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ROM editing


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Thats it. I fianlly finished. I have made my own 4-bit video game system. It has two paddles, and bares resemblance to the Atar-2600 or the Intellevision. Where does DooM come in here?
Here: I need to find a ROM editing program that allows you to make your own ROMs/games. Why? Becuase I have no games for my system, and I want to port DooM over to it. Yes, the graphics will suck, but its gonna rock!
It will have four weapons: Shotgun, Chaingun, Rocketluancher, BFG. It will have one level{most 4-bit games do}. And it will have one monster {DooM marine.} Why one monster/level?
#1: So it will fit on the 8-bit cartridge that i'll port it to.
#2: It will be two player deathmatch!!!
So please, if you find a ROM editing program, PLEASE PLEASE tell me!!! Thank you VERY VERY much, -Jeremy

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heh I would guess that you would need to write an OS that would interpret compiled code on some platform then the developement tools required to write the compilers etc... or possibly some kind of hard-coded OS replica of an existing system then hexedit or dump roms from said system... all in all its not a one man job.

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Guest fraggle`

you could write a c compiler for it / port gcc, and then rewrite the system specific code to display it for your system. However, I think doom is probably a bit too much for a 4-bit system :). You'd be better off just writting your own doom clone in assembler I think.

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Guest spacedog
Jon said:

heh I would guess that you would need to write an OS that would interpret compiled code on some platform then the developement tools required to write the compilers etc... or possibly some kind of hard-coded OS replica of an existing system then hexedit or dump roms from said system... all in all its not a one man job.

I dunno, doom on the snes looked so awful it made me want to rip my eyes out, and that was a 16 bit machine

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