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I want great TCs like this......

Guest Kevin

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Guest Kevin

Did anyone ever played Hell Revealed TC? If you say "Yes".Please introduce me more TC like this.Because I thought its music is very well.Though It is impossible to win at some levels.Just Inhuman or Godlike Doomer can win.And I thought music is the spirit of a game(If I'm not wrong.I guess HR's music is copy from ROTT),so please tell me what I want.Thanks.
Forgive my BAD English.It isn't my native language. :-(

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hmm,3l33t tc's ay?
www.doomworld.com/twilight -twilight warrior-joo need this cause it ownxors joo!
www.doomworld.com/trisen -i think thats the adress for twice risen,only in the demo stage but has kik-azz weapons
www.doomworld.com/securitron -kill the goverment of the dark and evil future
members.fortunecity.com/deathbringer666/doom.html -kill the goverment of a tory future (not out yet)

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Guest spacedog

zp33k 3n@L15h 80y

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Errrr.. HR isn't a total conversion, it's a megawad... Still yes, it's very good. If you haven't downloaded Requiem, you're in for a treat. It's a megawad in the levels/doom2/megawads directory of CDROM.COM!

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ZD3K version 2 is now on my page !

But wait for ZD3K v3, SOON SOON SOON

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Sir Fragsalot said:

Shaddap with all the L337 talk already.

Ahem... I am a professor of language and culture (not really ;) and I think I might be able to 'speak' to these peoples... ahem..

|-|3110, /\/\Y N4m3 !5 c|-|33s3 4nD P!c|<13.

...my mouth hurts after that, I'm going home. =^>


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