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Requirements to become a TeamTNT members?


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What is the requirements to become a TeamTNT members?

What did we do to be in their project!

I'm not a perfect programmers on ACS script but all i did is good and working. Map creation and others stuff is ok and i'm almost bilingual <French and English>.
I'm now on Tormentor667 project
see what i've done on my site. (the ZD3K is not finish, a new version will finish soon).
Thanks a lot!

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Guest Brandon Mercer

Actually, they don't need anyone right now. They have way too many members as it is at the moment. Ty Halderman said to me that even he wouldn't be necessary if he wasn't already a member and all.

They said unless you're a well published Doom editor then don't bother.

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I don't see any new update of Doom2000, what they done now?
A new Doom2000 should be good. I want to play with a sequel of Doom2000.


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Guest Brandon Mercer

They don't want to keep posting new things right now. They are still working on it however, and will release it relatively soon. It is very tough to complete a project like that and still have a life to deal with such as jobs and school and stuff like that.

When it is complete, everyone should download it and at least give it a try. I will probably love it.

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An anal attention to detail, a fixed belief that you and you alone know whats best for doom, and an utter hatred of programmers who have a mindset outside of the borgesque entity.

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Je suis français... donc pas vraiment bilingue (my english is poor ;-) ).
Je bosse sur rorDoom comme coder.

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Sa fais du bien de trouvé un francophone ici dans un univers anglophone.

Et qu'est ce que c'est rorDoom ?

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Guest Psycho

Room over Room Doom. (God, I love PC translators)

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Teppic said:

An anal attention to detail, a fixed belief that you and you alone know whats best for doom, and an utter hatred of programmers who have a mindset outside of the borgesque entity.

borgesque... you mean like Jorge Luis Borges? that would be baroque-like or rather distant, then

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