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Internet Deathmatch Doom FAQ

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Yeah, I installed the DoomServ client software
into e:\DoomServ back in the day, and that always
worked fine. In e:\ZDooM2, I have ZDooM v1.22 and
doom2.wad v1.9 and in e:\ZDooM2\wads, I have my
external wad files (pwads).

Consequently, in the DoomServ setup, I have my
ZDooM engine path set to e:\ZDooM2\zdoom.exe,
my doom2 iwad path set to e:\ZDooM2\doom2.wad
and my external wads path set to e:\ZDooM2\wads

By the way, the first thing new DoomServ users
should do after logging in is to edit their player
profile, save it, close DoomServ and log in again.
Otherwise, the player list is probably going to
be empty, although there might be people logged


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Yeah, it's alright, I have it set up how I want it. The problem now is that when I tried to create a new account, DoomServ crashed. It's probably got something to do with the errors I got when installing. Can't remember what they said but it was something about certain files corrupted I think, and I had a choice of aborting, retrying or ignoring and in the end I had to ignore them all.

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Right, I've done that, but now I realise what was more likely the problem - there are no servers on the list! I've installed the extra doomserv servers thingy in doomserv\servers but it seems to have made no difference at all.

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Just a word that the server is functional. There was a storm and the net card got jammed, and I didn't catch it till this evening... :( By the way... only .dsl files go in the \servers folder. You will need the grnstng.dsl file located in grnstng.zip

Do NOT use "new user" button or a password. This server isn't collecting that data and isn't supported. You will see an error message if you try. As far as the msdxm.ocx file, moving or copying that file will apply only to those who are using a Windows OS older than Win98SE. You must log in, create your profile, then restart DS in order to have full chat functionality.

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That explains a lot. Oh crap, I already moved the ocx file and replaced the old one in my system directory. Well, it was newer so it probably won't matter.

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Hey, I just thought of something:

If you live in the UK and you need help setting up Doom so you can play online, ring my mobile, 07950 781998. I'll be happy to help with anything, but I can't promise that I'll always have my phone turned on and be near it. Just don't text me or expect me to ring back, because I never have any credit. I hope this doesn't violate the forum rules. If it does, I'm sorry, please delete the post and deal with me accordingly :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

i keep getting funny error messages from the executables i managed to get the thing to show me the servers but when i try to log on to one i get a couple of error messages. i have already gone to the opions 2 page and set the locatioons of the wads

it still wont work

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MaTT [TiK] said:

Then again, maybe we should let them remain n00bs for taking so long to find our community, plus we'll have fun blasting the shit outta them, heh.

I knew about this place ever scince I bought Doom.
I just had to wait until I got a faster computer... and I do now in case you don't want to guess why I'm here. :)

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I shouldn't really have said that at all, since I'm fairly new to Doomworld. I first found the site a couple of years ago and I first started playing csDoom and ZDaemon over a year ago, but I've only been using these forums for a few months.

Also, you shouldn't've bothered waiting till you got a fast computer. When I first started playing Doom online I had a P1 180 Mhz and now I have a P2 350 Mhz, that's not exactly fast, and what's worse is that I only have a 56k connection. Bloody hell, I just thought, I first started using the Internet on a 486 DX 66 Mhz and I played Doom on it too. If I'd found out about online Doom at that time, I'd have been playing Doom online on that!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Fodders, how come you didnt mention Zone in that list? It really is the most true way to play "doom2" over the internet.


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  • 1 month later...

i have not ever played online Doom. DM or co-op. Can you help me find servers. or a list of them? also does it work with just joining a host IP? thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
fodders said:

And if the guy you played had a name anything like nightfall yes you are correct

It is possible to use cheats? I only see players moving faster than normal speed, but no other.

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okay, i admit it. i'm new to this.

i can kick the crap out of all my friends when we've played doom over a network, now i want to play online and get the crap kicked out of me!! i've read the faq's and downloaded all the programs, ide, zdoom, zdaemon, csdoom, all that, it's all in me doom folder, i've set the paths in ide, double checked them - waited [patiently] for an ultimate doom game to crop up [i don't have doom 2] and it doesn't work. curses.

a window appears, it looks like it's going to work, but just sits there mocking me after it says :
===csdoom initialized===
map: hangar"

put me out of my misery - what am i doing wrong?

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You know it'd be a brilliant idea if someone who knew what they were doing made patches for ultimate and doom 2 so that multiplayer works just as easy as newer games do. Or, if that's illegal because of copyrights or something to that effect, we should ask id to do it. If ur a huge doom fan that doens't know the next thing about his computer, ur out of luck.
Reading that, I realize I'm about to get bitched out.

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The_Aeromaster said:

You know it'd be a brilliant idea if someone who knew what they were doing made patches for ultimate and doom 2 so that multiplayer works just as easy as newer games do. Or, if that's illegal because of copyrights or something to that effect, we should ask id to do it. If ur a huge doom fan that doens't know the next thing about his computer, ur out of luck.
Reading that, I realize I'm about to get bitched out.

Nah, I agree, that'd be a good idea. Someone should contact ID about it. You do mean what I think you mean, don't you? - Adding an "Internet Game" option to the main menu of Doom2.exe or Doom.exe?

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Bah, id won't do anything about it, I think they are busy working on some other game nowadays. But anyway, playing on Zone is not complicated at all. If you know how to start up a DOOM game on a LAN you should be able to play on http://www.zone.com/zonelan as well. It's the closest thing you'll get. Someone could code an independent IPX - TCP/IP tunnel, true, but it'd be pretty much the same. Actually there is a few already (Kali and a couple more come vaguely to mind) but they usually don't work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Erm... @.@ I have a two-way cable. Will changing those settings in dial-up networking effect it? 'Cause it's closer to a LAN than a dial-up, the way I understand the workings of DSL/Cable internet. Sorry for the stupid question. ^^;;;;

EDIT: Oh, and I also had that problem with Doomserv crashing after I tried to make a new account... and I _did_ put that .OCX file in "C:\Windows\System" And when I did, it _said_ it was already there, but I decided to over-write just in case. Any help?

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