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Join the peice of shit computer club!

Guest Lurmy

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Guest Lurmy

No, it's not a real club, just taking a lil' poll on who here in the doom forums plays games with an obsolete computer, like me n' my p100...

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Guest Lurmy

I'm fine with my cpu, fod, just curious about who else runs an outdated computer.

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P200! But I also have a much better one for playing newer games :) I love my p200 though. It can still do a lot of stuff. Since it's basically worthless I can abuse it any way I like =].

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Guest ChriS

don't you need a LOT of cooling so the 500mhz OC to 1ghz? Lockups, unexpected rebooting, etc. oh btw I have a 450mhz AMD OCed to 500mhz, with 96mb RAM :)

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Sir Fragsalot said:

I'm just here to mock those who haven't tried to overclock their systems.

My speed: 1 GHZ BABY!!!
Original Speed: 500 MHz

I have a 500MHz but I've never bothered overclocking it, as I don't want to waste too much money on new processors and motherboards every few months. It's fine the way it is now. 256MB RAM is also nice to have. Plus RivaTNT2 32MB Ultra card for JDoom/Heretic/Hexen, so I'm all set.

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Depends on your definition of POS really. Its impossible to have a top of the range computer at any time so nobody has a 'modern' machine. It all falls down to what you need out of it.

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ChriS said:

don't you need a LOT of cooling so the 500mhz OC to 1ghz? Lockups, unexpected rebooting, etc. oh btw I have a 450mhz AMD OCed to 500mhz, with 96mb RAM :)


You overclocked it with 50 mzh?

That doesnt even show on the comp!

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I must say that at 333mhz my computer could be considered still usable exept for one overlooked deatil... no 3d accelerator.

I don't have a credit card to buy one over the internet, or a debit card either (no checking account, straight savings baby!), so it doesn't look like ill be upgrading any time soon.

I hate it because I have a fast enough computer, and enough ram (64 meg), but that damn itty-bitty video issue fuckes the whole goddamn thing up!

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Lurmy said:

I'm fine with my cpu, fod, just curious about who else runs an outdated computer.

I got a 366mhz pII with 32mb ram,4.5gb hard drive,voodoo3 3000,44x cdrom drive,and a cable modom.Would that count as a piece of shit comp?

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Probably everything except the cable modem, and, depending on the make, the CD drive.

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