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Bah, this arguement is old and tired now. Die Israel die!

/me pushes big red button....

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Rellik said:

Bah, this arguement is old and tired now. Die Israel die!

/me pushes big red button....

Heh, that's the problem, really - Israel is the one with the nukes.

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Little Faith said:

I do not particularily hate arabs or israeli. I hate all of mankind.

Case in point.

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Lament said:

Heh, that's the problem, really - Israel is the one with the nukes.

They can't use them. It's too close to their turf.

In August I am going right into this mess, until then me except this here forum to find a solution to the problem, so I can get some sleep, or at least can walk safely to a Cafe House. If not, my ghost shall haunt this forum, well at least until DoomIII comes out, we are talking years here! LOL

Fodders, where are you when one needs you?!?

The Israeli position stinks and so does the Palestine’s, maybe all they need is a good shower. I donate the Irish Spring Soap.

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The answer is simple, Israel attacked Egypt Jordan and Syria in 1967 and occupied lands, the land that is the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank and Golan Heights, Israel needs to move out, take it's illegal settlers with it and give it back. They are killing Palestinians for trying to defend their own lands, if they did the same thing to USA, just attack (it's nice how Israel calls it a "preemptive" strike, to make it sound as if they were right to attack), and take Alaska for their own people, they would be fighting American rednecks off with a stick. That is what the Palestinian suicide bombers are, deeply patriotic people, take away someone's weapons, leave them with nothing but their own bodies to use as a weapon, and this is what happens. I may be wrong of course

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fodders didn't say:
I should live on a hill with a loincloth and a begging bowl, wise old hermit that I am

In essenece correct, except replace "patriotic" with "shit-house-rat-religious-as-fuck".

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darknation said:

In essenece correct, except replace "patriotic" with "shit-house-rat-religious-as-fuck".

Well yes. I do not back these guys, just offering a reason why things stand as they are

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fodders said:

The answer is simple, Israel attacked Egypt Jordan and Syria in 1967 and occupied lands, the land that is the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank and Golan Heights, Israel needs to move out, take it's illegal settlers with it and give it back. They are killing Palestinians for trying to defend their own lands, if they did the same thing to USA, just attack (it's nice how Israel calls it a "preemptive" strike, to make it sound as if they were right to attack), and take Alaska for their own people, they would be fighting American rednecks off with a stick. That is what the Palestinian suicide bombers are, deeply patriotic people, take away someone's weapons, leave them with nothing but their own bodies to use as a weapon, and this is what happens. I may be wrong of course

Well the strike was preemptive, in that if Israel didn't attack, the muslim neighbours would. It was pretty obvious at the time.

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Russia and America were playing games at the time and each were supplying the other sides with false information to heighten the tensions

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they are just like children over there, tit for tat, no real progress being done, except exterminating lives, and it makes me extremely upset when i see that kids my age are killed in all this crap.

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tit for tat


I'd say there was a slight difference between what both sides have done over the years.

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when i say "tit for tat" i am meaning how one side attacks, so the other retaliates, and then the other retaliates, and so on.

i would also add that even if israel withdraws from the 1967 lands that the terror attacks will not stop, like what Pheonix said, it is in the manifesto of many ant-israel terrorists factions that the terror will stop when israel is no more.

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As long as Sharon the murdering bastard is Prime Minister, he will ensure no chance of peace
The UN is powerless because of America, it needs the present American need for alliance against Iraq to be used by the Arab nations to broker a peace deal over the Israeli heads

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both sides have done their fare share of violence, which has been happening since like biblical times, so can't really be prejuidice against a certain nation.

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and it wasnt really a good situation to begin with, placing israel right there amongst people who hated jews and stuff, so the un was asking for trouble from the day they allowed the jews to form a homeland.

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It's not too late. The fight continues until Israel is destroyed.

They'll pay for what they did if not on Earth, then in Hell.

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That's one of the problems: people turning this sort of thing into a religious issue. "MY GOD SI TEH BETTER THAN YOU'RE GOD!!!11 YOU SI GOING TO HELL!!!!1" Sweet crap. Come back down to earth and settle this thing like sane people, will you.

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IMJack said:

That's one of the problems: people turning this sort of thing into a religious issue. "MY GOD SI TEH BETTER THAN YOU'RE GOD!!!11 YOU SI GOING TO HELL!!!!1" Sweet crap. Come back down to earth and settle this thing like sane people, will you.

Well if religion where out of the picture, Jerusalem could be a "neutral" run city. Israel gives to Palestine what it promised, Palestine would need to agree, its 95% from what it wants minus Jerusalem and I could go.
Now how the fuck do we get religion out of the picture ?!?

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It is not as much a question of religion than a question of culture and race.

The problem is that Israel sees itself as a jewish state. A state for the jews. Remember that being jewish is not just about following judaeism it is also about belonging to the jewish tribes.

There are many right wing jews who cannot really tolerate sharing their "promised" lands with people not of their own kin. There is faint whisper over the middle east. It is the word: "Genocide!"

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According to the Jewish faith, they will reclaim Israel when the Messiah comes. They must mean USA, as I cannot think of anyone else.

Basically, there is no religious basis for the Jews to claim Israel.

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darknation said:

I agree. Jews are pointless.

I have several Jewish friends who would dare you to say that to their face.

GS-1719 amended:
Basically, there is no religious basis for the Jews to claim Israel.

Good save. You just might live this day. ;)

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