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And the PainElemental said...


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Heh, I read that post... If you listen carfully, It says "Oh, she's Hoe!", And the Mancubus says "Fucking your mom!", and a few other monsters say "Oh yer mom!",. as for that end boss {"Icon of Sin"}, what the fuck is he saying??? "Ah, you will die, you evil minded clevy eight ee a whoop!?"??? {Listen close when the monsters die.."Oh yer mom!", "Hoe!", ...

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I think your perhaps the only person in the world that doesn't know what the icon of sin says. And, as for all that other stuff, see a doctor, its all in your head and not healthy.

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Guest LRM

You have to play the voice in reverse to get that message, capn'.

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Jeremy said:

So Tepic... What does it say? Answer!

The icon of sin says 'to win the game you must kill me, john romero' when played backwards. And as for the mancubus? nothing! its just making weird noises!

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The mancubus says romero backwards when it attacks... try it

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Teppic said:

The icon of sin says 'to win the game you must kill me, john romero' when played backwards. And as for the mancubus? nothing! its just making weird noises!

Nah, it _specifically_ says 'Humbdgybürough' when it shoots at you. The important part to get is the 'bdg', that always gets overlooked.

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