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People blowing themselves to bits in the middle of a schoolbus

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[rant]this is bullshit. all they ever do is blow people up, brainwash kinda, and taking themselves with them, they have their balls cut off, fed to them, and then stuffed into solitary confinement. this has gone on way too long. im really getting sick of this. practically the whole world is against terrorism, and yet, were all too lazy to do a fucking thing. all because noone wants to start world war 3. i think this is stupid. im not really a religious person, but when they get to the afterlife.. "hey! i expected eternal paradise for my sarafice! WTF!?". ugh. you have to wonder why people would do that. someone told me (not mentioning names) that the terrorists think the USw ants to take over the world, that is utter bullshit, why would we wanna take over the earth? and on the news, its all we ever hear about : terrorism, 9/11, blah blah blah, lies, blah, gay movie shit, blah, more lies, more terrorism bullshit, 9/11, blah. hooray for the earth, the worst planet in the solar system, all because we wont do anything about these problems. >:/ [/rant]

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darknation said:


Way to go Palistine. Nothing more sure to gain international support than blowing a busload of kids to smithereens.

The New York Times report 7 killed, today. Nothing about children.
Yahoo with NY Times texts
I think they will stop when everyone is dead. :( And I am going there in two month.

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I heard it was a public bus with commuter students.

It's still bad; universities and colleges and their students are still the most vulnerable targets for terrorism, and their death/destruction can have major implications in the long run.

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The Palestinian thought is, all Israeli citizens have to join the army and are then permanently in the reserves, so they are not killing civilians, they are killing the present or future army of occupation

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*sigh* I wander what it would take to put a stop stop ot this? I seppose a nuke would do... hevey handed? of corse it is, but, geez, there going to blow the hell outta anyway, might as well speed it along a bit.

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fodders said:

The Palestinian thought is, all Israeli citizens have to join the army and are then permanently in the reserves, so they are not killing civilians, they are killing the present or future army of occupation

Mrs. Blair was totally lambasted by the press for empathsizng with the Palistinians. This prooves

a) Apparently the Prime Minister's wife is no longer allowed to have independant thought away from her husband.

b) The media is totally biased and considers Britain to be to stupid to understand both sides of an arguement.

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Yeh as an independent skilled barrister she supports many minorities, she is even taking the British Government to court for Gurkha soldier's rights

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fodders said:

The Palestinian thought is, all Israeli citizens have to join the army and are then permanently in the reserves, so they are not killing civilians, they are killing the present or future army of occupation

It is clear then that Israel does have the right to eradicate any terrorists and their associates before any reasonable piece development can take place.

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Phoenix said:

It is clear then that Israel does have the right to eradicate any terrorists and their associates before any reasonable piece development can take place.

When is a palestinian not a terrorist associate?

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Phoenix said:

It is clear then that Israel does have the right to eradicate any terrorists and their associates before any reasonable piece development can take place.

Israel has the right of self defence, where the shooting of a pregnant Palestinian woman today by the Israeli army can show that as being part of it I don't know yet

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fodders said:

Israel has the right of self defence, where the shooting of a pregnant Palestinian woman today by the Israeli army can show that as being part of it I don't know yet

No one can negotiate a piece deal. You can withdraw an army, but it seems no one can assure the terrorists will stop. When will they stop? Based on their own manifesto when Israel is no more. Even the neighboring Arab nations keep at distance with this mess.
Frankly if you happen to be pregnant, and hail one of the many Palestine faction's terrorists, what do you expect? If moms tell their teenagers to blow themselves up, why can't a pregnant woman do it herself?

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There's so much to be said about the extreme measures the Palestinian people are taking against Israeli oppressors that I can't be bothered to repeat here.

I suggest you all educate yourself with non-biased (i.e. no American) information before you do such rants.

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Phoenix said:

No one can negotiate a piece deal. You can withdraw an army, but it seems no one can assure the terrorists will stop. When will they stop? Based on their own manifesto when Israel is no more. Even the neighboring Arab nations keep at distance with this mess.
Frankly if you happen to be pregnant, and hail one of the many Palestine faction's terrorists, what do you expect? If moms tell their teenagers to blow themselves up, why can't a pregnant woman do it herself?

Then all there is left is war of genocide. Yes!! Finally, the lives of human beings are being reduced into a steady stream of casualties!

Leave nothing that can draw a breath standing! Yay!

/me starts banging his head into big metal objects till the blood flows from his forehead while cackling with insane glee.

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Little Faith said:

Then all there is left is war of genocide. Yes!! Finally, the lives of human beings are being reduced into a steady stream of casualties!

Leave nothing that can draw a breath standing! Yay!

/me starts banging his head into big metal objects till the blood flows from his forehead while cackling with insane glee.

/me sends Li'l Faith to Israel so that he can experience the "joys" of a war first hand.

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Lament said:

When I lived in Israel, I rode the bus to school every day.

Yeh, you must be the only suicide bomber that made 137 trips :)

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Little Faith said:

Then all there is left is war of genocide. Yes!! Finally, the lives of human beings are being reduced into a steady stream of casualties!

Leave nothing that can draw a breath standing! Yay!

/me starts banging his head into big metal objects till the blood flows from his forehead while cackling with insane glee.

Dude, you have some really fucking serious issues...

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Lament ain't Palestinean.
And Li'l Faith - put some smileys at the end of your posts about "war being great" so that we can see that you're just kidding - if you're not kidding...., well.... /me prepares to carry out an assasination 'op' :-P

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Little Faith = ShadyXMR on uppers. Does anyone else think that? (no offence, Fath)

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dsm said:

if you're not kidding...., well.... /me prepares to carry out an assasination 'op' :-P

Heh. We don't need idiots like that in the world. /me joins dsm :P

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Little Faith said:

When is a palestinian not a terrorist associate?

So all of a sudden EVERY PALESTINIAN IS A POTENTIAL TERRORIST?!?!?!? Even if you hate arabs and think there all nothing but bomb-weilding maniacs, Isrealis count as palestinians too.

IMJack: show some more respect to ShadXMR, he had some right-wing views but unless i missed something big was wasnt a racist

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I do not particularily hate arabs or israeli. I hate all of mankind.

I was merely pointing out that the present conflict seems to be a war of two peoples. Such wars can only end in ethnic cleansings.

It's a regular case of "this town ain't big enough for both of us".

But I am looking forward to the ultimate bad joke: The israeli launching a genocide campaign (though that will probably never happen due to the extreme level of international awareness).

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Little Faith said:

I do not particularily hate arabs or israeli. I hate all of mankind.

I don't hate Israelis or Palestinians. I love everybody!

...at least that used to be my stance. Then everybody basicaly said to me 'I don't need your fucking love, get the fuck away'. So then I was like 'okie-dokie...THEN FEEL MY WRATH'. Now I don't have very much respect for the human race. Thats the deal, kids. Give me love, or feel my wrath.

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