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Does Anyone Have A Copy Of...

Guest Lost Souls

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Guest Lost Souls

Does anyone have a copy of tricks of the Doom programing gurus? If so please reply.


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I have one. But it's MINE. MINE I say! You can't have it :P

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I have (had?) a copy of the second edition Alchemy book, but I don't know where it is at the moment. Still got the Cd.

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Stphrz said:

I have one. But it's MINE. MINE I say! You can't have it :P

Why not?

Did this forum is to help others that have problem?
Make decision!

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Yes, I have a copy of that book from SAMs Publishing.
And also
"3D Game Alchemy" and
"Level Master II" from the same company
which both came with similar sized books (about 900 pages). Another tutorial book I have is "The Doom Game editor" by Joe Pantuso, Wiley Publishing, 246 pages. I guess this one is quiete rare today.
If you like to have one of them, go look on ebay or at your local book store (I will give you the ISBNs if you need)

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here are the ISBN-numbers of the books I have - maybe you can get them at you local book trader:

Joe Pantuso: "The Doom Game Editor", John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , 1995, ISBN: 0-471-12128-2

Steve Benner: "3D Game Alchemy for Doom, Doom II Heretic and Hexen", SAMS Publishing, 1996, ISBN: 0-672-30935-1

Steve Benner, David Bruni: "Tricks of the Doom programming Gurus", SAMS Publishing, 1995, ISBN: 0-672-30717-0

I also have posted this information on the forum. If the book-dealer can not deliver it anymore, go look for it on ebay.

Doomish greetings from Germany!

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X-DOOM said:

Why not?

Did this forum is to help others that have problem?
Make decision!

Here is a reason, the cd comes with REGISTERED verions of WadAuthor and Waded( and a few other programs) which cannot be distributed. I don't give away registered iwad's of the Doom games. The author's of the above mentioned programs deserve the same consideration don't you think?

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