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Team Members Needed.

Guest Duke Nukem

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Guest Duke Nukem

Ok, look. I am going to get right to the point. I am going to make a TC of Duke3D for Ultimate Doom on the Edge Engine because you can use room over room on it. Now, i need the current type of people in the project: Level designers, Graphics, and a webpage creator. I suck at webpages. Our team name is Unidoom. So, include Unidoom in the url. By the Way, X-Blade, nothin personnal about Team Future. Im still in and all but im going to start my own for now. Maybe we could help eachothers teams out;)

And Toke, you are lucky Doomserv is down or i would crush you! sike

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Guest c-d-w

isn't someone else doing a duke3d TC for EDGE?

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What's there to get angry about? You just make a couple musics and beta test when it is available...That won't interfere with anything...

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Guest Duke Nukem
Hyena said:

http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Bunker/1327 /

Dukedoom is based on the Dosdoom engine, not edge, and it looks like the last update was in 99.

Ok, let me state this. As you said upon yourself. It looks like it was updated in 99! That sentence kinda um..well..makes ya think maybe they abandoned the project! And don't say people just don't abandon projects like that because I did. So, as i was saying. If it was over half a year ago im not expecting much out of it. Besides, I think some people would like to get them selves on a team anyway. So, thats that. And, when Doomserv is back up and you still want to act like a smartass just bring it. If ya SMELLLLALALALALALA.......what the Duke.................is cookin.

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Guest fod_vile

hi duke
how the hell are ya? :)

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