum, I'll put this here.

On my usual example forum site, http://baseballboards.com , whenever you post a reply to a topic, that topic goes up to the top of the list. This is really useful if you want to bring up a topic that's a few months old, covered with dust, and in the middle of nowhere. It's a lot easier to see which topics have been recently replied to, also.

Since this isn't UBB, I don't know if this is possible to impliment. If it is, I think it should be this way. I know, I thought this method was confusing the first time I saw it, after being used to the DoomNation forum, but after a few months of experience with an UBB-type board, this is definitely the best way. (img)

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uhh... no. Nobody wants the messages to get re-sorted everytime they refresh the forums. Just keep it by date. It says when there are new messages anyways.

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Guest Daggah

Actually, I agree with AndrewB. I frequent a UBB-style board (GT Interactive's Unreal Tournament forum) and it's better that way IMHO.

Also, don't show user IPs...the only real people who need those IP addresses are the moderators.

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How about enabling html? I never saw anyone abuse it at the DN forums and only few people even used it.

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Who needs HTML? This is a discussion forum, not an art gallery. Although maybe it would be a good idea if we wanted to post DOOM screenshots. Just as long as any sick stuff is toasted. :-b

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I agree with Andrew here. This is done on the Counter-Strike forums and well, and it's quite useful. This board will get a lot less traffic, so it's not nearly as crucial, but it'd be nice nonetheless.

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Guest Daggah
  On 5/3/2000 at 3:10 AM, Gokuma said:

How about enabling html? I never saw anyone abuse it at the DN forums and only few people even used it.


Enabling HTML is a security risk. Trust me, I've seen it truly screw up a forum. Boardmaster tags are enough.

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