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terror mall update!!

Guest doomgod12345

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Guest doomgod12345

ok the wad name is terror mall and it is for doom1 and replaces episode 2, i think. it is called terrormall.zip, i guess. It is one of the best old school doom TC's out there, next to aliens. I originally downloaded it off AOL and it was the beta version. I have had the full version too. but seeing that i no longer use AOL and that cause of the bitching about doom the deleted all the doomstuff. I still want this wad and for a good reason, i am setting up a site for rare TC's maps and stuff for doom, old and new. I also want anyother rare maps and TC so if u have terror mall or know were i can download it email me the file or link.

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Guest Duke Nukem

i looked through my cpu but couldnt find it dude. sorry man. ill look on the net. I remember i found it on lycos under doom addons

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Here you go. Enjoy!


Also check out Terror Mall for DooM II:


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Duke Nukem said:

i looked through my cpu but couldnt find it dude. sorry man. ill look on the net. I remember i found it on lycos under doom addons

You've got a pretty fucked up CPU if it stores Doom levels on it...

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