Guest DSirmons Posted May 4, 2000 IF you're like me, your first experience with first-person games was DOOM. Though the genre has advanced in power and ability far above that humble beginning, for all of modern gaming's flash and polish, there is something quite tangible missing. And if you think about the brightly lit, and color-filled spaces and corridors of today's games, you know precisely what I'm referring to. Upon entrance into the world of Doom, you felt it, and it walked beside you every step of the way. This subtle presence was sharpened in the darkened, haunted corridors of Quake, where an all-pervading sense of unyielding fear was constantly moving with you. This feeling has been lost in every game released since... The seed of imagination has been planted. Doom Forever is a reality. User-created levels which re-capture the fear and despair of a game -an experience- which will never be forgotten. The hell-spawn, re-created and given a life which is perhaps too real. Worlds torn apart, and all hell is breaking loose... The desire and ability for this is real. The talent is there. All we need is you. If you want to show the world your strengths, join us in this crucible, and help forge a new vision of things to come... Doom Forever will use the Q3A engine e-mail: DSMCSE @ AOL.COM 0 Share this post Link to post
Linguica Posted May 4, 2000 Dunno if you've seen this before, but a Doom TC was attempted with Quake, and the results were mediocre at best. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Elbryan Posted May 5, 2000 There was a multiplayer conversion for q2 called Generations, it had the weapons and sprites from wolf3d, doom, quake, and quake 2. It was damn cool. Too bad it never quite caught on. A tc for q3a would be pretty cool. 0 Share this post Link to post
KING ELVIS Posted May 5, 2000 YEAHHHHHHHH !!!! DO IT BABY !!!! SOUNDS LIKE ROCK'N ROLL FOR ME. o:-) 0 Share this post Link to post
Jon Posted May 6, 2000 Hmm I wouldnt play it cuz I dont have Q3A but good luck non the less. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest b-d Posted May 6, 2000 Id say go for it, although to capture that DooMey feel would be pretty hard going, how many models could someone get running around in q3a without it choking up the average system. Also gotta look at the legality of it all: I think Generations was canned for fear of it being foxed. Linguica - there was another doom to quake/quake2 conversion attempted but sadly one of the development crew passed away :( url- Anyway goodluck DSirmons, Im looking forward to any DooM mods released on the Q3A engine. -bd 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Epiphany Posted May 10, 2000 This is a good idea but not a very original one... The software company which I run has been working on a Doom sequal for quite some time now titled - Doom Trilogy. The only problem with what you propose is the Quake III Arena engine which quite frankly sucks. It is very slow and graphically is quite poor. It would be quite impossible to recreate the solid, greatly inhabitd world of Doom. That is why my sequal is using a custom made engine, utilising new and revolutionary technology to be able to display numerous polygon entities at one time while being more graphically brilliant than Quake II. I wish you luck with your project - your going to need it Epiphany 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Jim Bentler Posted May 11, 2000 Epiphany said:The software company which I run has been working on a Doom sequal for quite some time now titled - Doom Trilogy. I assume you attained all of the proper licenses from ID Software. It would be pretty stupid to start the project without proper licensing. Do you have a website and if so, what is the url? What's the name of your company? 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Epiphany Posted May 11, 2000 Jim, I apologise because I made my project appear further in development than it really is. Doom Trilogy has been in development since the start of the year. Currently the engine is being written, the game storyboarded and designed and a level editor created. I will have a website avaliable soon and will find a site, like Doomworld, to host it. My software company, Sevenhill Software has no licence from id and we don't plan on selling the game or distributing it untill we have presented id with the final copy. We are hoping that they will be impressed by what some young game developers can create and they will allow us to distribute it in some way. I hope this clears up your concerns, Doom on! Epiphany 0 Share this post Link to post
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