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Mister T vs Cyberdemon

Guest destROYer

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Guest destROYer

Who would win between Mr T and a cyberdemon, my bet is Mr T. the cyberdemon would get his ass handed to him

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Guest Duke Nukem

Well i guess your just saying Mr. T because it would be funny if he won. Well lets see. Mr. T is 3 times smaller and would be stepped on. If the cyberdemon handed out one punch Mr. T is done. And unless Mr. T got a bazooka i dont think he would win considering he would most likely bust his hand swinging at Cyb. There are many more ways to name Mr. T being killed but im too lazy to write them.

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You are forgetting about all that jewelry Mr. T wears. That would be the equivalent of about three or four combat armor easy.
It would probably take about half a dozen rockets to bring him down :)

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Guest destROYer
Duke Nukem said:

Well i guess your just saying Mr. T because it would be funny if he won. Well lets see. Mr. T is 3 times smaller and would be stepped on. If the cyberdemon handed out one punch Mr. T is done. And unless Mr. T got a bazooka i dont think he would win considering he would most likely bust his hand swinging at Cyb. There are many more ways to name Mr. T being killed but im too lazy to write them.

No way would that happen Retard boy( by retard boy i am refering to duke) , the cyb would let loose 8 rockets MR T and mr T would catch them in is teeth and say: "theese are going straight up yo ass fool" and apon doing so (putting the rockets where they belong) would pick up the cyber demon and break him in half and throw him in the back of the "VAN" and take him home for dinner.

so suck on that munter!

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Guest Kracov

Mr T would get in his Van and get a rope, and throw the loop around the cyberdemon's leg and drags it around. and then he picks Cyb over his mohawk head and swirls him, and throws him in his Van and brand-irons his butt. it says, MR.T IS HELLUVA TOUGH AND HIS VAN RUNS FAST.

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Guest spacedog
Stphrz said:

You are forgetting about all that jewelry Mr. T wears. That would be the equivalent of about three or four combat armor easy.
It would probably take about half a dozen rockets to bring him down :)

I think that the cyberdemon could easily beat mr T, but if the cyberdemon then locked him in a room with a forklift truck, a crate of fireworks, 2 dozen clockwork mice, a keg of buweiser, a migwelder and an electric razor then the T-meister wouldcome back and kick his ass

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Guest ArcticFox
spacedog said:

I think that the cyberdemon could easily beat mr T, but if the cyberdemon then locked him in a room with a forklift truck, a crate of fireworks, 2 dozen clockwork mice, a keg of buweiser, a migwelder and an electric razor then the T-meister wouldcome back and kick his ass

The same idea applies to Macguyver (can't spell his name). Just give him a bar of soap and a pair of shoelaces, and Cybie's going DOWN! I don't know how, that's his job. I also think Macguyver's the only guy without powers who could beat Superman in a fight. Except Doomguy.

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Guest Aiylyn
Stphrz said:

ROFL :)!!!

You spelled Macguyver right. I used to watch that show religiously. I never missed an episode. It's still on USA at 11 pm too.

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Ok then...
A human with no guns versus a 20 foot cyberdemon with a rocket launcher. I think the outcome should be quite obvious.

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Aiylyn said:

You spelled Macguyver right. I used to watch that show religiously. I never missed an episode. It's still on USA at 11 pm too.

not that manga show with the purple blob and riduculsly huge guns,bloody ell that was awful.

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mr T could replace himself with barret (ff7) at the last muinite,then it wouldnt matter cause you said mr t and not barret (but he does have a chaingun for a arm,so he could tea-leaf the cybs rocket launcher and attach it on

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Everyone knows that just one cyberdemon would take out a few tanks and the national guard. Much less Mr. T. But everybody thinks too hard about it. Just think, Mr. T holding up a 10-ton cyberdemon and smiling with is big gold tooth. I think that the cyberdemon's head is going to be the Van's new hood ornimant.

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