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A WAD poll....


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What are you guys looking forward to the most here......

A)Perforated Entrails-(PE)-By Orbital Interactive---
B)To hell and back-(THAB)-By Orbital Interactive and people---
C)Last Man Standing 2-(LMS2)-By Mechasam---
D)The RTC Corporation-(TRTCC)-By The RTC---
E)Daedelus-By Team TNT---
F)Doom Millenium-By Team Insanity---
G)Doom 3057-By Team Future---

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Guest Lost Souls


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Guest Lurmy

LMS 2... if it doesn't require ZDoom.

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At first our team isn't called "OrbitAL Interactive", it is called "Orbit Interactive" and the second mistake is:
The Project from "Orbit Interactive", you talked about isn't called "to hell and back", it is called "Backt to Hell"

Greets Torm :-D

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1-doom millenium
2-securitron 3
3-twice risen full version
4-doom leprosy
5-dedalius:alien defence (formerley doom 2000)

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Guest Firebrandt

Doom Millenium.

I'll play all of these when they come out though.

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Guest JelloBiafra
Lost Souls said:


I'd have to say Last Man Standing 2, I loved the first one. All those imps just ready to get gunned down. I love levels that are just jam-packed with enemies, imps, shotgun guys, pistol guys, chaingunners, demons, low leve guys like that. Then I can run through and paint the walls red with my double barrel shotty or chaingun or my BFG if I really want some blood.

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Alien Vindicta - by the AV team
Caverns of Darkness - by the Chaos Crew
Crucified Dreams - by Derek MacDonald et al
Doom Arena 2 - by Jason Sloan
Doom Resurrection - by Mike Tawney
Fear - by Frederik Johannson (I could be wrong about the name)
Ghosbusters Doom - by Stephen Browning
Hell Revealed 2 - by Chrozoron and the crew
Kill/Rage of Destruction - by Team Kill
Killer TC - by a load of Alien(s) fans
Mordeth Episodes 2 and 3 - by Mordeth and the gang
Ninja Doom - by some lazy people (j/k)
Paradox/Wrath - by Team Paradox (Wrath just by me though)
Plutonia 2 - by Sam Woodman and friends
Parallel Doom 2 - by the Parallel Team
QDoom - by Marc Pullen
Securitron Episode 3 - by no-one (at the moment)
Skull Tag (the maps that is) - by
Speed Demons - by Oli Jeffrey (possibly abandoned though)
Trial of Judgement - also by Sam Woodman and friends
Twice Risen - by Michael Niggel and some cronies
Ultimate Invasion - by Paul "I may actually be dead" Fleschute

And probably a whole lot more (I know of at least three secret projects going on).

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