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Help! Monster-Exchange-Mod!

Guest thias

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Guest thias

Hi everyone!
4-6 years ago I found a nice little prog for doom or doom2 (I don't quite remember) which seemed to exchange monsters in the standard levels. For example in level two you would find this BIG demon with the rocket launcher, well your weapons are some kind of weak for THIS thing, but you could try to get along without beeing hit (he was in an outdoor arena and i was inside). Anybody remember a tool doing this exchange-thingie?
It was great fun for playing it coop, cause of the partly extreme difficulty (imagine 10 imps getting 10......).
Please help! It's important 'cause next week-end we're going to give us about 6 or more hours of coop doom (or doom2) and that would be a great addon.

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The modifications you talk about all seems modification to the maps, so why not go ahead and make them yourselves, either to the original wad (not recommended, backup first) or to just copy the levels out of the original wad and past them to a new wad ?

oh, and both players must use the same wad or else doom will crash :o)

I would allso recommend using a source port like zdoom or legacy as that brings much good things as higher resolution and stuff :o)

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The Big demon you talk of is The Cyberdemon, he is a boss and has 4000 health (it can take 20 rockets worth of damage), It is 15ft tall and weighs 10 tons. He isn't in level 2, he's in episode 2-level 8. He shoots rockets and if you're hit, it can do up to 160% damage to you (don't get hit unless you have armor and more than 100% health).
Please get your facts straight people!

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15 feet tall?? 10 tons?! 20 rockets?

Okay, first of all, he can take 40-50 rockets. 2nd of all, he is definitely not 15 feet tall. Maybe 8 feet or so. And 10 tons? That would mean that the marine is 1 ton! No, the cyberdemon is 1 ton, and the marine is one tenth of that.

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Guest thias
bitstate said:

The modifications you talk about all seems modification to the maps, so why not go ahead and make them yourselves, either to the original wad (not recommended, backup first) or to just copy the levels out of the original wad and past them to a new wad ?

oh, and both players must use the same wad or else doom will crash :o)

I would allso recommend using a source port like zdoom or legacy as that brings much good things as higher resolution and stuff :o)

Well, that seems to be a lot of work, doesn't anybody ever have this patch? Or knows where to find it?

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