Naked Snake Posted June 24, 2002 Man'O'war said: hey! thats not nice! Expand Heh, I was just kidding. Haha. 0 Share this post Link to post
Man'O'war Posted June 24, 2002 bigbadgangsta said: Heh, I was just kidding. Haha. Expand i know. that was funny, lol. 0 Share this post Link to post
Doom II Guy Posted June 24, 2002 I dunno, I kind of wish my bro would visit the forums. Am I crazy? 0 Share this post Link to post
Man'O'war Posted June 24, 2002 go to the pool forums and vote and reply to the topics! Doom II Guy said: I dunno, I kind of wish my bro would visit the forums. Am I crazy? Expand course not.... is he older or younger? 0 Share this post Link to post
Doom II Guy Posted June 24, 2002 Man'O'war said: course not.... is he older or younger? Expand He's 6 years younger...and he's 10. Do the math :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Man'O'war Posted June 24, 2002 Doom II Guy said: He's 6 years younger...and he's 10. Expand ask him to go on here then. he'd probably do it if you showed him how :) thats what will did. does your brother play doom? 0 Share this post Link to post
Doom II Guy Posted June 24, 2002 Yeah, he does occasionally play doom. He is an idiot when it comes to computer though (no offense to him, he really is!) 0 Share this post Link to post
Man'O'war Posted June 24, 2002 Doom II Guy said: Yeah, he does occasionally play doom. He is an idiot when it comes to computer though (no offense to him, he really is!) Expand its tough being a little brother. he may look like an idiot to you, but to his classmates and friends etc. he's good with computers. 0 Share this post Link to post
Doom II Guy Posted June 24, 2002 Well, I just assume the whole 4th grade are pathetic with computers, not just him. 0 Share this post Link to post
Man'O'war Posted June 24, 2002 Doom II Guy said: Well, I just assume the whole 4th grade are pathetic with computers, not just him. Expand i wasn't when i was in the 4th grade, or my brother. 0 Share this post Link to post
Doom II Guy Posted June 24, 2002 Well, he can be the exception then. He doesn't use the compy very much, trust me. 0 Share this post Link to post
Kid Airbag Posted June 24, 2002 Man'O'war said: ask him to go on here then. he'd probably do it if you showed him how :) thats what will did. does your brother play doom? Expand Lies. All lies. Quote i wasn't when i was in the 4th grade, or my brother. Expand You were quite pathetic when you were in fourth grade. You still are, seeing as how I have to explain even the simplest things a dozen times to you. 0 Share this post Link to post
Man'O'war Posted June 25, 2002 Archvile64 said: Lies. All lies. You were quite pathetic when you were in fourth grade. You still are, seeing as how I have to explain even the simplest things a dozen times to you. Expand why so mean to me? what did i do to you to deserve all those remarks? i guess thats what you're best at; making fun of others. :( it sucks having an older brother 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted June 25, 2002 Man'O'war said: it sucks having an older brother Expand It rules being the older brother though ^_^ 0 Share this post Link to post
Man'O'war Posted June 25, 2002 bigbadgangsta said: It rules being the older brother though ^_^ Expand damn you then :( 0 Share this post Link to post
Doom II Guy Posted June 25, 2002 Archvile64 said: Lies. All lies. You were quite pathetic when you were in fourth grade. You still are, seeing as how I have to explain even the simplest things a dozen times to you. Expand Yeah, being the big brother does give you the upper-hand. Anyway, don't be such an ass to your bro. 0 Share this post Link to post
Kid Airbag Posted June 25, 2002 Man'O'war said: why so mean to me? what did i do to you to deserve all those remarks? i guess thats what you're best at; making fun of others. :( it sucks having an older brother Expand You are the epitomy of faggotism. 0 Share this post Link to post
mmnpsrsoskl Posted June 25, 2002 Heh, my little brother (he is 12) starting making some maps the other day. I showed him how to make them, an dhe was asking all off these questions about this and that. I should post his maps on the net... I told him to sit down one day and create a map...he said he would...introducing "CRAPWAD 3000"...hehehe, his maps are rather weird, like one time he made a red key door, put the red key on the other side of the door. And then he made it so you could go get it...I said "that would just defeat the purpose of going through that door"... 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted June 25, 2002 mmnpsrsoskl said: Heh, my little brother (he is 12) starting making some maps the other day. I showed him how to make them, an dhe was asking all off these questions about this and that. I should post his maps on the net... I told him to sit down one day and create a map...he said he would...introducing "CRAPWAD 3000"...hehehe, his maps are rather weird, like one time he made a red key door, put the red key on the other side of the door. And then he made it so you could go get it...I said "that would just defeat the purpose of going through that door"... Expand Heh, I think it would be funny to make a teleporter you can't get around that is blocking the exit. It would teleport you like a few inches back from the teleporter...mwhahahaha 0 Share this post Link to post
mmnpsrsoskl Posted June 25, 2002 bigbadgangsta said: Heh, I think it would be funny to make a teleporter you can't get around that is blocking the exit. It would teleport you like a few inches back from the teleporter...mwhahahaha Expand heh heh heh that would suck. IT WOULD BE HELL! By the by, he doesn't know how to make teleporters yet....I also asked him, out of curiosity, what a sidedef, lindef and a sector was. "Huh?" 0 Share this post Link to post
Kid Airbag Posted June 25, 2002 Yeah, that's why I'm not teaching my brother how to make maps. I had to tell him about a dozen times how to run fucking ZDaemon from the DOS prompt. Although surprisingly, to his credit, he did pick up on the way the forums work pretty quickly. 0 Share this post Link to post
Da_Esco² Posted June 25, 2002 While bein da little brother might seem insanely hard to some of ya'll, bein da big brother can be hard as fuck too. I can't tell ya'll how many times I got in shit because of my brother sayin the wrong thing to the wrong person, or how many times I've had to stand up for him, or do something to help him out. Howeva, I can undastand how harsh bein younger can be too...... especially if you get stuck with an asshole for a brother who like to mess with you constantly. Plus, a lot of peeps take it as if you don't know shit just because you are younger, which is really fucked up. Ya'll gots to remember dat some peeps learn quicker than others do. It's different if da person your teaching ain't listenin, in that case fuck em. But if they are genuinely paying attention and they STILL can't get somethin, try explaining it to them again in a SLIGHTLY different way. Also take into consideration what method they learn best with.... NOT WHAT METHOD IS QUICKEST FOR YO OWN ASS! .............. it helps, for real! 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted June 25, 2002 Heh, I couldn't get the hand of teleporters when I started mapping. Hell, I still can't. I'm the middle brother, not to mention the only brother. My big sister liked to pick on me, and my little sister always teamed up with my big sister. Growing up was hell, and my little sister has turned into a domineering bitch-goddess. 0 Share this post Link to post
Kid Airbag Posted June 25, 2002 Da_Esco² said: Ya'll gots to remember dat some peeps learn quicker than others do. It's different if da person your teaching ain't listenin, in that case fuck em. But if they are genuinely paying attention and they STILL can't get somethin, try explaining it to them again in a SLIGHTLY different way. Also take into consideration what method they learn best with.... NOT WHAT METHOD IS QUICKEST FOR YO OWN ASS! .............. it helps, for real! Expand It's not that he didn't learn it, it's that he couldn't remember it. I'm sure I could easily teach him how to make levels, just the next day he'd come up and be like "What's a sector again?" IMJack said: Heh, I couldn't get the hand of teleporters when I started mapping. Hell, I still can't. Expand I had to pester Liam for like twenty minutes about how to make a switch that opened a door =) 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted June 25, 2002 IMJack said: Heh, I couldn't get the hand of teleporters when I started mapping. Hell, I still can't. I'm the middle brother, not to mention the only brother. My big sister liked to pick on me, and my little sister always teamed up with my big sister. Growing up was hell, and my little sister has turned into a domineering bitch-goddess. Expand How old are your sisters *gleam in eyes* 0 Share this post Link to post
Da_Esco² Posted June 25, 2002 AV: Does he have his own computer? It has been found dat most peeps learn best by PRACTICING what they learn, rather than by just memorizing facts and information. Which is a MUCH harder way to learn anything, IMHO. If he is just gettin learn somethin, then tryin it a day or so later, chances are he won't remember nuthin but two things.... 1)Jack and 2)Shit. You may just want to teach him a little and then go have him practice and mess around on his own a bit. 0 Share this post Link to post
Man'O'war Posted June 25, 2002 Da_Esco² said: Howeva, I can undastand how harsh bein younger can be too...... especially if you get stuck with an asshole for a brother who like to mess with you constantly. Plus, a lot of peeps take it as if you don't know shit just because you are younger, which is really fucked up. Expand exactly what my brother does. all of the above :| Archvile64 said: Yeah, that's why I'm not teaching my brother how to make maps. I had to tell him about a dozen times how to run fucking ZDaemon from the DOS prompt. Expand will..........fuck you. 0 Share this post Link to post
Doom II Guy Posted June 25, 2002 Man'O'war said: will..........fuck you. Expand Woah, don't want an ass whoopin' do ya? heh 0 Share this post Link to post
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